Chapter 0158: Daming and Daqin's Friendly Match! Sci-fi and fantasy!!

"I wonder what world you've gone through?"

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng asked with some curiosity.

He really wondered what kind of world this Heavenly Ming Dynasty had experienced, and it could be elevated to such a terrifying level with just one world.

Intuition told him that this group of Daming emperors experienced the first world.

It must not be simple.

"The world I experienced is the second-level world of the late Qing and Republic of China."

"And the others are the first-level world, the Nanming world."

Zhu Houzhao said.

"Aren't you experiencing the same world?"

Qin Shihuang was slightly stunned when he won the government.

But then he reacted.

"Your adventures in the heavens, is it a dynasty mode?"

Looking at Qin Shi Huang's surprised expression, Zhu Houzhao was also stunned: "Shouldn't your three heavenly adventures of the Great Qin be in imperial mode?" "

"That's right."

The First Emperor nodded a little helplessly: "Since the second chat cluster meeting, the adventure of the heavens has begun. "

"Although the two modes are random, they seem to be biased towards the imperial mode."

"The three worlds I've experienced so far are all Emperor-mode adventures, that is, I entered the same world with Hu Hai and Ziying, and then completed the tasks posted in the chat group to get rewards, of course, I can also improve and harvest other things in the world."

"However, what is harvested in the world is really not worth mentioning compared to the goods in the Heavens Mall."

The second chat assembly began the adventure of the heavens?

Zhu Houzhao's eyebrows raised slightly.

Looking at Hu Hai and Ziying next to Qin Shi Huang, he also understood.

The Qin Dynasty consisted of three dynasties.

Even the third one is still counted.

Naturally, he was able to make up the total number of people as soon as possible, and then start the adventure of the heavens, it is no wonder that the heavens and great Qin were still so weak after experiencing three worlds.

The reason is that there is no room for development!

It is already the sixth chat cluster meeting.

Everything that should have developed has developed, and everything that should be digested has been digested.

That's why this situation is created.

"First Emperor, the route you chose should be the fantasy route, right?"

Zhu Di suddenly asked.

He had just sat on the futon and pondered, and slowly guessed.

Now I heard Qin Shi Huang say that the three worlds they experienced were all imperial mode worlds.

Instantly, it was also reacted.

The imperial model symbolizes personal greatness.

Precisely because of this.

That's why chat groups secretly tend to adventure in imperial mode, right?

And they Daming, choosing the route of science fiction, represent the great power of the collective.

That's why it's a dynasty mode adventure.

"That's right."

Qin Shihuang nodded: "What I chose is indeed the occult route. "

"Listening to what you say, you Daming chose the sci-fi route?"

Zhu Houzhao also nodded: "That's right. "

Qin Shi Huang is naturally not stupid.

It didn't take long to figure out the key.

"In this way, the two of us are related."

In an instant, Qin Shi Huang put on a smile on his face.

Do sci-fi and fantasy conflict?

He doesn't know, but there must be complementary aspects.

But what if it's fantasy and fantasy?

There must be a conflict then!


The look he looked at the Daming Dynasty was only a lot kinder.

The thoughts in my head quickly collided a moment later.

Qin Shi Huang made his decision.

"The first world we experienced was the Sky Slaying Dragon World, and there were two divine weapons in that world, namely the Sky Sword and the Dragon Slaying Sword."

He had a showdown!

Saying that, Qin Shi Huang showed these two divine weapons.

"I have already captured these two weapons, but although they are so-called divine weapons, they are just ordinary things after all."

"It's not as good as an ordinary qi training magic weapon."

"If it weren't for the commemoration, I would have thrown them away."

Leaning on the sky sword, the sword body is slender, slightly unsheathed, and its blade is snow-white, like a girl's thigh bone.

The dragon slaying knife is as famous as the Yitian sword, but the style is completely different.

A blade the size of half a door panel.

At first glance, it is a mighty and fierce route.

For these two weapons, Zhu Houzhao is also quite interested.

