All Heavens and Myriad Realms System

The Goddess Collection System of the Heavens and Worlds/The System of the Worlds and Worlds Chapter

Chapter 162 Get George's Approval and Save Little Spider's Uncle

Calm, natural, elegant, handsome, sincere, polite, erudite, and wise, this is the impression Chen Muyang gave George.

It's no wonder that Chen Muyang knows how difficult it is for his daughter to control her father, so he naturally wants to show his best side to let him know that he is worthy of Gwen.

Now it seems that the effect is not bad, at least George's face is not only good-looking, but also shows a smile, and there is an expression of admiration in his eyes.

"Muyang, what do you think of Spider-Man, who is currently hotly debated in society?" George suddenly asked this question.

Chen Muyang thought for a moment and said: "From a legal point of view, he is just an ordinary person, not a law enforcement officer, so what he has done is already overstepping the boundaries of what he is doing, which is provoking the authority of the police; but logically speaking, he attacks all It's robbers and rapists who are committing crimes, doing good deeds, and that's why they have the support and users of New Yorkers."

This answer did not satisfy George, and he asked, "Do you think he should be arrested?"

Chen Muyang shrugged and said, "This is a question for the top police officers to consider. I'm just a high school student. But if you ask for my advice, I think New York needs a superhero, which is a deterrent to criminals."

George's face was a little ugly: "Isn't that pampering that spiderman?"

"In Huaxia, although I don't know whether there are superheroes, there is a police-community linkage mechanism, that is, the police and the public cooperate closely to crack down on various crimes. If the police can reach a cooperation with Spider-Man, give him a half-police identity, such as the New York Police Department's emergency crime investigator, has the right to arrest criminals who are committing crimes before the police arrive at the scene in time. This can not only maintain the image of the police, but also give the public an explanation. Not for it."

George was thoughtful, he had never thought so before, he just thought that Spider-Man was provoking the authority of the police and he had to be arrested.

But if Spider-Man is arrested, it will definitely make New Yorkers angry. Because Spider-Man has subdued criminals who are committing crimes many times before the police arrive, and helped and protected many civilians, this has won the support of the public.

If the operation is done according to what Chen Muyang said, then Spider-Man will have the semi-police status as a police collaborator. This will reflect the magnanimity of the New York police in recruiting capable people in order to strengthen the protection of the public, and will definitely win the public. support.

George clapped his hands and said, "Well said, what a great suggestion."

Helen said dissatisfiedly: "George, it's dinner time, don't talk about work at the dinner table!"

George laughed: "It's my fault, eat, eat."

During dessert after dinner, Chen Muyang said again: "Mr. George, I guess, maybe there will be similar people with extraordinary powers in the future. The power of the superhero is very dangerous, so if the police can use this as an example to cooperate with those superheroes, it can not only play an invisible restraining role on them, but also gain the support of New York citizens.”

George nodded again and again, and after eating dessert, he went back to the study and went to work.

Gwen watched her boyfriend get the approval of her picky and demanding father, she was very happy, dragged Chen Muyang back to her room, closed the door and gave her a kiss.

Of course, it is impossible for Chen Muyang to stay at Stacy's house.

Before leaving, Chen Muyang told Gwen: "Be sure to let your parents and two younger brothers carry the amulet I gave with them to protect them."

Gwen felt very happy about her boyfriend's concern for her parents and younger brother, and gave Chen Muyang a parting kiss.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening, and Chen Muyang was walking on the streets of New York at night, and suddenly felt very magical.

Suddenly, an eager shout came from the front: "Hey, come on someone, who can stop that guy, he's a robber!"

Chen Muyang's eyes instantly locked on the somewhat familiar figure not far ahead, Ben Parker!

And that robber has already run towards this side!

After hitting two pedestrians, the robber also fell unsteadily to the ground, and the pistol came out of his hand and landed between Ben Parker and the robber... 0

Ben Parker is a man with a sense of justice, he is about to rush over to get the gun first, but someone is faster than him, and the figure flashes to the pistol, when the robber's hand almost touches the pistol His foot clung to his hand.

