What is dark energy?

Although now Zhu Houzhao can use dark energy and construct various technologies.

But for the specific understanding of dark energy.

He didn't know.

It is only known that dark energy is a combination of all energies.

Similar to...

The shadow of all energy?

The so-called dark plane, similar to the shadow of all spatial dimensions?

Anyway, when Zhu Houzhao used dark energy.

Can easily use dark energy,

Simulate all kinds of energy!

Not only thermal energy, nuclear energy, but also the ability to simulate electromagnetic waves, mental fluctuations and so on.

It is because of this diversity.

That's why the dark plane can transmit data, and it's extremely fast!

"Fighting qi belongs to dark energy, but dark energy does not belong to fighting qi."

Zhu Houzhao vaguely understood the relationship between the two.

He had just tried to absorb the Douqi directly.

But discover and your own dark energy,

Although compatible,

But it lost the ability to transmit information!

"I have to do a program to convert Douqi into full body dark energy first."

Zhu Houzhao thought in his heart.

However, in this case, you need to build a dark plane computer first.

Not in a hurry yet.

Zhu Houzhao stretched out his hands and quickly analyzed the space around him.


The spatial data of the broken world is solved,

Zhu Houzhao swiped to the side.

Invisible cracks appear instantly,

Inside 117 leads to another small world.

More than three hundred biochemical ghosts that are only equivalent to the second-generation peak gene warriors.

All lying in it at the moment.

Zhu Houzhao directly took out a hundred.

And then it went straight out.

"Guard the surroundings and don't let any creatures come over!"

Zhu Houzhao gave the order!

The biochemical ghosts naturally understand!

Strictly enforced!

"I just don't know what level of the Douqi World is probably equivalent to the strength of these biochemical ghosts?"

Zhu Houzhao thought in his heart.

It shouldn't be too low, right?

After all, this is only a level four world.


Zhu Houzhao directly double-minded.

While building a dark plane computer,

On one side, a chat group panel was summoned.

Imperial mode,

It is possible to have built-in chats similar to chat groups.

And at this time.

There has been a mess in the chat group.

[Zhu Yuanzhang: Zhu Houzhao, Houzhao, we went to a desert, and we just happened to meet a caravan, saying that this place is called the Tagor Desert of the Gama Empire]

[Chongzhen: Master Taizu, I am also in the Gama Empire, but this is just an ordinary small village. 】

[Zhu Zhanji: Zhu Houzhao, Emperor Zhengde, my surroundings are dark now, all around are dead trees, and I don't see people, where is this. ] 】

[Zhu Di: Zhu Houzhao, Houzhao, I met a group of people floating in the sky, all wearing black robes, I felt as if they had no life energy, but the dark energy fluctuations were very powerful. 】

[Jiajing: Zhu Houzhao, imperial brother, I met a man with long braids in the forest, this seems to be the costume of the Jurchen side, it won't be the Manchu emperor, right? 】

Looking at a long list of Ait's own information.

Zhu Houzhao swept it with a glance, and then set his eyes on Jiajing's speech.

"Someone with long braids?"

"Ba Cheng is the Emperor of the Tartar, I didn't expect it to be so clever?"

Zhu Houzhao's eyes narrowed.

Breaking the world as a work of genius potatoes,

He doesn't think,

What race would have left such a disgusting haircut.

[Zhu Houzhao: Jiajing, are you sure to kill directly? ] 】

[Jiajing: I feel that the intensity of his vitality is similar to mine, and I am afraid that I am not very sure]

[Zhu Houzhao: Then go directly, there is no need to tempt]

For the Tatar emperor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

Not much is known now, so naturally you have to be careful.

If it was Zhu Houzhao who encountered it himself.

Naturally, it is possible to test it, or even kill it directly.

But Jiajing...

The brain is smart, but the combat effectiveness is not good.

And he has just become a third-generation genetic warrior, and the degree of power control is average.

No need to take risks.

After instructing Jiajing.

Zhu Houzhao did not reply to the others one by one.

Instead, he began to try to upload the information he knew about the Dou Po Continent.

[Zhu Houzhao has uploaded "Breaking the Continent"]

"Really?!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Houzhao was shocked.

He just tried it.

I didn't expect it to really happen!

"If you can upload the Dou Po Continent, can you upload other things?"

"Even, upload a dark plane computer?"

Zhu Houzhao was a little moved. (dbdh) if you can upload technology and computer programs.


The emperors of Daming, the combat effectiveness will soar!

And after returning to the original world.

If you get these techniques, you will definitely be able to help their imperial dynasty's national strength skyrocket!

"Try it."

Zhu Houzhao immediately began to upload.

Not surprisingly, though.

All uploads failed!

An infrastructure dark energy computer that has just been built cannot be uploaded.

"Sure enough, there is no way to exploit the loophole."

Zhu Houzhao had some regrets.

And at this time in the chat group.

The documents of the Douqi Continent have been received by the Daming Emperors.

A group of three generations of genetic warriors.

View these files,

Nature is just a matter of a few breaths.

[Zhu Yuanzhang: It turns out that the Douqi Continent is like this, and it feels the same as a picture book]

[Zhu Di: Zhu Yuanzhang, father, history books are similar to picture books in the eyes of us who come after generations]

[Zhu Yuanzhang: Zhu Houzhao, Houzhao, then are we going to find that Qinglian Earth Heart Fire now? 】

[Zhu Zhanji: It's outrageous, I found that the place where I stayed was not written at all, it seems to belong to the southern region of the dark race]

[Chongzhen: Zhu Houzhao, Grandpa Tai, how to arrange our two tasks? ] 】

[Zhu Gaozhi: Zhu Di, dad, what happened to those ill-intentioned people you just met? 】

[Zhu Di: It's okay, I've already beaten away, but I can't kill it, and they still say that they are people from the Soul Temple. 】


Qinglian Earth Heart Fire...

Hall of Souls...

There are still a lot of news revealed in the chat group.

However, Zhu Houzhao just silently looked at the chat group.

Because now,

More of his thoughts,

It is also placed on the building dark energy computer.


Emperors of Daming,

After coming to the Douqi Continent, he quickly adapted to the environment.

After all, they are all third-generation gene warriors.

Even if it is impossible to turn the fighting qi into dark energy, it can exert the means of transmitting data and enhancing computing power.


It is completely possible to use vindictive qi as a means of attack.

The strength is not bad.

and the aborigines of the Douqi Continent,

The only difference is that there is no fighting skills.

[Apocalypse: Ancestors, big news! ] 】

[Apocalypse: I have understood the power system of this world, and our strength is probably equivalent to the level of Douzun]


Zhu Houzhao's eyebrows raised slightly,

It was similar to what he had guessed.

The strength of the Douqi Continent is divided into: Fighter, Fighter, Great Fighter, Fighting Spirit, Fighting King, Dou Huang, Dou Zong, Dou Zun, Dou Sheng, and Dou Di.

Douzun is already considered a strong man among the major forces.

After all, the level of Dou Sheng does not appear much on weekdays.


They these Dou Venerable.

In fact, there is still some moisture.

After all, there is no fighting skills, only some fist and foot kung fu!


Another message popped up.

【Jiajing: All personnel】

[Jiajing: Everyone, I have already taken it! ] 】

[Jiajing: Tartar Emperor with a blue nose and a swollen face.jpd

【Jiajing: Laughter (Expression) X3】

Emperor Ming of the People:!?

Người mua: sabmado

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