Chapter 0132 Ploughing Tactics! Backstabbing Entente!!

"What did you say?"

"Daming invaded the border of Tsarist Russia in a big way, and now it has hit the Outer Xing'an Ridge?"

Among Buckingham Palace.

Queen Victoria looked at Lloyd George in front of her, almost incredulous!

She wondered if she had misheard?!

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Lloyd George smiled bitterly: "When I heard the news, I couldn't believe it. "

"But this news did come from St. Petersburg."

St. Petersburg, the capital of Tsarist Russia.

Queen Victoria couldn't help but gasp.

The heart is terrifying!

This Daming Emperor, is he crazy?!

If it was before, this Daming emperor earned money from his Entente colleagues through various arms trafficking.

That's understandable.

Because Queen Victoria knew that this guy was not a good thing, so greedy, it was rare!

But now, she suspected that this Daming Emperor was no longer greedy, but had a bad brain!

Did he think that he had joined the Entente?

So take advantage of the fact that the Entente and the Allies are fighting hard in Europe.

You can fish in troubled waters?!

This blatant tearing of the covenant.

It will inevitably turn the Daming Dynasty into the target of everyone!

Moreover, the weapons provided by the Daming Dynasty caused a lot of trouble for the Allies.

I believe that the allies will definitely not let go of the Daming Dynasty!

"Your Majesty, there is a telegram from the Daming Dynasty."

The Minister of Communications came in and reported.

"It must have been sent by the Emperor Daming."

Lloyd George said.

Queen Victoria snorted coldly: "I want to see how the Emperor Daming will explain it to me." "

"Or was it a letter of rupture with the Entente sent directly?"

Queen Victoria took the telegram.

Looking at the above content, he frowned.

"Her Majesty?"

Lloyd George looked at Her Majesty the Queen with this expression, and he was also puzzled.

What exactly is written in the telegram.

Queen Victoria slowly put down the telegram and sneered.

"Emperor Daming said in the telegram that he had already agreed with Nicholas II that this time it was not an attack, but the recovery of the land of Huaxia."

"If that's the case, why did the Tsar ask us?"

"After Daming invaded the border of Tsarist Russia, the intensity of the attack did not seem as good as it was said."

Lloyd George was slightly silent, and only after a moment did he say: "Those lands were obtained by Tsarist Russia from the Braided Dynasty, and what does it have to do with the Ming Dynasty?" "

"It's clearly just an excuse."

"Emperor Daming, trying to provoke a war."

"Prime Minister George, you're thinking too much."

"Judging by the current global situation, where else is the need to provoke a war?"

Queen Victoria rubbed her temples in pain.

Emperor Daming really worried her too much.

The already old body now feels even weaker.

What she was most worried about was that the Daming Dynasty would really tear up the contract.

Because the current strength of the Daming Dynasty is enough to affect the situation of the entire world.

It's good if it's neutral.

Once the Daming Emperor wants to fall to the Allies, then the victory or defeat of this war is only in suspense.

Or rather no suspense.

Because the Entente will definitely lose!

Originally, they faced the Allies, which was a disadvantage.

If you are adding a Daming dynasty.

Then there is no need to fight at all!

So Queen Victoria had many thoughts flashing through her mind.

It was found that she had only one way left in the end.

That is to appease the Daming Dynasty as much as possible!

Otherwise, not only Tsarist Russia.

The whole Entente is in danger!

"No wonder"

"No wonder this Daming Emperor is bent on provoking a war in Europe."

"Even hesitate to send 100,000 elites directly."

"Damn, it turns out that he already had a plan!"

Queen Victoria immediately gritted her teeth.

She didn't react until now.

All of Europe.

They all fell for the treachery of the Daming Dynasty!

But what can be done now?

Since it has already been calculated, then the next thing can only be calculated.

Now the Allies and the Allies are fighting with anxiety.

It is simply impossible to get out.

"Send a report to Nicholas II and tell him to send back all the land he previously obtained from the Whip Dynasty!"

"If the Daming Dynasty makes a move to demand compensation, he will compensate him as well."

Queen Victoria said.

This compromise, for a king like her.

Absolutely intolerable!

It is still taking Britain to the peak of the Japanese Empire and creating the existence of the Victorian era!

But today's situation.

But I can't help but let him compromise!

If the world is now a scale.

Then the Entente was on the left, and the Allies were on the right.

The Daming Dynasty broke away from the balance and stood in the middle.

No matter where the Daming Dynasty goes.

All have the potential to completely throw the scales out of balance!

Fall to one side of the other.

"I see."

Lloyd George nodded.

After being the Prime Minister of Britain for so many years, his judgment of the current international situation is also no weaker than that of Queen Victoria.

Today's Daming Dynasty.

