Chapter 0070 The fourth assembly begins! Three rookie emperors!!

In the blink of an eye, five months slipped through his fingers.

The Zhengde Dynasty gradually moved from cold winter to hot summer.

And the strong sunlight shining on the ground also means that vitality is brewing in this ancient land.

The vast Nanyang land has been divided into five provinces by Zhu Houzhao, namely: Xiachuan Province, Shang Province, Yunzhou Province, Shanmeng Province, and Daohua Province.

And with the full support of this Daming Emperor.

Super rice and long white dolphin have been rapidly promoted in the Nanyang region, but in five months, they have almost spread all over the Nanyang!

The remaining problems of the Nanyang countries were also quickly solved by Wang Shouren, Zhang Yong and others.

In addition to the violent suppression at the beginning, when the aborigines of Nanyang felt the strength of Daming, they naturally surrendered willingly.

It was completely integrated into the entire Daming system at a very fast speed.

With the pilot of the five provinces, the next step is naturally to quickly promote to the Jiangnan region and even the entire north.

However, compared with the five provinces, whether it is Jiangnan or North, the growing environment of rice is far from so good, so the promotion is naturally slower.

Except for farming.

The construction of Daming is also developing rapidly.

As the most important and basic building material.

Although the output of cement is low, it is actually not a lot of production regardless of the cost.


Daming's concrete road and transportation network is rapidly being built.

And steel mills and iron foundries naturally need not be mentioned.

Iron and steel are produced almost every day, feeding the huge machine of Daming as fast as possible.

Above the sea, the treasure fleet went in and out of the port of Daming, bringing a lot of wealth.

The terrifying trade volume pushed Daming's total wealth to a new peak.

The whole Zhengde dynasty.

All present a thriving scene.

No, it can no longer be called the Zhengde Dynasty.

It's the Zhengde era!

【The chat cluster space has been unlocked, will the fourth assembly be held?】 】

Among the leopard rooms.

Zhu Houzhao, who was enjoying the dancing girls, suddenly heard a voice ringing in his head.

"Let's all go down."

Zhu Houzhao's face remained unchanged.

All the dancing girls naturally retreated.

Then, Zhu Houzhao looked at the panel that appeared in front of him.

"The fourth gathering, is it finally coming?"

A smile appeared on his face.

In the past nine months, the two guaranteed rewards given by the chat group can be said to shine in Daming.

In an instant, productivity is taken to the next level.

At the same time, iron smelting, steel casting, and textile still play a non-943 replaceable role.

Although due to technical reasons, the cement output ratio is not high.

But under Zhu Houzhao's mandate, the output is not bad, and it is about to play a huge role in the fledgling transportation network.


Zhu Houzhao said without hesitation.

What he is most curious about now is how many points his current national strength can reach.

Compared to the last time.

The current Zhengde Dynasty is too powerful!

If it exceeds a thousand reviews.

Then it is the second-level dynasty recognized by the chat group!

【Successful rally】

【Chat cluster meeting is about to start, please invite new people?】 】

The voice in his head came again.


Zhu Houzhao still remembers that the newcomers invited this time are still three places.

"I hope that the emperors who come are a little more powerful."

"Pull the prize pool up a bit."

He looked forward to it.

【Invitation successful】

【Daming joins the group chat! 】 】

[Daming Xuande Emperor Zhu Zhanji joins the group chat! ] 】

[Emperor Zhu Zaiwu of Daming Longqing joins the group chat! ] 】

[Daming Wanli Emperor Zhu Yijun joins the group chat! ] 】

"Emperor Xuande?"

Seeing the first name, Zhu Houzhao's face couldn't help but show a hint of joy.

It seems that this time he is lucky, and he thinks of coming to a more powerful emperor and increasing the height of the prize pool.

I didn't expect it to really come!

In the original history, wasn't the rule of Renxuan the pinnacle of Daming?

It's a pity that Zhu Gaojie only lived for ten months after he ascended the throne.

Otherwise, the rule of Renxuan may be longer.

"As for the latter two"

"It should be a bonus."

One Longqing, one Wanli.

Longqing needless to say, Jiajing's son.

Not smart, but not stupid.

Can only be regarded as ordinary people.

And above that kind of court, ordinary people became emperors, what other way is there except to be suppressed by civilian forces?

Wanli is better.

In the early days of Wanli's reign, there was at least one Zhang Juzheng.

The implementation of the new policy is also to let the Wanli Dynasty start innovation and sweep away the old corruption of the old dynasty.

But after Zhang Juzheng died, this kid Wanli let himself go.

I don't know what year Wanli who entered the group came in?


With a burst of humming, a light gate appeared in front of Zhu Houzhao.

It is already familiar.

Zhu Houzhao walked directly in.

Wait until you open your eyes again.

I have already come to the chat cluster space.

Mandarin Hall.

Zhu Zhanji, who was seriously ill, lay on the bed, coughing faintly.

