Chapter 0086 Guarantee: Steam Technology Series! Zhu Houzhao's speculation!

Although he did make a terrible mistake.

And Daming is indeed under his own hands, and his national strength has plummeted.

But after all, the orthodox dynasty is still a little bit of a foundation.

After all, the change of the Tumu Fort lost 200,000 troops, but Daming's army is full of millions, and it can be replenished from elsewhere!

How can it be possible that because of the 200,000 army, the national strength has dropped so much?

However, Zhu Qizhen was puzzled in his heart.

But Zhu Houzhao looked thoughtful.

"It seems that this comprehensive evaluation of national strength is not only about the power held by the emperor, but also includes other things."

"Such as popular hearts, morale, faith, etc."

If it is only divided according to the authority in the hands of the emperor, then the orthodox dynasty can at least have a score close to one hundred points.

After all, after experiencing the four dynasties of Hongwu, Yongle, Hongxi, and Renxuan.

There is indeed too much left behind.

Although Zhu Qizhen suffered a great defeat, for the entire Daming, the material loss was actually not so great.

More, or the loss of spirit.

That is, the cohesion of the country, the sense of honor and so on.

For example, his Zhengde dynasty.

It not only opened the sea ban and allowed free trade among the people, but also took the Nanyang region and divided it into five provinces.

At the same time, agricultural taxes, conscription, and so on were also drastically reduced.

Under such circumstances, the popular support of the Zhengde dynasty is naturally very high.

Every Daming people will be proud of the Zhengde dynasty.

And these sense of glory and belonging are also part of the comprehensive evaluation of national strength.

"The imperial ranking is really unfathomable."

Zhu Houzhao couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After all, people's hearts are changeable and human nature is unpredictable!

However, the imperial ranking can actually include such ethereal things as public opinion and people's heart.

The horror of this can be seen.

Think about it now.

Although those 200,000 people are not much compared to the total number of soldiers of the Zheng Unification Dynasty, they are all elite.

And there are also Manchu dynasty civilizations and martial arts.

These people lost all of them in the first battle.

I am afraid that it is the reunification of the dynasty, let alone the will of the people, the will of the people.

The officials who live in the capital are afraid that they will be separated from virtue!

【12th Place Selection】

The words in the sky continue.

There are a total of twelve imperial dynasties, and there is naturally no need to say who this last one is.

Long Qing also couldn't help scratching his head.

He didn't expect that he would actually be the last.

Even if he is humble by nature.

At this moment, I also felt a little blush.

"The Zheng Reunification Dynasty fell to 63 points because the will of the people did not exist, so isn't this Longqing Dynasty lower than 63 points?"

Another thought flashed in Zhu Houzhao's heart.

But he suddenly remembered.

It seems that when the Jiajing Dynasty first appeared, the evaluation of national strength was only more than fifty points.

In addition, Longqing is trying his best to restore people's livelihood.

The ministers of the DPRK are also considered virtuous.

However, Long Qing was not an emperor who could hold great power.

Ranking last, it makes sense.

[Selection complete! ] 】

【Twelfth place: Long Qing Dynasty】

[Do you want to start the national strength display?] 】


Long Qing nodded.

【Longqing Dynasty National Power Exhibition is about to begin】




As the countdown ends, the picture in the sky gradually unfolds.

Everyone also became serious.

Although the Long Qing Dynasty may not be wonderful.

But after all, this is the last dynasty.

When the display of the national strength of this dynasty is over, it will be time for the reward distribution that everyone is looking forward to!

[In December of the forty-fifth year of Jiajing, your father Emperor Jiajing finally died, and you couldn't help but burst into tears, you were frightened by this old man for more than twenty years, and finally you don't have to worry anymore. 】


When he saw his son Longqing staring at his corpse, he had a complicated look that didn't know whether he was happy or worried.

Emperor Jiajing couldn't help but slowly type a question mark.

Why do other emperors simply come to 'die' or 'die' when they succeed to the throne?

You actually still add a 'finally' in front of the dead word?

What do you mean?

Want me to die?

"Jiajing actually lived for so long?!"

Zhu Gaojie suddenly exclaimed.

This is still without the emperor chat group.

Forty-five years in power?!

This makes him an emperor who has reigned for ten months, how can he be embarrassed!?

"After reigning for forty-five years, this is almost killing the prince, right?"

Zhu Di was also amazed: "No wonder Long Qing is anxious, you have lived as a father for so long, it is almost the same." "

Saying that, he also suddenly realized something.

Turned his head to look at Zhu Yuanzhang.

Sure enough, Zhu Yuanzhang's face darkened slightly.

He quickly pretended to cough and explained: "Dad, I definitely didn't say anything about you!" "

"Simply evaluate the relationship between Jiajing and Longqing."

Others look at the jokes.

But Longqing couldn't just watch.

