Chapter 0146 PK Mechanism of Chat Group! Heavenly Mode Update!!

Not long after opening the auxiliary authority, Zhu Houzhao was issued, and now a new column appeared on his panel, in this column of names, the names of the Daming emperors of various dynasties in front and the auxiliary ministers in the back.

Hongwu Dynasty - Zhu Biao Jianwen Dynasty - Zhu Di Yongle Dynasty - Zhu Gaoji Hongxi Dynasty - Zhu Zhanji Orthodox Dynasty - Yu Qian Jingtai Dynasty - Yu Qian Wanli Dynasty Zhang Juzheng Tianqi Dynasty One Zhu Youzhen Of the sixteen dynasties, eight dynasties have set up auxiliary ministers.

Zhu Houzhao glanced at it roughly.

In fact, when the auxiliary government authority was just opened, he had already guessed who would be elected as the auxiliary minister.

And the name above did not surprise him.

The first four naturally go without saying.

Taizu Zhu Biao, Yan King Zhu Di, Prince Zhu Gaoji, Prince Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Biao is Zhu Yuanzhang's heart.

And the ability is also good.

It is natural to be chosen as an auxiliary minister.

As for the latter three.

Good saint sun, can be wang for three generations.

Just one sentence is enough to illustrate the talents of the latter three.

Yan King Zhu Di, most likely fooled Zhu Yun, so that Zhu Yun had the idea of assisting the government in his heart, and finally led to the opening of the chat group.

It is natural that he became an auxiliary minister.

And Zhu Gaoji and Zhu Zhanji.

As the top prince of the Yongle Dynasty and the Hongxi Dynasty.

Although it is not as good as Zhu Biao's treatment.

But there is still no problem with auxiliary government.

As for the Orthodox Dynasty and the Jingtai Dynasty behind.

Auxiliary Minister Yu Qian?

Yu Qian's talent.

Not to mention Zhu Qizhen and Zhu Qiyu, even Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Di and Zhu Houzhao themselves.

They were all shocked by Yu Qian's talent and loyalty.

He was chosen as Auxiliary Minister.

Not bad indeed.

As for Zhang Juzheng of the Wanli Dynasty.

Although in the original history, it is indeed a bit unruly.

But after the Daming chat group was exposed.

This kid is already honest.

Xiao Wanli is still too young.

Zhang Juzheng is talented again.

Naturally, it also hit it off.

As for the last Apocalypse Emperor?

Chose Chongzhen during the Xin Dynasty as an auxiliary minister?

Zhu Houzhao's eyebrows raised slightly.

It seems that this kid has a lot of ideas.

"Although in the mouths of some experts in later generations, the Emperor of the Apocalypse was addicted to carpenters and was a waste emperor."

"But if you look closely, you can understand it."

"This Emperor of the Apocalypse who can create a great dynasty, in terms of scheming and talent, is definitely more powerful than Chongzhen."

Zhu Houzhao thought in his heart.

The appearance of the Emperor of the Apocalypse in the last chat group was very embarrassing.

But in terms of ability, he is placed in the Daming Emperor, and he also belongs to the top eight levels.

As for why this judgment is made?

Two examples will suffice.

First example.

When Qunchen impeached Wei Zhongxian, the Emperor of the Heavenly Apocalypse made a very interesting move.

He told Qunchen that he was illiterate, and then asked Wei Zhongxian's henchmen to read the impeachment of Wei Zhongxian.

As Wei Zhongxian's confidant.

Naturally, he wanted to pinch off all the sins in the compromise, so that the things that came out made the Emperor of the Apocalypse feel that it was nothing, and Wei Zhongxian's sins were finally forgiven.


This is indeed the standard for unconscious kings and traitors.

But the question is, is the Emperor of the Apocalypse really illiterate?

Of course not!

In fact, Zhu Youxiao and Zhu Youzhen are two.

It can be regarded as the two who read a lot in the Daming Emperor.

As the Emperor of the Apocalypse, Zhu Youxiao was once taught by three great Confucians, including Sun Chengzong.

Not to mention the other two.

Who is Sun Chengzong?

Donglin who helped Daming recover the lost territory in eastern Liaoning and chased the Jurchens and Mongols.

It can be described as the kind of both civil and military.

Under the teachings of the three great Confucians.

Will Zhu Youxiao be illiterate?

Isn't this a joke?!

It is clear that he deliberately pretended to be illiterate in order to forgive Wei Zhongxian's sins.

What about the second example?

The second example is in the Emperor of the Apocalypse's reply to Yuan Chonghuan.

Yuan Chonghuan made a twist in the Apocalypse Year, telling the Emperor that he only needed to repair the city to trap the wild boar skin.

Isn't this phrase familiar?

That's right, this is one of those words that he fooled Chongzhen later.

But did the Emperor of the Apocalypse agree?

Not only did he not agree, but he also directly replied to the rebuke.

Incidentally, many technical questions were asked.

For example, how to prevent Houjin from coming to the aid to grab food?

