Chapter 0155 Dark Energy! The unknown dark plane is the future of technology!!

"This time the reward, so rich?!"

Looking at the reward above, Zhu Houzhao was obviously calmed down!

He never expected that this time the reward would be so terrifying.

Not to mention the guarantee, it is enough for ten silver marks!

You know, the last time he stayed in the late Qing Dynasty Republic World for five years, he only got twenty-four silver marks!

And this time the guaranteed reward.

That's close to half of the reward of his last Heavenly Adventure!

"This guaranteed reward turned out to be a direct imprint?"

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di were also bright.

Let's be honest.

If the reward mark is guaranteed, then it is better.

Because of this, you can directly go to the Heavens Mall to buy the products you want.

Instead of using the technology provided by the guaranteed reward in a fixed manner.

And the first place is rewarded with ten silver marks, then presumably they will be second and third place, and the reward will not be less!

As for the five special rewards in the back?

Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, although they are a little incomprehensible, they can also guess the weight!

After all, the guaranteed reward is so strong, not to mention the special reward!?

Zhu Houzhao's gaze looked at the first special reward.

"Biogenetic technology, and the derivation notes of a generation of genetic agents."

Zhu Houzhao was stunned for a moment, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

The richness of this reward made him a little unexpected.

Today's Zhengde dynasty has just studied low-level gene potions, and this time the reward is actually directly to a generation of gene potions?!

The strength of a generation of genetic potions, Zhu Houzhao himself knows!

It can be said that he can already be regarded as a superman!

"This reward must be won!"

Zhu Houzhao said affirmatively in his heart.

Gene technology is the standard of the third-level dynasty, and it is impossible for him to give up no matter what!

What's more, this is still a generation of genetic medicine!

Then, his gaze turned to the second reward.

Space station and shipborne space technology.

"Carrier-based spaceflight."

In Zhu Houzhao's eyes, the light flickered slightly.

This reward also surprised him.

The standard of the third-level dynasty is capable of short-distance interstellar navigation, and this shipborne spaceflight obviously meets this requirement!

As for space station technology?

Now Zhengde has actually held this technology in his hands.

After all, it has also mastered the level of energy such as controllable nuclear fusion, and the space station is really nothing for the Zhengde Dynasty.

However, the current space station technology is not mature enough, if you can get the space station technology in this reward, the space station technology of the Zhengde Dynasty will definitely be able to grow a lot.

"This one can also be taken."

Zhu Houzhao pondered in his heart.

That's a total of three rewards, and now two have been set.

As for the final reward, which one Zhu Hou took care of looked at the last three rewards.

artificial intelligence technology;

High-strength lightweight technology;

and thruster technology.

Artificial intelligence technology is naturally needless to say, Jarvis in Marvel movies is a very classic artificial intelligence For the Zhengde Dynasty, artificial intelligence technology is also just needed!

After all, when traveling between the stars, it is always impossible to be operated manually by technicians forever.

At the same time, in the face of those intricate environments in the universe, one wrong step can lead to getting lost or even disaster.

High-precision artificial intelligence is required to be able to perform automatic navigation.

As for the latter two.

What is high-strength lightweight technology?

There is something that everyone must be familiar with, that is, the water droplets of the three-body world!

Water drops use high-strength lightweight technology.

Of course, this does not mean that mastering this technology can create water droplets.

The three-body water drop is already the pinnacle of this technology!

Primary high-strength lightweight technology is more used in spacecraft.

After all, the greater the gravity, the greater the gravitational force.

This does not refer to the gravitational pull of the planet, but to the gravity of the spacecraft itself.

Spaceships are not like ships on the sea, only a few hundred meters in size.

It's an incomparably huge celestial body!

Millions, tens of millions, even the terrifying size of hundreds of millions of kilometers!

Under this volume, if the density is extremely large, then it will inevitably lead to extremely heavy weight!

If the weight is extremely large, it must lead to great gravity, not to mention whether the same unit of spacecraft building materials can resist these gravitational forces.

Whether it will cause a collapse.

Let's just say that entering a galaxy, such a terrifying gravitational disorder, will it cause the gravitational disorder of the entire galaxy?

Once gravity is confused, the planet changes orbit.

At that time, let alone plundering resources, it is difficult to say whether you can save your life.

In this case, high-strength, lightweight materials are essential!

As for the last technology, thruster technology.

It's also precious.

From cars to planetary engines.

Aren't they all thrusters?

This is why Zhu Houzhao was so shocked after seeing the reward.

Five rewards, all good things!

"High-strength lightweight technology can be used not only in aerospace, but also in all walks of life."

Very tempting indeed...

"However, Zhengde Dynasty does not seem to need this technology now."

Zhu Houzhao frowned, thinking quickly in his mind.

He chose only one principle for rewards, that is, to be able to improve the national strength of Zhengde in a short period of time!

Only by increasing the national strength can you get better rewards and get more benefits in the Heavens Adventure Mode!

Choose a reward that looks tall, but can't be digested quickly at all, then it will only cause indigestion and slow development of Zhengde Chao!

This is definitely not what Zhu Houzhao wants!