The young Zhu Qizhen took Empress Sun's hand and looked at his father lying on the bed with a confused expression.

Behind both of them.

Four ministers of the cabinet, six shangshu, attendants, bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, bachelor of the acting lecturer, eunuch in charge of the seal of the superintendent, eunuch in the pen...

The people who could almost hold power in the court had already been called here by Zhu Zhanji at this time.

Outside the temple gate is a rainy day.

And inside the temple, the oppressive aura is even more than outside the temple!

Yang Shiqi stepped forward and said softly: "Your Majesty, today I have an order to call the ministers and wait here." "

The pale-faced Zhu Zhanji snorted heavily.

Then looked at the eunuch on the side, and the eunuch hurriedly stepped forward and carefully helped Zhu Zhanji up.

"Yang Ge Lao"

Zhu Zhanji spoke weakly, and then pointed his finger to Zhu Qizhen on the side: "This is the crown prince." "

Yang Shiqi was speechless for a while.

This word, the last words too!

Although he was only a courtier, Emperor Xuande's heroic martial arts had long convinced these ministers.

Facing Zhu Zhanji on the sick bed, everyone actually felt sad in their hearts.

"Minister Yang Shiqi, knock on the crown prince!"

Yang Shiqi did not dare to be sloppy, and bowed heavily in front of the young Zhu Qizhen.

This worship is not to worship Zhu Qizhen, but to the dying Zhu Zhanji.

However, this sudden moment startled Zhu Qizhen and almost fell to the ground.

Thanks to Empress Sun on the side supporting his back with her hand, the ignorant Zhu Qizhen vaguely understood what he was doing.

"Ministers, wait for the crown prince!"

The rest of the courtiers also bowed down one by one.

Seeing this scene, a smile finally appeared on Zhu Zhanji's pale face.

His physical state, he naturally knows.

And now the only thing that worries him is his son.

"Except for Yang Ge Lao, Ji Yi, and British Gong, everyone else go down."

Zhu Zhanji said again.

Wait until the group of ministers leaves.

He slowly looked at the three people in front of him.

Yang Shiqi.

The head of the three Yangs, the chief assistant of the cabinet, honestly holds the weight, can be a great task!


The old minister of the four dynasties, Emperor Hongwu personally gave the word, Yongle heavy minister, just and selfless British Duke Zhang Fu.

The head of the martial generals, since the Fengtian Jing difficulty, has shown extraordinary brilliance and loyalty.

"Three, I will leave you behind, you should know what I have to say."

Zhu Zhanji said slowly.

"Wait, understand."

All three bowed their heads, and their hearts were grieving.

Today, Crown Prince Zhu Zhanji is no more than eight years old.

The Lord is less suspicious!

Leaving the three of them behind is naturally to let them be the ministers of the auxiliary country.

"Time is numbered, the crown prince is young, and before he grows up, Daming will have to rely on the three..."

Zhu Zhanji's tone was desolate with meaning, and just as he was about to entrust, a voice suddenly sounded in his head.

[You have joined the Emperor Daming chat group. 】

[Group leader Zhu Houzhao has already held a group chat meeting, do you want to participate?] 】

Zhu Zhanji:?

What was that?

"In this world, there are any virtuous and traitors, and sometimes, the virtuous and the unvirtuous, they cannot help them, and when they are virtuous, they will use it, and when they are not virtuous, they will be deposed, and the law of men will be used."

"Do you remember?"

"The child remembers, but... How does a child know when he is virtuous and when he is not? "

"You, alas..."

Late at night, Zhu Zaiwu suddenly woke up from the dragon bed.

The two concubines on the side were also taken aback.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

A concubine hurriedly asked.

However, Zhu Zaiwu only took two breaths.

Then the two concubines were pushed away and one sat up.

Sigh slightly.

"Father has been dead for three years, why does Xu still dream of him."

In fact, when Jiajing died.

Zhu Zaiwu can't say happy, but he can't say sad.

Because his father was too focused on power and cultivation.

What else do you believe in when the two dragons do not meet?

When he was King Yu, he was really afraid.

Afraid that one would not pay attention, the father and emperor distanced themselves from him, and then threw himself into that open corner.

Later, his father died.

Before he died, he also said a lot of things that he didn't understand.

He felt a slight heartache in his heart, after all, it was his father.

But more than that, it's a relaxation.

Finally, no more fear!

After ascending the throne, some people commented that he was greedy and lustful.

But he held back for so long, even the concubine was careful.

Now he is an emperor.

What's wrong with having a few more concubines?

Although he is not as smart as his father.

But they are willing to let go of power.

Among the cabinet, Xu Jie, Li Chunfang, Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng.

They are all the wise men who followed them at the beginning!

Isn't today's Daming, under their governance, also thriving?

I even lifted the sea ban myself!

Private people are allowed to sell from far and west!