After all, teenagers in past lives.

Who hasn't seen the story of Heaven and Dragon Slayer?

"Emperor Zhengde, please take a look."

Seeing that Zhu Houzhao was interested, Qin Shihuang also handed it over directly.

Zhu Houzhao took it from Qin Shi Huang and took it in his hand to look at it.

But after reading it, he shook his head slightly and put it down boringly,

"These two weapons don't seem to be anything special, just made of relatively hard metal."

This metal is not found on earth.

It is estimated that this is also the so-called 'extraterrestrial meteorite'.

It is indeed better than ordinary pieces of iron or steel.

But the amount is too small to make sense.

"After all, that world is only a first-level world."

Qin Shi Huang smiled.

Put away the Sky Sword and Dragon Slaying Knife.

Then a large number of weapons appeared.

"These weapons were taken from the second world called Fengyun."

"They are all magic weapons of the Qi training period, which are not bad."

As soon as these weapons appeared, a faint killing aura emerged.

Zhu Houzhao glanced at it, there were fifteen weapons in total.

A few of them, he looked quite familiar.

Although I haven't seen it before, I can't go wrong with this feeling!

The breath on the Snow Drinking Mad Sword, the Fire Lin Sword, the World Sword, and the Peerless Demon Sword all carry a very unique atmosphere.

Zhu Houzhao could feel that there were faint dark energy fluctuations on these weapons.

Moreover, these dark energies are still evolving into the external of various attributes.

It's like an electric eel discharging.

Some weapons exude cold air, while others exude a fiery burning sensation.

"Fengyun world..."

"It is indeed a second-level world."

Zhu Houzhao sighed slightly.

Fengyun World is known as the 'World of High Martial Arts'.

But in fact, in the eyes of Zhu Houzhao now, the top combat power of the Fengyun World is just like that.

Equivalent to a second-generation gene warrior.

It's just that the moves are bells and whistles.

Of course, the second-generation gene warrior is already very strong.

Put on the sci-fi route.

They are already top biotechnology belonging to the second-level dynasty.

Of course, the sci-fi route is not biotechnology.

A million-T neutron bomb nuclear explosion, the average second-generation gene warrior can't stop it, can't it?

"Emperor Zhengde knows the Fengyun World?"

Qin Shi Huang was a little surprised.

Zhu Houzhao said, "I've heard a little. "

Qin Shi Huang suddenly narrowed his eyes.

The world of wind and clouds is also a world on the fantasy side, but this one knows.

Obviously, this Zhengde Emperor was able to surpass other Daming Emperors so much.

Sure enough, it's not that simple.

"The third world is more interesting."

Qin Shi Huang's face remained unchanged, and he continued to say with a smile.

"That world is a third-level world, and there is a special rule in it, and everyone can awaken a martial soul that can be used for cultivation."

"The cultivators of that world never go back to study various exercises and battle techniques, and more just use soul trials to fight."

"The so-called genius is that the awakened martial soul is stronger."

"It's funny."

Martial soul?

"The word martial soul is somewhat familiar."

Zhu Houzhao muttered, and asked again: "First Emperor, the third world you experienced should not be called the 'Douluo Continent World', right?" "

"How do you know?"

Qin Shi Huang was a little surprised.

Until one world is counted, how do you know two?!

Moreover, the feeling in the underworld told him that this Daming Emperor in front of him was likely to even know all the three worlds he had experienced.

What the hell is this?

"A little heard, a little heard."

Zhu Houzhao waved his hand and smiled.

Qin Shi Huang: "..."

You've heard a little about this.

Doesn't it smell a little too much?

"Although this Douluo world is strange, it still gives me a lot of good things."

Qin Shihuang said, and stretched out his palm.

I saw a huge flame mark on it.

"This Martial Soul Seal, after possessing this object, I can make the people of Daqin, everyone can have a companion martial soul."

Although those people in the Douluo Continent simply raised the martial soul to waste.

But this does not mean that the martial soul is meaningless.