It's like a grand monkey.

Raise your golden rod and stir it around the world.

Disturbing the already uncalm situation, it has become even more chaotic!

But in this world.

There are no Jade Emperors and Buddhas.

I can't take this Sun monkey.

Since I can't accept it.

The only way to come up with is to appease.

"Emperor Daming, I hope you don't have to step in."

Lloyd George sighed secretly in his heart.

"Victoria relented so quickly?"

Look at the telegram in your hand.

Zhu Houzhao was also a little unexpected.

He had thought that he would at least resist it.

As a result, Nicholas II looked like a turtle with a shrunken head.

And on the side of the Entente, they also did not put a single fart.

Let yourself plunder the lands of Tsarist Russia.

Now he even specially sent a newspaper, expressing his willingness to return the land he got from the braid dynasty to Daming.

"If I remember correctly, when I asked Tsarist Russia to return the land."

"This Nicholas II still sternly refused."

Zhu Houzhao threw the telegram aside, with a sneer on his face.

Really, it's not the same now.

When the Daming Dynasty had just taken the Manchu Qing, Tsarist Russia even thought of coming down to fight a dozen autumn winds.

Now it has suddenly become so pitiful.

It's ridiculous.

"Your Majesty, is there any continued attack?"

Qi Jingtong asked.

Now they have hit Lake Baikal.

The territory of the original braid dynasty is only here.

"Naturally, continue to attack!"

"If Tang stopped at this time, wouldn't he have been seen as a joke?"

Zhu Houzhao sneered disdainfully.

If it is according to what is said in the telegram, it is equivalent to giving them all these lands that they have now beaten down!

He has already beaten down, what else do you want to send?


Then go to war!

Let Daming's army help Tsarist Russia test the quality of Tsarist soldiers!

As for being scolded for insatiable greed?

Boycotted internationally?

Zhu Houzhao had never worried about this kind of thing.

Later American imperialism robbed all kinds of robberies around the world.

There are more people who scold.

Not a whole bunch of people licking yet?

Not to mention.

The Daming Dynasty is only less than a year away from leaving this world.

If you don't make a fortune at this time.

He felt sorry for his conscience.

"By the way, inform Zhang Ming and let him also launch an attack in the south and go straight to the Nanyang countries!"

Zhu Houzhao pondered for a moment, and then said to Qi Jingtong.

"You don't have to follow Xuan, go with Zhang Ming."


Qi Jingtong took the order.

Today's Nanyang countries are not local indigenous countries.

But a colony of Britain!

Now Queen Victoria has sent this telegram.

Just let Zhu Houzhao take advantage of this life.

At that time, just make an excuse and you will easily cope with the past.

And for Qi Jingtong and Zhang Ming.

Although the current Nanyang countries are different from the Nanyang countries that attacked last time.

But the terrain, these are all familiar!

It can be regarded as allowing them to find their old business.

"Whether it is inducement or coercion, the alliance will follow."

"It depends on whether you have the guts."

Zhu Houzhao looked at the world map.

There is already a large string on it, which belongs to the red of the Daming Dynasty.

Most of Africa, as well as the Daming native, and the previous Braided Dynasty, have newly occupied Siberia.

As for Tsarist Russia, the countries of the South Seas and other places.

Although it has not yet turned red, it has been planted by Zhu Houzhao with a banner representing the land to be taken!

And where Tsarist Russia was planted with the flag.

It's already near the Alps.

It can be said.

Zhu Houzhao's original plan was to spit out all half of Tsarist Russia!

So naturally it is impossible to be satisfied with the compensation mentioned by Tsarist Russia in the telegram.

Too little!

Can't get enough to eat!

Among Buckingham Palace.

Daming did not collect troops, but continued to attack Tsarist Russia and the East Asian colonies of the British 0.5 Britain.

It was also transmitted back here for the first time.

"Your Majesty, this Daming Dynasty is really ignorant!"

Lloyd George was also rarely angry!

All have already returned the land to you.

What else?

Do you really want to break with the entire Entente?!

"Telegram to the British army in the South Seas, let them all withdraw."

Queen Victoria sighed and said.



Lloyd's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it.

Does the British Empire want to directly give up all rights and interests in East Asia?!

"That's the only way to do it for now."

Queen Victoria was also unwilling.

But he could only hate: "The Daming Dynasty is rising in East Asia, even if we don't withdraw now, we will withdraw it in the future." "

"Do you think that with the character of the Daming Emperor, he will allow the countries around him to be other people's colonies?"

"Now it seems that his appetite, the magic pen is much greater than we thought, and Lao Jiao George is silent."

After a long time, he finally held back a sentence.

"This damn oriental."

"Sooner or later, you'll have to hold him up."

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