Zhu Houzhao looked at the reward options in the sky.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

After being shocked by the lucrative bottom rewards.

When looking at special rewards,

The richness of these options also surprised him.

The three-tier prize pool is not fake.

But the reward here is definitely not what the third-level imperial dynasty deserves.

Instead, it's the technique of the fourth-level imperial dynasty!

"Isn't the level of the prize pool different from the level of the Imperial Dynasty and the Heavenly Shops?"

A doubt flashed in Zhu Houzhao's heart.

It doesn't seem to be just the case with the Tier 3 prize pool.

In the previous secondary prize pool.

There have been many rewards that exceed the standard level 2.


These don't seem to matter.

Zhu Houzhao focused his attention on these five special rewards.

His gaze flickered slightly.

no doubt

All five rewards are very powerful.

Four types of technology.

Space wormhole technology, advanced use of dark energy and analysis of dark plane, primary application law of spatial dimension, advanced nuclear gene technology

There is also a substance type

Ten large Ares metal veins.

Ares Metal naturally goes without saying.

This metal was originally used as a big killer for Ghost 7 hunters in the third-level ghost world.

Naturally, it is very powerful.

Not only can it infuse dark energy and become a dark energy weapon, but it can even absorb nuclear energy!

When I left the ghost world.

Zhu Houzhao also specially ordered the collection of this metal.

It's a pity that the amount of metal is too rare.

In the end, he just received a thousand tons of Ares metal, and he left with regret.

And now,

Among the special rewards was the appearance of ten Ares metal veins.

Naturally, it is also in the first time,

It attracted Zhu Houzhao's attention.

"Ares metal is a very good material, both as a weapon and as a build."

"Ten large veins........ You can choose. "

Zhu Houzhao made a decision in his heart.

Anyway, he didn't see the Ares metal vein in the third-level mall.

Proof of this metal.

It is quite possible that it has also reached the standard of level four,

If you choose this reward, you will not lose.

As for the next two.

First of all, the first space wormhole technology was naturally excluded by Zhu Houzhao for the first time.

This technique is indeed vacant in the Zhengde Dynasty.

Because the impulse used by the present (dbfe) in the Zhengde Dynasty is to use the dark plane to open the wormhole.

Instead of directly opening the space wormhole.

But in a short time.

Dark plane wormholes can replace simple spatial wormholes.

So there is no need to waste a place for this technology.

Zhu Houzhao's gaze,

He looked at the next three again.

There is something about the dark plane: advanced use of dark energy and analysis of the dark plane,

There is a fundamental application of the spatial dimension: the primary application of the spatial dimension,

There is something about genetic layering: advanced nuclear genetic technology.

"I want every one..."

Zhu Houzhao is a little difficult to choose.

The first two are naturally needless to say.

Dark planes as well as spatial dimensions.

It is precisely the two major technical difficulties that the Zhengde Dynasty is overcoming at present.

The future is also going to develop in this direction.

As for the last one.

Advanced nuclear energy gene technology.

What is advanced nuclear energy?

Zhu Houzhao had not touched this word before, but he probably had a guess in his heart.

Maybe it should be: Stellar Energy!

Take the sun, for example.

The energy of this red black star is the nuclear fusion reaction from the inside!

That is, the reaction that occurs in the nuclear reaction zone from the center of the sun to a range of about 17.4 kilometers (about 0.25 solar radius)!

The so-called Dyson ring, (read violent novels, on the Feilu novel network!) )

It is to absorb the energy of these supergiant nuclear fusion reactions in the most simple way,

Then replenish the various places where the required energy is lost.

But if you master the advanced nuclear genes.

Does it mean that

Can you directly control nuclear fusion in stars, and then greatly increase the efficiency of energy?

Many thoughts flashed through Zhu Houzhao's mind.

Eventually, though.

His gaze was still on the first two options.

"Let's choose the technology of the dark plane and the spatial dimension."

Zhu Houzhao finally made a decision.

There's a Dyson ring in,

Initial time,

It is still possible to achieve the technical replacement of stellar energy.

But the technology of the dark plane and the technology of the spatial dimension.

The Zhengde Dynasty is much missing.

Take these two.

It can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need.

"I choose ten large Ares metal veins, advanced use of dark energy and analysis of dark planes, and primary application laws of spatial dimension!"

Zhu Houzhao said to the sky.

【Selection Successful】

[Congratulations to Zhengde Dynasty for obtaining: 10 large Ares metal veins*, advanced use of dark energy and analysis of dark planes, primary application rules of spatial dimension]

【Rewards will be distributed after leaving the chat group】

【Second place: Hongwu Dynasty】

【Guaranteed Reward: Silver Mark *1000】

【Special Rewards (2 out of 3)】

[1. Space wormhole technology; 2. 10 large Ares metal veins*10; 3. Advanced nuclear energy gene technology]

"Sure enough, the options for dark planes and spatial dimensions disappeared."

See the reward for second place appear.

A flash flashed in Zhu Houzhao's heart, and sure enough.

These two technologies.

Among the five rewards, the most precious!

"Houzhao, which two do you say we need to choose?"

Zhu Yuanzhang still asked humbly as always.

Naturally, he did not have the insight of his junior.

So of course you don't know how to pretend to understand.

Zhu Houzhao looked at the reward above, and after thinking for a moment, said: "Grandpa Taizu, I personally recommend choosing the second and third. "

Space wormholes are good though.

But the most fundamental thing lies in energy!

Why does the computing power of Zhengde rise in the back,

Will it get faster and faster?

In addition to the fact that it is because of the technology that has a physical computer.


It's because we have more energy!

The large amount of energy provided by Dyson Ring has given Zhengde Dynasty the confidence to develop rapidly!


is the root of everything!

As for the comparison between Ares metal veins and wormhole technology.

Zhu Houzhao also still believes that the Ares metal vein is more valuable.

After all, when the computing power goes up,

Wormholes are much more convenient to analyze.

It's really not as valuable as Aresmetal!


Zhu Yuanzhang nodded: "In that case, let's choose the second and third!" "

【Selection successful! 】

[Congratulations to Hongwu Dynasty for obtaining: 10 large Ares metal veins *10, advanced nuclear energy gene technology]

See the text change in the sky.

Zhu Yuanzhang also smiled.

With new technology.

The development of the Hongwu Dynasty can raise another level.

Người mua: sabmado

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