A spell that can be summoned with a little energy, a spell.

In Qin Shi Huang's opinion.

There is still a lot to be desired.

"I don't know, what kind of world are you experiencing?"

Qin Shi Huang put away the martial soul mark and looked at Zhu Houzhao.

Zhu Houzhao naturally will not be stingy.

Since the Heavens and Great Qin Empire had already shown its friendliness.

Then the Heavenly Daming Empire will naturally follow.

"The adventure world I experienced, called the late Qing Dynasty Republic World, is a second-level world."

Zhu Houzhao said: "Emperor Yu Daming, the world he has experienced is the Nanming world, although it is only a first-level world, it is also the pinnacle of the first-level world. "

Qin Shi Huang's eyes flickered slightly.

He also doesn't know whether the development of the sci-fi side is so fast, or the superiority of the dynasty mode and the imperial mode.

Is this Zhengde Emperor in front of him really just experiencing a second-level world and has already risen to this level?

And the rest of the Daming emperors are also good.

Qin Shi Huang couldn't help but muttered in his heart.

Could it be that he chose fantasy in the first place, but also chose the wrong one?

Shouldn't it?

"However, I don't have any space equipment on me, so there is no way to show my scientific success."

Zhu Houzhao spread his hands: "Actually, even if my Zhengde Dynasty has been promoted to a third-level dynasty, I still don't know anything about space. "

In fact, he had already understood it just now.

The reason why Qin Shi Huang was able to come up with so many weapons.

Entirely because of the ring on his hand!

Space equipment ah Zhu Houzhao is a little envious, I have to say, the fantasy side, there is still a fantasy side is good.

"Is that so?"

Qin Shi Huang was stunned.

When the Great Qin Empire was still in the second-level dynasty, it had already initially understood the mystery of space, and it could mass-produce things like space rings.

"It seems that science fiction and fantasy have their own strengths."

Qin Shi Huang smiled.

After a few more pleasantries, the two sides exchanged pleasantries.

Talk about heaven and earth, discuss power schemes, imperial arts.

Tell us about their experiences in the world of adventure.

Talk about the changes after getting the emperor's chat group.

Finally, we got down to business today.


"This time PK mode, our two Heavenly Emperor Dynasties, do we choose friendly mode or enemy mode?"

Qin Shihuang asked with a smile.

PK mode, of course, is more than simply fighting each other.

It's about entering the same world together.

Compete with each other!

If it is a friendly mode, then complete the mission together, explore together, and finally decide the winner according to the contribution of the respective mission and the progress of the exploration.

And what if it's enemy mode?

Then there is nothing more to say.

The chat group will post the confrontation mission directly!

Whoever wins is considered a PK winner.

"I suggest, it's better than friendly mode."

Qin Shi Huang said again: "We are the Heavens Great Qin Empire, and your Heavens Daming Empire is also good." "

"It's the first time you're participating in PK."

"It's better to be cautious."

The Heavenly Ming Dynasty is not weak!

This is why Qin Shi Huang dismounted as soon as he came in and tested the strength of the Daming Dynasty.

If it's too weak.

Then of course it's enemy mode!

But since in terms of strength, the two imperial dynasties were able to compete with each other.

Then when the real intention and rules of the PK model are not yet understood.

Even the domineering Qin Shi Huang is more hopeful and adopts a more harmonious way of competition.

"The First Emperor's proposal is exactly what I had in mind."

Zhu Houzhao also smiled.

Kind face.

He pondered in his heart.

and Qin Shi Huang, in fact, it is similar.

Dynasty PK is originally competition.

If the Great Qin Empire is weak.

Then Zhu Houzhao also didn't mind coming with a knife and cutting meat for the Daming Dynasty to eat.

In the face of interests, if there is still any honor and morality, then it is somewhat ignorant.

[Do you confirm that you choose friendly mode?] 】

In the sky, a line of text appeared.


Qin Shihuang and Zhu Houzhao said in unison.

【Selection successful! 】

[This PK mode is: friendly mode! ] 】

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