Chapter 0130 The Battle of the Somme and the Meat Grinder! The cannon went off! Gold 10,000 taels!!

The terrifying smell of gunpowder pervaded between heaven and earth.

And the roaring bang!

The bullet tore through the flesh.

Cannonballs smash everything.

Over the next few months.

Whether it's Europe, Africa, or the Americas, it's all under fire.

A terrifying roar resounded almost everywhere on the planet.

The rivalry between the Entente and the Allies intensified!

And just as the so-called immortals fight, the little ghosts suffer.

Countless indigenous people also lost their lives.

In Africa.

The allied forces led by Mu Shaoxun fought inextricably with the allied forces.

Although in the beginning.

Indeed, it is to take advantage of the assault effect and more powerful weapons to advance.

But wait until the Allies slow down.

It is also the development of many weapons into the battlefield.

For example, the Maxim heavy machine gun!

Even if it could not be compared with the Daming, whose heavy machine gun technology was already mature, it could greatly slow down the attack of the Allies coalition.

In order to speed up the attack as much as possible, Mu Shaoxun also chose to enslave the local natives as a death squad and use human lives to fill the ravines created by the allied forces.

At the same time, more tanks were transferred from within the Daming country.

Start the battle with this!

Swallow up a large number of colonies and supply the resources above to Daming!

The African side is fighting hotly.

Needless to say on the European side.

The war between the Allies and the Allies was a hundred times more brutal than the African battlefield

Even if the British Empire with a group of younger brothers has the blessing of heavy machine guns and tanks.

But the Allies of the German Empire, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire were among the best of the old empires.

In the case of the gap in weapons, the Entente offensive was resisted.

Now months of war have passed.

The German Empire developed more than just the 960 Maxim heavy machine gun.

It is said that the prototype of the first tank was born.

If nothing else.

Up to a month of time.

Be able to put German-made tanks into battle!


Look at the Confederate soldiers who are constantly being wiped out in front of them.

As well as a line of defense that was quickly removed.

Bismarck's face is not good-looking!

"If Germany had been given another month, this war would certainly not have been like this."

The Maxim machine gun is indeed powerful.

However, this heavy machine gun is too weak to break the defense when facing tanks.

And once the tank locks the machine-gun position, one shot is enough to directly destroy the position!

Bismarck tried to hide these machine-gun positions and wait until the Entente infantry rushed forward before firing fiercely.

But the mobility of tanks on the battlefield is simply too strong!

Machine gun positions simply cannot be hidden.

Even if you enter the fortress.

It can also be directly let the tank rush up and shell away at close range.

"Prime Minister Bismarck, they have retreated."

The adjutant general reported.

"I saw it."

Bismarck put down the binoculars and breathed a sigh of relief.

Thanks to the fact that the Allies were unwilling to bear the huge cost of casualties and forcibly attacked.

Otherwise, the front of the Somme will inevitably collapse completely because of this war!

"Prime Minister Bismarck, do you need to continue to increase troops?"

The adjutant general asked.

Bismarck hesitated for a moment, but finally sighed: "Increase troops." "

Now on this Somme front.

The Allied soldiers were already more than 350,000 dead and wounded.

Now, the battlefield on the Somme has only begun for less than two months.

How many people will die in the future?

Bismarck did not know.

The gap in weapons can only be filled by the number of people.

Once the Somme line routed.

Then the war will probably enter directly into the Allies.

A guard suddenly ran in and reported: "Prime Minister Bismarck, an East Asian suddenly came to the barracks and said that he wanted to visit you. "

"East Asian?"

Bismarck was stunned.

One mention of East Asians.

He remembered the hateful smiling face of the Daming Emperor.

Shameless and greedy.

Even just seeing that guy was enough to arouse the anger in Bismarck's heart.

"Who will it be?"

Bismarck wondered.

Following the guards, he soon saw a familiar figure in the military tent.

It was Zhu Houzhao!

"Emperor Daming?"

A killing intent suddenly flashed in Bismarck's heart.

If it weren't for this guy in front of him, how could the Allies have lost so many soldiers?

That damn tank, put on the battlefield, is completely a big killer.

But soon.

He wisely stopped the murderous aura in his heart again.

Because he knew very well the horror of this Daming Emperor in front of him.

This is definitely not just the emperor of a powerful empire, but a superhuman with great power.

"I don't know what His Excellency the Emperor Daming has come to the military camp of my allies, and what kind of teachings he has returned"

Bismarck asked with a calm face.

"Naturally... It's here to do business. "

Zhu Houzhao looked at Bismarck.

A smile on his face.

"Your Excellency's current situation seems to be very bad!"

As a matter of fact.

If you look at it according to normal history.

The Allies had a great advantage in the early stage.

It can even be said.