How to protect the cultivated land and civilians outside the castle when the enemy attacks?

Wait, these questions directly left Yuan Chonghuan speechless.

In the end, the Emperor of the Apocalypse came to the end of the letter with a victorious sentence, which should be placated and good.

It is to let Yuan Chonghuan do things honestly, step by step.

Don't put that whimsical on hold every day.

Yuan Chonghuan was later deposed and returned home.

More or less, there is also a reason for this.

As for the Emperor of the Apocalypse himself?

Just put these two examples.

If it is also said that the Emperor of the Heavenly Apocalypse is a mediocre carpenter emperor.

That's a bit of a stubborn bias.

As for after the opening of auxiliary authority.

Let Chongzhen assist the government.

According to Zhu Houzhao's estimate.

One is because the Emperor of the Apocalypse pondered that his younger brother would become the emperor in the future anyway, although letting the clan king assist the government was a bit of a violation of the world's great disapproval.

But let him help himself.

After all, it is also an extra helper.

And the second reason.

Most likely, the Emperor of the Apocalypse also wanted to find a foreign aid other than Wei Zhongxian.

Just relying on one Wei Zhongxian.

It may still be a little difficult to deal with the clique of civil officials and the gentry class that have taken root in the world and spread their roots into the flesh and blood of the Daming Dynasty.

It can be cured for a while, but it can't be cured for a lifetime.

"That's right, chat groups."

Zhu Houzhao's gaze looked at the panel itself in front of him.

"Do you have any other permissions, just open your brain"

"Otherwise, every time it will be an emergency, it will be open."

"It's awkward."

Zhu Houzhao also said slightly speechlessly.

He remembers the first time the chat group turned on additional permissions.

That was when the Heavens Mall was released in advance.

Because Zhu Gaozhi, this little fat man is about to die of illness.

And the second additional opening permission, that is, this time.

Obviously they are all good things, what is this chat group hiding for?

Chat group:...

The text above the panel disappeared.

Although the panel does not have any movement.

But Zhu Houzhao inexplicably felt that this chat group seemed to show a trace of human speechlessness.

After waiting for a while, the text appeared on the panel.

[Detected the urgent request of the group leader Zhu Houzhao...]

[Heavenly PK permission is open in advance! ] 】

[The original opening time of this permission is after three adventures of the heavens, this early opening will make up for the certain compensation right to the members of the Daming Emperor chat group. ] 】

[Compensatory Authority: In the process of PK with other dynasties, you will get additional adventure talents]

[PK Mode Introduction 1: In the Heavenly Dynasty mode, the top three imperial dynasties will enter the same world and PK with another Heavenly Imperial Dynasty, and the rest of the imperial dynasties will enter other worlds separately to carry out their own imperial PK. PK winners will be rewarded]

[PK Mode Introduction 2: In the Heavenly Emperor Mode, all the emperors will enter the same world and PK with the emperors of the other ten Heavenly Emperor Dynasties. PK winners will be rewarded]

Looking at the introduction in front of him, Zhu Houzhao's eyes slowly widened, in fact, what he said with the chat group was just a test, after all, the early introduction of the mechanism is still a bit excessive.

But I didn't expect that the chat group really gave a new mechanism.

Moreover, it is given in advance, and a certain amount of compensation authority will be given.

"It seems that it is indeed a little anxious."

Zhu Houzhao looked at the introduction in front of him.

Brows frowned slightly.

If you need to unlock the Heavenly Adventure Mode three times, you can open more new modes.

Then now that the Heavenly Emperors have only experienced one opening, they will naturally suffer losses!


Although it is said that it will suffer a loss, it is not necessarily a loss!

New models mean new opportunities!

Not to mention that chat groups will also compensate for a talent for adventure!

The talent for adventure is strong, Zhu Houzhao is very clear!

If in the world of the Republic of China at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Zhengde Dynasty did not have a silver-level talent blessed by combat power, then it would be impossible to gain a foothold in the world!

One more adventurous talent, which is the benefit of 1.7!

As for what if the PK fails?

Zhu Houzhao said.

Failure is failure!

Anyway, the chat group didn't say that there would be punishment, but the benefits of this extra adventurous talent are really in hand!

"So the next chat cluster will be turned on, in the Heavenly Adventure mode"

"Ready to turn on PK?"

Zhu Houzhao touched his chin.

He noticed the word "Emperor Dynasty" of the other heavens, and it was clear that this PK was not internal, but collectively outward.

Otherwise, how can it be called the Heavenly Daming Alliance?

"Chat group, how many Heavenly Emperor Dynasties are there?"

Zhu Houzhao asked again.

But this time, the chat group didn't answer.

Seeing that the chat group did not move, Zhu Houzhao was not disappointed.

"Soldiers will block the water and cover the soil."

"A stronger opponent is a better whetstone."

Zhu Houzhao smiled.

No matter who the opponent will be.

He was undaunted.

It's a pity that there is no way to tell other Daming Xi the news now.

Otherwise, according to Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di's nature.

I'm afraid I'm already angry and eager to try, right?

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