What a great deed!?

"If the father and the emperor were alive, and he didn't know how he was doing now, he would evaluate how a thought suddenly popped up in Zhu Zaiyao's mind."

I'm thinking about it.

Right at this moment.

A voice also sounded in his head.

[You have joined the Emperor Daming chat group. 】

[Group leader Zhu Houzhao has already held a group chat meeting, do you want to participate?] 】

"Emperor Daming chat group?"

"Group leader Zhu Houzhao? Wuzong? "

Zhu Zaiya was stunned for a moment.

Then his eyes widened.

Could it really be that the Father Emperor had appeared?

Still is......

He looked at the two concubines on the bed.

Or are you too tired and have auditory hallucinations?

After thinking for a moment, Zhu Zaiwu decided to go back to sleep first.

But just as I lay down, the voice came again.

[You have joined the Emperor Daming chat group. 】

[Group leader Zhu Houzhao has already held a group chat meeting, do you want to participate?] 】

Zhu Zaiwu can now be determined.

I don't have auditory hallucinations.

"Did you hear anything?"

He looked at the two concubines in his arms.


The two shook their heads.

Zhu Zaiwu hesitated for a moment, and finally said with some limitations: "Participate." "


A door of light that almost blinded his eyes appeared on the edge of the bed.

"Your Majesty, read quickly, otherwise Elder Zhang Ge will come to check it later, if you can't hit it, you will have to hit the palm."

In the imperial study.

Empress Dowager Li said to Xiao Zhu Yijun in front of her.

As soon as he heard that he was going to be beaten in the palm, Xiao Zhu Yijun also became nervous.

Quickly straighten your posture and focus on the article in front of you.

This article is not a Confucian classic, but a statecraft that Hai Rui originally wrote to Jiajing.

The fierceness of his words gave Xiao Zhu Yijun a great shock.

"Queen Mother, what do you say about this Hai Rui being older than Zhang Ge?"

Xiao Zhu Yijun couldn't help but ask.

Empress Dowager Li thought for a moment: "Naturally, Zhang Ge is more powerful. "

Xiao Zhu Yijun didn't understand, and scratched his head: "Since Elder Zhang Ge is more powerful, then why did Elder Zhang Ge let Zhao read Hai Rui's article?" "


This also stumped Empress Dowager Li.

She was not a smart person, but because she was chosen by the emperor to enter the palace because she was beautiful, and later because Zhu Yijun was the oldest among the princes, so she was made a prince, how could she answer the question?

He could only keep a straight face: "Your Majesty, let you read and study, and what else is the truth." "

"If you don't read the article well, Elder Zhang Ge will come to hit your palm in a while!"

"It's another beating palm..."

Xiao Zhu Yijun shrank his hand and reluctantly set his gaze on the chapter in front of him.

He has read this article many times.

When I first saw it, I thought it was new.

But the more you look at it later, the more boring it gets, which is nothing more than talking about something similar to 'empty talk about misleading the country, focusing on practical things'.

But Zhang Juzheng asked him to memorize all the articles.

That's why he had to keep watching.

[You have joined the Emperor Daming chat group. 】

[Group leader Zhu Houzhao has already held a group chat meeting, do you want to participate?] 】


I heard a voice ringing in my head.

Zhu Yijun's eyes suddenly lit up!

He looked at his mother, but found that his mother had just left.

Only a few eunuchs stood in the temple.

But he also knew in his heart that these eunuchs did not dare to control themselves.

"You are Grandpa Zhu Houzhao?"

"I remember you, you are the Emperor of the Trial Sect, right?"

Xiao Zhu Yijun said in a low voice.

But the voice in his head didn't reply.

Just when Xiao Zhu Yijun was puzzled and frowned.

The voice sounded again.

[You have joined the Emperor Daming chat group. 】

[Group leader Zhu Houzhao has already held a group chat meeting, do you want to participate?] 】

Xiao Zhu Yijun is not a stupid person.

After thinking for a moment, I found the know-how.

"So you should say to participate, will you talk to me?"

The voice just fell.

Just listen to a buzz in the space.

Then a light gate about the height of a few people appeared in front of Xiao Zhu Yijun.

He was immediately taken aback.

"This, what is this?"

The eunuchs in the hall were also startled and quickly ran over.

But I saw nothing.

"Your Majesty, are you summoning the slaves?"

The eunuch was a little puzzled.

However, Xiao Zhu Yijun frowned.

Just now, he actually saw the eunuch directly through the light gate, and came directly to him, just like the light gate he saw.

They can't see or touch the same.

"Could it be Grandpa Zhu Houzhao's secret base?"

Xiao Zhu Yijun's eyes slowly widened.

Just like he put it in the imperial garden, hiding from the secret base of the palace people?

Little Zhu Yijun, who was full of interest, was suddenly surprised and delighted.

Quickly got up from the chair and jumped into the light door.

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