"If high-strength lightweight technology is excluded, then artificial intelligence technology and thruster technology remain"

Zhu Houzhao quickly weighed the pros and cons in his heart.

In the end, he set his sights on artificial intelligence technology!

Thruster technology is also a panacea!

But now Zhengde dynasty, for the thruster aspect, there is not much missing!

Aerospace technology has not yet been digested.

Where is the need to be anxious in this regard?

And what about artificial intelligence technology?

There is nothing wrong with this technology!

Now the computer network technology of the Zhengde dynasty has been completely rooted!

At this time, if you can get artificial intelligence technology, then you must achieve great results in the controller!

Rolling out the automation system, there is no problem at all!

"I choose biogenetic technology and a generation of genetic medicine application deduction notes, space station and shipborne aerospace technology, and artificial intelligence technology."

After thinking about it, Zhu Houzhao said to the sky.

【Selection successful! 】

[Congratulations to Zhengde Chao for obtaining: biogenetic technology and a generation of genetic agent application deduction notes, space station and shipborne aerospace technology, artificial intelligence technology]

[Rewards will be distributed after leaving the chat group!] 】

Words appeared in the sky, but after a while, new words appeared.

[Congratulations to the Zhengde Dynasty for being promoted to the third-level dynasty for the first time! ] 】

【Dynasty Reward: 3D Holographic Stereo Projection Technology】

【Imperial Reward: Third Generation Gene Elixir】

[Dynasty rewards will be distributed after leaving the chat group, and personal rewards can be withdrawn directly! ] 】

"It turns out that the reward for promotion is behind this!"

Seeing the words that appeared above, Zhu Houzhao's eyes naturally lit up.

After his own Zhengde Dynasty became a third-level dynasty, he was already waiting for the promotion reward this time...

Last time, after the comprehensive evaluation of national strength appeared, rewards were directly issued.

But this time.

It is estimated that there are too many dynasties that have been promoted, and the entire Heavenly Daming has been promoted.

That's why it's put in the back, right?

"But a third-generation gene potion?"

Zhu Houzhao looked at his reward and pondered for a moment: "Extract." "

I haven't injected the second-generation gene agent yet.

Can you directly inject third-generation genetic agents?

【Zhu Houzhao's third-generation gene medicine】

[Adapted genes! ] 】

[Function: After injection, it will be immune to the absolute part of the gene strike, and at the same time instantly improve the physical state to the state of the third generation of gene warriors, greatly increase the physical potential, strength, agility and other aspects of physical potential, can move freely in the universe for a short time, can directly use dark energy to supplement physical strength, self-ability greatly improved. ]

【How to use: Injection】

【Effect time: permanent】

[Tip: Injecting gene agents does not need to come step by step, and you can directly become a third-generation gene warrior after injecting three generations of gene agents]

After reading the report on this third-generation gene agent.

Zhu Houzhao's eyes also lit up slightly.

"Thick photo, let's inject quickly!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was also a little impatient on the side: "Let's see, what will this third-generation gene agent look like after injection?!" "

He was just injected with low-grade genetic agents.

It feels very good now.

If he becomes a third-generation gene warrior, won't he become an immortal?!

And in addition to Zhu Yuanzhang.

The rest of the Daming emperors, one by one, are also expectant and envious in their eyes, especially Jiajing, and the hara is about to flow out!

"Unexpectedly rewarded the third-generation gene potion, I am so envious that Jiajing is drooling."

The heart plops down and beats fast.

He was even more excited than Zhu Houzhao!

Zhu Houzhao did not hesitate and directly injected the third-generation gene agent into his neck carotid artery.

A cool feeling came with the injection of the third-generation gene agent.

Then, this cool feeling became like a flood bursting the embankment, surging wildly in his body.


Zhu Houzhao seemed to hear the sound of water in his ears, it was the sound of waves crashing against the cliff, and it seemed to hear the sound of silence.

But it's not a song and dance, it's the sound of a black hole dying out.

Countless noises, as if turned into a ball, all poured into his ears.

He felt as if a long time had passed, but it was as if only a moment had passed.

When Zhu Houzhao opened his eyes again, the terrifying and extremely subtle power on his body made him almost unsure.

This opening of the eyes is like opening your eyes to the world for the first time.

Heaven and earth are open!

"Brother Huang, how are you feeling?"

Jiajing asked impatiently.

"It feels..."

Zhu Houzhao groaned, and then directly stretched out his hand.

In the eyes of the emperors, his fingers did not move, but in fact, after Zhu Houzhao's fingers swayed for a moment in a movement that they could see clearly, a colorless ball appeared in Zhu Houzhao's hand.

"This is... What is it?! "

The emperors opened their eyes wide, they were a little incredulous, how did this little ball appear for no reason?

"This little ball is an air balloon."

Zhu Houzhao said, only to see that as soon as he clenched his fist, the air ball pinched out by his strength dissipated

"Three generations of genetic warriors are not simple forces."

"I, I felt another energy."

Zhu Houzhao took a deep breath and said slowly.

"A whole new energy."

"My intuition tells me that this energy is called dark energy."

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