All Heavens and Myriad Realms System

Goddess Collection System of All Heavens and Worlds Chapter 219

"That's right, I think the primordial spirit came from the demon world, possessed the thirteenth imperial life, and is very cleverly hidden. How did you know that?"

Chen Muyang pouted and said, "I feel that it would be a great idea to send you to hell with this question."

Yuming Thirteen immediately started, swinging his sword towards Chen Muyang, it fell into the void, and a fierce sword qi lashed out.

Chen Muyang avoided this sword energy in a flash, and the sword energy fell on the concrete stone steps, and the stone steps shattered in an instant.

"It's a good sword energy, but unfortunately, it's of no use to us." Chen Muyang said, he actually reached out and grabbed the shot sword energy.

Under the horrified gaze of Yuming Thirteen, Chen Muyang easily grabbed the sword qi in his hand.

Where did this guy come from!

Yuming Thirteen turned to attack Ma Dingdang, Ma Dingdang pointed his sword, and a sword qi shot out, dancing like a snake, instantly smashing the sword qi shot out by Yuming Thirteen, towards Yuming Thirteen. shoot away.

What a powerful sword art, it is incredible that the sword energy can be cultivated like a living thing.

The entire burial chamber was quickly destroyed by the sword energy that was broken when the two fought.

Ma Dingdang became more and more brave the more he fought, on the contrary, the more he fought, the more desperate Yuming Thirteen felt.

Any one of the four who comes out is so strong, it is impossible to play at all.

A sword qi suddenly swept across, and Yu Ming Thirteen's hairs stood up in an instant!

With all his strength, Yuming Thirteen finally avoided the sword qi with a subtle donkey roll.

Although the posture is very unsightly, at least the fate of being split in half is avoided.

Chapter 238: Chen Muyang, the Savior Again

Yuming Thirteen felt bitter in his heart, and his ambition to rule the Three Realms was not fulfilled, so would he die here?

Another hundred strokes passed, Ma Dingdang was sweating, and with a happy smile on his pretty face exclaimed: "It's so happy!"

Yuming Thirteen almost vomited blood, damn woman, co-authored you to use me as a sparring partner! For a time, his grief came from it, and his dignified devil Luohou was actually bullied like this.

Chen Muyang said funny: "Ding dong, it's almost enough, don't waste too much time here."

When Ma Dingdang heard the words, he pointed his sword abruptly, and a flying sword exuding a cold and stern aura shot out from her fingertips, surrounding her like a swimming fish!

Yuming Thirteen swallowed his saliva alone, a magic weapon-level flying sword!

"Star Shadow Dividing Light Sword Art, give me points!" Ma Dingdang drank lightly, and the flying sword turned into two and four in an instant, and in an instant, it divided into thirty-two sword lights!

Yuming Thirteen almost cried, who am I provoking, and the plan will be hiccups before it really starts.

Jianguang drowned Yuming Shisan like a tide.

The sword light dissipated, the flying sword was put away by Ma Dingdang, and Yuming Thirteen had turned into a corpse like a sieve, which looked rather miserable.

Chen Muyang sacrificed the ghost Yin Luota, and put the body in in an instant.

Suddenly, the ghost Yin Luota trembled violently, and a voice sounded from inside: "Damn, where is this place? Let me out!"

Ma Danna smiled and said, "He's really pretending to be dead, but it's just that he was unlucky enough to meet your husband."

Chen Muyang said to Yuming Thirteen in the tower: "Hey, Yuming Thirteen, guess what kind of expression he would look like when I put your body in front of Kazuo Yamamoto?"

Yuming Thirteen shouted eagerly: "Wait a minute! As long as you don't kill me, I will tell you about a treasure, which contains countless gold and silver jewels!"

Chen Muyang sneered: "Gold and silver jewelry, I'm sorry, I have no interest in that thing, and now I am most interested in killing you, go to hell!"

The formation in the Ghostly Yin Rota completely wiped out Yuming Thirteen without causing any calamity.

Of course, there is one more thing, and that is touching the dead body.

The corpse in front of him belongs to the ultimate big boss. If you miss it, it will be a waste.

Xuanyin Iron + Yue Linglong Refining Method + Shura Sword Art + Phantom Star Iron.

The above four are what Chen Muyang got from touching the corpse.

Xuanyin iron is a very rare yin attribute material. It is said that this material was collected from the moon, so it is calculated on two terms.

Chen Muyang took out the piece of Xuanyin iron that he got by touching the corpse. It was the size of a volleyball, and its weight was terrifying.

Yue Linglong, refined by the essence of condensed Xuanyue, has three spells on it, namely Guardian of the Moon, Healing of the Moon, and Call of the Moon.

Guardian of the Moon, as the name suggests, is a defensive spell; Healing of the Moon is a healing spell; and Call of the Moon is a contact spell, which can instantly contact each other even if they are thousands of miles apart.

Fortunately, what I got was the refining method. If I got Yue Linglong, I really don't know how to distribute it.

The Shura Sword Art is the sword art displayed by Yuming Thirteen. It is fierce and fierce, and it is a set of very domineering sword art.

Phantom star iron, a very rare material for refining weapons, is one of the best materials for refining magic arrays, and it is also a good material for refining some strange magic weapons.

After touching the corpse, Chen Muyang used Find Items and Find Potion on the corpse.

Unexpectedly, Chen Muyang got a big purple bottle!

This is a potion that can 100% return blood to demons, which can be said to be the last life.

Putting the corpse into the ghost yin rota again to destroy the corpse, Chen Muyang took the three daughters and teleported away directly from the earth core tomb.

"As long as the royal life is thirteen, what can Kazuo Yamamoto do again?" Chen Muyang pouted.

Chen Muyang simply Apparated back to Xiangjiang, picked up Ouyang Jiajia and Wang Zhenzhen to Japan, and played with the five daughters in Japan for a few days before returning to Xiangjiang.

Kazuo Yamamoto has bitten many celebrities and government officials into zombies, and the society is almost in chaos.

"Muyang, Xiangjiang is in a mess, let's intervene early." Ma Xiaoling said.

Chen Muyang chuckled and said, "The source of everything lies in Kazuo Yamamoto. As long as the zombie bloodline in his body is stripped, all the zombies originating from him will return to normal in an instant. It seems that it is time to go to Tongtian Pavilion."

Tongtian Pavilion.

Chen Muyang appeared abruptly, and Bi Jia immediately acted.

"You really don't have a long memory at all, so go to die!" Although she looks pretty, Chen Muyang not only doesn't have the slightest affection for her, but actually hates her... 0

Ruyi Feilai Peak flew out and slammed down on Bi Jia, who found that her body seemed to be locked by a strange force, and she couldn't move.

Suddenly, a figure appeared and punched Ruyi Feilai Peak.

The figure was instantly blown upside down by the powerful anti-shock force, but Ruyi Feilai Peak continued to smash at Bi Jia unaffected!

"Stop!" the figure called out, it was Kazuo Yamamoto.

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