"Father, the child actually saw you ascend to the Immortal Bliss, that's why I am happy for you."

"I definitely don't mean to dislike your old age."

Long Qing quickly explained, his tone humble.

However, Jiajing just snorted coldly and didn't care.

Speaking up.

It is indeed his way of believing in the family.

What a second dragon does not meet.

Now it seems.

Totally a liar!

Might as well grab something good from the emperor's chat group.

[After arranging the fate of your father, you immediately released Hai Rui in accordance with your father's edict, and at the same time promoted all the wise ministers that your father told you before he died. 】

[These include: the old staff of Yuwangfu, Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng, Chen Yiqin served as the right attendant of the Ministry of Rites and the left attendant of the Ministry of Rites, etc.]

[In fact, the father emperor once said a lot to you before he died, such as power schemes, such as His Majesty, but in fact, you didn't understand much, so you can only follow your last words and deeds. ] 】

[In the first year of Longqing, with the assistance of Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng and others, you began to reform the historical problems and various maladministrations left by your father, so that the atmosphere of the entire court was completely new, and there was no past decadence]

[At the same time, you also rehabilitated those officials who were offended by their advice in the Jiajing Dynasty, and gave preferential praise and recruitment, punished many clan and civil and military officials who flattered and helped evil in the previous dynasty, demolished the Taoist temple altar, banned fasting, and arrested many priests. ] 】

[After settling the disputes in the court, you announced the lifting of the sea ban, adjusted the overseas trade policy, and allowed private people to sell the east and west as far away]

[In the second year of Longqing, at the suggestion of Gao Gong, you decided to cancel your grandfather Ruizong Zhu Youqi's qualification to match the sky, since you have not been an emperor, how can you match the sky? ]

[There are also many courtiers who hope that you can expel the Ruizong tablet from the temple and welcome back Renzong]

[Although you do not agree, you only report it and will not punish it.] 】

Jiajing slowly typed a question mark again.

How much attention did he spend on discussing the incident in the first place?

In the end, I finally crowned my father as an emperor, and I got a name and entered the temple, but now that you have just taken the throne, you want to overthrow my efforts?

Although it can't be said that it is completely overthrown, it is just a worthy name, and it has taken a lot of thought to himself!

But it's not just Jiajing who puts a question mark.

And Zhu Gaozhi.

"Can anyone tell me why my tablet should... Welcome back??? "

Zhu Gaochi was simply confused.

What the hell is this?

As the third emperor of Daming, he actually wants to welcome back the tablet?

Who invited their tablets out?

"This, not important, not important."

Jiajing suddenly panicked a little: "Keep watching, keep watching, and receive the reward after reading it." "

Although Zhu Gaozhi is benevolent.

But in the face of the culprit who took his tablet out of the temple.

Jiajing is also afraid that this fat man will die.

At such an age, he must not be able to beat him.

Zhu Gaozhi is naturally also smart.

Seeing Jiajing's expression, combined with the context on the screen, speculating is naturally understood.

But it was just a cold snort.

I didn't think too much about Jiajing.

In this regard, Zhu Gaoji is quite open.

After all, there is an emperor chat group, and everyone may be able to live forever in the future.

What else do you care about the tablet?

However, Zhu Gaojie felt a little stunned in his heart, and it was indeed true.

[In the third year of Longqing, you began to gradually exempt yourself from the dynasty, let the courtiers discuss by themselves, not because you are not diligent, the main thing is that you also want to learn from your father and the emperor, and as a result, this study is addictive, and the feeling of not going to the dynasty is indeed great! ] 】

[Then you began to recruit a large number of concubines into the palace, often lowering the draft criteria to include more concubines, when you were King Yu, you worked hard for too long, and now you can finally enjoy it.] 】

[Longqing four years, due to the absence of your suppression, there are many fights in the cabinet, officials and officials fight, Xu Jie was joined by the high arch, Zhang Juzheng and the two are eager to die, but you don't care about these little things, concentrate on cooking the harem, focus on pleasure]

[Since these officials were recommended to you by the emperor, then let them go

"This kind of management is really casual."

After watching Longqing dynasty.

Zhu Houzhao was also quite speechless.

Strictly speaking.

This Longqing Dynasty was not only the last of the twelve dynasties.

And Emperor Longqing...

It's a bit of a slack.

This kind of nest is not easy to point out.

It can be said that it is more troublesome than Zhu Qizhen.

Because what Longqing relies on is not Yu Qian and the like, who is as rich as Matchless in virtue.

It is a group of civil servants with their own thoughts.

Xu Jie, Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng, are these talented?

Of course!

Not to mention the first two, Zhang Juzheng also created Wanli ZTE.

But can these officials be compared with Yu Qian?

Zhu Houzhao believes that it is incomparable.

After all, if Yu Qian is allowed to come to the Wanli Dynasty, he will definitely be able to create Wanli ZTE.