The robber suddenly screamed, Chen Muyang turned his head and smiled: "Hi, Mr. Ben, we meet again."

"I remember you, you are Peter's classmate, Muyang Chen." Ben was deeply impressed by Chen Muyang, because this Chinese boy stole the girl his nephew liked.

Well, not stealing. Ben also knew what character his nephew was, but he must have a crush on someone's girl, but he didn't dare to confess.

"I'm honored that you still remember me. Can you call the police?"

The robber waving the free hand attacked the leg that Chen Muyang stepped on his hand, hoping to force Chen Muyang back to freedom.

But Chen Muyang stepped out like lightning and stepped on his other hand.

Just when Ben finished the phone call, a man came over, Peter Parker, he saw his uncle with a gun in his hand, and immediately said with concern: "Uncle Ben, how could it be you, are you all right?" Peter Parker Although he was having a tantrum with his uncle, he cared and cared about him very much in his heart.

Ben Parker said: "I'm fine, Peter, thanks to your classmates for subduing the robber in time, otherwise I might have left this world to see God by now."

Peter looked at Chen Muyang, and Chen Muyang said, "The robber fell in front of Mr. Ben and let go of the pistol. Mr. Ben planned to grab the pistol first, but this guy is younger and faster, and his hand touched the gun first. If you let him pick up the pistol successfully, you should be able to imagine the consequences."

Cold sweat broke out on Peter's forehead, of course he wanted to know that if Chen Muyang hadn't happened to pass by here and shot in time, Uncle Ben would have been shot in all likelihood!

Thinking of this, Peter regretted that he had just been narrow-minded, because he hated the shopkeeper after a bit of a spat, and refused to help him when he had the ability to catch the criminal.

If he had just acted in time, Uncle Ben would not have encountered such a dangerous situation.

Chapter 163 Beautiful girl, do you want to be a magician's woman?

What Uncle Ben once said suddenly appeared in his mind: the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Yes, this is not only responsible for others, but also for yourself and your loved ones.

At this moment, the little spider, who was a little confused after gaining power, finally came to his senses, and was no longer confused about his future.

When the police car arrived, the robber was arrested and handcuffed. Chen Muyang and Ben took notes, and passers-by testified, so the trouble of going to the police station was saved.

Chen Muyang said goodbye to the two and returned home.

After a little tidying up, he became invisible, soared into the sky, and flew to the balcony outside Gwen's window.

At this time Gwen's parents were already asleep, Chen Muyang teleported directly into her room, hugged the girl who had been waiting for him for a long time, and quickly fell on the bed.

In the following period of time, Chen Muyang's life was very regular.

Come to Gwen to sleep here at night, attend classes normally during the day, and take a look at Mishi by the way.

After getting along for this period of time, Mi Xi can see that, just like Chen Muyang said, even if this guy is very close to him, Ge 30 Wen is not unhappy.

This is kind of incredible.

On the weekends, Gwen went to the Osborne Group for an internship, and Chen Muyang came to the square to meet with Michy as usual, but this time the two of them took classes on the lawn in a nearby park.

As if by magic, Chen Muyang took out a camping blanket from his schoolbag and spread it on the grass.

"Why are you stunned, sit down." Chen Muyang put on his slippers and sat down. Seeing that Mi Xi was still in a daze, he greeted him.

Michy asked in surprise, "How did you do it, I mean, take out such a big camping blanket from a backpack that doesn't look very big."

"Take it as magic, what's the problem this time?"

"Oh, it's a multi-syllable and multi-meaning word, and there are homophones that agree. To be honest, I feel like I'm about to collapse." Mi Xi rubbed her temples with a look of hopelessness.

Chen Muyang was amused and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I believe that with your wisdom, you will be able to sort things out quickly. Now, let me answer your doubts."

"Okay, then tell me two words first." Mi Xi pointed.

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