At one time, it was pressing the Entente to fight.

I knew that later, with the addition of the United States and the United States, it slowly fell into decline.

But it's not because the combat effectiveness is not strong.

It's because the logistics can't keep up.

But the current Allies are not the same as in history.

Now the logistics are still completely able to keep up.

The only problem.

Even if the weapons on the side of the Entente were superior, the threat to the allied forces was too great.

"The current situation of the Allies is thanks to Your Excellency."

Bismarck snorted coldly: "Your Excellency is in the barracks, mocking me?" "

"If so, I'm afraid Your Excellency will be disappointed!"

"It is absolutely impossible for us to abandon the Somme line."

Zhu Houzhao smiled: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to laugh at you." "

"I'm here to help you!"

These months since.

Daming relied on making war fortunes.

Arms plus medicines.

It's a lot of money.

Otherwise, how to say, as soon as the cannon goes off, what about the golden taels?

Just the money earned in these few months is enough to earn for the past three years!


Bismarck frowned, a little puzzled.

"The Allies of the Entente were powerful because they had a full-fledged tank system."

"The tactics of using a combination of steps are enough to make you helpless."

Zhu Houzhao said slowly: "But what if Xu can sell you the weapons to kill the tank?" "


Bismarck's eyes widened.

He looked at the Daming Emperor in front of him with some disbelief.

Aren't you Daming a member of the Entente?

Do you actually sell arms directly to them, or do you restrain the arms that have been killed by Fang Fang?

"No need!"

Bismarck refused: "Our German tanks will also be developed, and when the time comes, tanks will fight tanks, and there is no need to fear the offensive of your Entente." "


Zhu Houzhao looked at Bismarck, and a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes.

"I want to correct you two points."

"First, it is not our Entente countries, but only represents the Daming Dynasty."

"Second, if you don't buy this weapon, then Xu will put it in a position against you."

"And if Xu is not mistaken, your tank will only need a month to be built."

"Take the liberty of asking, can you last another month?"

This feeling of being seen through at a glance.

It really made Bismarck too uncomfortable.

He felt that his name as an iron-blooded prime minister was in front of this Daming Emperor.

There is no sense at all.

Because he has almost no chance of getting up iron-blooded!

And he has also realized it.

Although what the Daming Emperor said was cruel, it was indeed true!

He didn't have the capital to refuse this man at all!

I saw Zhu Houzhao slowly stretching out four fingers.

"Forty thousand taels, anti-tank guns; Comes with two shells. "

"If you want to buy more, 2,000 shells."

"This anti-tank gun, as long as you hit one shot, can make the tank incapacitated."

"If two shots are on the same tank, they can be completely destroyed!"

Anti-tank guns this weapon.

It is also the scientific research results of the Daming Dynasty in recent times.

It can also be called the 'Great Armour-Piercing Cannon'.

"It's too expensive!"

Bismarck listened to the price and subconsciously turned dark.

Emperor Daming, really a profiteer!

Even tanks.

It's only 50,000 taels.

"Expensive, is its only drawback."

Zhu Houzhao said: "And only with it, then in the battle of the Somme, your chances of victory will definitely increase." "

"Think of the soldiers who died on the battlefield."

"Is their pension not as high as these prices?"

Bismarck was unwilling: "At least show us the power, right?" "

Before purchasing.

You have to try the effect first.

However, Zhu Houzhao just said casually: "Sorry, I didn't set up this link to show before selling." "

"If you don't want to buy it, then you can go."

Bismarck's teeth clenched.

But in the end, he still made up his mind.


"I want twenty-five!"

I really can't help but buy it.

Otherwise a month's time.

It was enough for the Allies to drive tanks to St. Deburg.

"Choose wisely."

Zhu Houzhao smiled: "Remember to prepare the money, two days later, the artillery and shells will be sent together." "

Looking at Zhu Houzhao's departing back.

Bismarck was so angry that his nose was crooked.

But after calming down.

He suddenly had an inexplicable feeling.

It's like...

This was a great war between the European powers for interests.

Doesn't seem to make sense?

Behind the big battle, as if there is a big hand in control?

But the thought only stayed for a moment.

Soon, Bismarck put his mind on the battlefield again.

Since there are anti-tank guns.

That followed the battle.

It's so much simpler!

In two days of anxious waiting.

Twenty-five anti-tank guns were indeed delivered as promised.

Pay with one hand and deliver with the other.

The other guns were all one by one.

But this anti-tank gun.

But one by one.

Although these were produced by the Daming dynasty, which Bismarck most resented.

But stroking the metal bodies of these treasures.

He really felt happy.

"Entente, this time it's your turn to suffer!"

Bismarck gritted his teeth and calmed his voice, his tone full of anger.

After being beaten for a month, now it's finally their turn!

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