But he will definitely not simply grasp the power with one hand, and he will definitely not have a harsh strictness towards the little emperor like Zhang Juzheng.

"Let's take a look at the reward this time."

Zhu Houzhao didn't think about it anymore.

After pondering, there is no way to make Long Qing have a makeover.

Next, let's see how much the reward given this time can help Daming...

[After the national strength of the Longqing Dynasty was displayed, the comprehensive evaluation of national strength was: 61 points]

In the sky.

The final evaluation text emerged.

Everyone was indifferent, but their eyes were a little longing, as if they wanted to see through the words about the reward list that were about to appear in the sky.

[End of this dynasty ranking]

[Comprehensive evaluation of the total national strength of the twelve dynasties: 2828]

[The prize pool is divided into: first-level prize pool! ] 】

【Reward settlement in progress...】

I saw that this time the leaderboard's rewards reached the settlement stage.

Everyone involuntarily held their breath.

The heart is pounding fast.

Especially Zhu Zhanji and Xiao Wanli, Long Qing three.

Although Zhu Zhanji was seriously ill, his brain was clear.

Naturally, he knows the horror of that reward!

The second is Longqing.

Although he was obsessed with pleasure, then again.

If you can get more rewards, make yourself fit and soar.

Of course he was very happy.

Even if there is nothing so magical, if it can improve the national strength, it can make him look forward to it, and he has always had a virtuous name when he was still King Yu.

If you improve your national strength, won't you bring yourself a good reputation?

As for the last little Wanli.

He didn't have anything else on his mind, more just curiosity.

【Reward settlement completed! 】 】

[First place: Zhengde Dynasty! ] 】

【Guaranteed Reward: Steam Technology Series】

[Feature 1: The foundation of the industrial age, Feature 2: With most of the steam industry drawings]

【Optional Rewards (3 out of 5)】

[1, artificial rubber production technology; 2. Advanced papermaking technology; 3. Airship production technology (including related material production); 4. Track technology (train tracks); 5. Internal combustion engine design drawing; 】


The moment the reward appears.

Zhu Houzhao almost jumped up from the futon.

He never thought of it.

This time, the reward turned out to be so terrifying???

This is the same as those super rice, long white pigs and so on.

Doesn't it seem a bit unequal?!!!

"Although my Zhengde Dynasty has a vast territory, it has not yet entered the steam era, but it is only more than a hundred points away from the second-level dynasty."

"In other words, the steam technology that guarantees the reward is likely to be the reward of the second-level dynasty?"

"That's not right!"

"This is a first-class prize pool, this steam engine, and other technologies such as airships, train tracks, etc., are only first-class dynasty rewards."

Zhu Houzhao felt that his heart was about to jump out.

This piece of technology.

It can definitely make the Zhengde Dynasty take off!!

Steam technology, what does it stand for?

It represents the industrial base!

Only by laying a good industrial foundation, the rewards issued on the top of the dynasty rankings in the future.

This means faster digestion!

Until that time.

But technology has exploded!

"Houzhao, this reward, is it rich?"

Zhu Yuanzhang asked with some incomprehension.

He couldn't understand what this reward meant.

What steam technology?

What internal combustion engine?

Zhu Houzhao took a deep breath and then spit it out.

Calmed the excitement in my heart.

"Very generous!"

He glanced at Zhu Yuanzhang, and then nodded.

"Compared to this, the previous two rewards are almost qualitatively the same."

He looked at the sky and said again.

Zhu Houzhao then focused his attention on the choice of special rewards.

This time the reward, he really needs to choose well.

The second advanced papermaking technology goes without saying.

Decisively exclude!

Now Zhu Houzhao is really thinking about promoting education, papermaking is indeed important.

But compared to the other four rewards.

The importance of papermaking is too low!

"Which of the remaining four, which one to abandon?"

Zhu Houzhao's face was a little ugly.

He can't bear to abandon any of them!

Artificial rubber production technology is definitely an epoch-making thing.

As a highly elastic polymer material with reversible deformation, rubber is very versatile!

Natural rubber, are extracted from rubber trees, rubber grass and other plants after processing, these plants are available, but the lack of processing technology, so can not be used and once mastered artificial rubber production technology, naturally can be manufactured in large quantities, this important material used in all walks of life.

The remaining three.

Airship production technology, orbital technology, and internal combustion engine design drawings.

are very important objects.

Airships are the precursors of airplanes.

Although it is easy to get into trouble, it has to be said that the airship is the first flying vehicle that can fly into the sky with a large number of humans!

This kind of thing doesn't even belong to the first industrial revolution.

Until the time of the second industrial revolution.

It's just officially matured.

And the most attractive place for Zhu Houzhao is not only here.

Instead, the latter sentence includes the production of related materials!

...... Dry..

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