All Heavens and Myriad Realms System

The Goddess Collection System of All Heavens and Worlds/The System of All Heavens and Worlds Chapter

Wang Zhenzhen was naturally very confident in her man's ability, and she felt relieved when she heard Chen Muyang's words.

Chen Muyang came directly to Tongtian Pavilion.

It was Yamamoto Kazuo's subordinate hermen who opened the door for him.

"It's you, what are you doing here?" Hermen asked in a bad tone.

"Yo, you still know me, that's fine, leave Kuang Fusheng to me." Chen Muyang said very directly.

Hermen was irritated by Chen Muyang's tone, and shouted angrily, "This is Tongtian Pavilion, not your arrogant place. If the boss didn't let me conflict with you, do you think you could still stand here and talk to me?"

Chen Muyang said indifferently: "Yamamoto Kazuo, I know you are inside. If you don't make a sound, I will take care of this subordinate for you."

"Hermen, come back! Mr. Chen, you promised me before that as long as I don't count you, you will not interfere in my affairs."

"I said that, but the point is, Kuang Fusheng is my wife's student, and now that he's lost, my wife is very worried. I can't help it, I love my wife the most, and I can't see her worried and worried, so I can only Come and bring Kuang Fusheng back. Of course, I'm not unreasonable, I know your purpose is to let Kuang Tianyou destroy the town's stone spirit, right?"

"That's right."

"It's easy to handle this way. I can tell you what the Zhenguo Shiling is. Using this information to reinvigorate you in a different situation is a compensation for you, how about it?"

Kazuo Yamamoto looked at the smiling Chen Muyang, took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you. Ken, go and bring Kuang Fusheng over."

Soon, Kuang Fusheng was brought over, and when he saw Chen Muyang, he ran over in surprise: "Brother Chen, are you here to save me?"

Chen Muyang rubbed his hair and said, "Stinky boy, how do you feel about being caught this time?"

"I don't have enough strength, so I can't do anything about it." Kuang Fusheng said innocently.

Chen Muyang stopped teasing him, and said to Kazuo Yamamoto, "I wonder if Mr. Yamamoto, have you heard the story of the Legend of the White Snake?"

"Of course I've heard of it. Mr. Chen asked this legend, does it have anything to do with Zhenguo Shiling?"

"If you've heard the full story, you should know that Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing are not Fahai's opponents, but they designed a trap to trap Fahai in a giant crab."

…… 0 flowers 0 ……

Kazuo Yamamoto stood up suddenly: "You mean, Fahai is sealed inside the town stone spirit!"

"I've said everything I need to say, goodbye." Chen Muyang disappeared instantly with the collar of the resurrection.

"So fast! Boss, who the hell is this guy, and why is he so powerful!?" Hermen took a breath and asked, he just played with such a strong man?

"He is very mysterious, and I don't know his specific identity, but his strength is indeed very terrifying. Unexpectedly, the Zhenguo Shiling turned out to be Fahai!"

"Boss, what should we do? Shall we destroy Zhenguo Shiling and completely kill Fahai?"

Kazuo Yamamoto shook his head slightly and said, "No, as long as we don't move, Fa Hai will always be sealed in the crab, why should we make trouble for ourselves."

"What the boss said is."

But things were not as simple as he thought.

It was said that Chen Muyang brought Kuang Fusheng back to Jiajia Building. Zhenzhen was completely relieved when she saw it. She ran over to ask carefully if Kuang Fusheng was not injured, and then asked Chen Muyang: "Muyang, where did you find Fusheng?"

"Don't ask this, it's not a good place anyway."

"Well then, you can call Tianyou and tell him, so that he won't be in a hurry."

"Let the resurrection fight. At this time, what Kuang Tianyou wants to hear is the voice of the resurrection."

Sure enough, when Kuang Tianyou heard Kuang Fusheng's voice and knew that he was fine, he was relieved immediately. Kuang Fusheng quickly called Chen Muyang.

On the phone, Kuang Tianyou thanked Chen Muyang very solemnly, and then asked, "Chen Muyang, can you tell me who kidnapped the resurrection?"

"Actually, you should be able to guess it, your fateful opponent, Kazuo Yamamoto."

"Sure enough, it's him, do you know the purpose of his kidnapping and resurrection?"

"Of course, this is to threaten you. Originally, they planned to let you test what the Zhenguo Shiling is, but I will tell them directly what the Zhenguo Shiling is."

Kuang Tianyou suddenly stopped talking.

Chen Muyang smiled and said: "It seems that you are also very curious, what is the Zhenguo Shiling, it doesn't matter if I tell you, in fact, there is a monk sealed in that crab."

Chapter 233 Fahai Attacks!

"Monk? Fa Hai!" Kuang Tianyou obviously knew about the legend of the White Snake, and immediately guessed it.

"That's right, Tianyou, you have to be careful, don't get close to that crab, you are a zombie, and in Fahai's eyes, you are a monster." Chen Muyang warned.

"I know, in the past two days, I have always been able to vaguely hear the angry roars from the Zhenguo Shiling, will there be no problem?"

"I guess it was Fahai who sensed the scent of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing inside. In the past, the crabs were placed in Yanjing, so far away, Fahai couldn't sense it, but now he sensed Bai Suzhen in a place as big as Hong Kong. And Xiaoqing's breath, I want to come out and seek revenge for them."

"Do you want to tell them in the middle?"

"Of course, I will tell them." Chen Muyang said.

After hanging up the phone, the eyes of Ma Danna, Dingdang Ma, Ouyang Jiajia, Wang Zhenzhen and Kuang Fusheng were all flickering.

Ouyang Jiajia asked eagerly, "Muyang, is Fahai really sealed in the Zhenguo Shiling?"

"Of course, it is estimated that this old monk is about to break the seal and come out. I am going to the waiting bar, will you go?"

"Go, we can also help find a way together."

When they came to the waiting bar, they found that the signboard had been changed. It was no longer a waiting bar, but a happy bar.

From the change of name, you can tell how happy Bai Suzhen is now. When she thinks of the purpose of her visit, all the girls feel a little uncomfortable. How can there be so much suffering for lovers.

Bai Suzhen, Xiaoqing and Zhengzhong were very happy to see them coming.

Bai Suzhen's intuition is very keen. Anyway, there are just a few guests, so she gave them a free order, and then asked them to leave on the grounds of something important.

"Muyang, do you have something to do?"

Chen Muyang told them what Kuang Tianyou had discovered when he was protecting the Zhenguo Shiling, saying: "I'm afraid Fahai will break the seal soon, he has been sealed for 800 years, and his resentment towards you is even deeper, and he will not die if he comes out. endless situation.”

Although Jin Zhengzhong has been cultivating for a period of time, his cultivation has only been able to refine the three-story building. However, the courage he showed moved everyone.

"If you want to hurt Susu, you must first step on my body, Jin Zhengzhong!" These are his original words, and this is not a joke, everyone can feel the determination in his words.

This little white face, who was judged as unreliable by countless people in later generations, finally looked like a man at this time.

Tears welled up in Bai Suzhen's moved eyes, and suddenly a puff of white smoke protruded in the middle, and Jin Zhengzhong's figure swayed and lay on the table.

"Baby girl, what are you doing?"

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