All Heavens and Myriad Realms System

Goddess Collection System of All Heavens and Worlds Chapter 250

This morning, Xiao Qian walked in from the outside with a newspaper and said to Chen Muyang, "Husband, look, there is a strange thing reported in the newspaper."

Chen Muyang said: "Is there not many strange things reported in the newspapers? I am not surprised."

"No, this is different, this is really strange. Hundreds of people on a train died at the same time last night! The most strange thing is that the deceased did not have any scars on his body, nor did he have any poisoning reaction, as if he died for no reason. already."

Chen Muyang smiled and said: "It sounds really strange, such a thing should be managed by the soul ferryman, Murong, the ferryman in this area, has been removed by Zhao Li, I don't know who the new ferryman is, I really sympathize with him. ."


Chen Muyang got the answer to this question in the evening. The interns in this district were Zhou Xiaohui and Xiaowan!

The two of them didn't want to report it to Hades, because it would create the impression that they were not capable enough in Hades' mind, so they came over to ask Li Zhao for help.

Xiaowan is very beautifully dressed. She is very close to Xia Dongqing, and has been holding Xia Dongqing's arm since meeting.

Chen Muyang and the girls winked and said, "Xia Dongqing's spring is here."

The girls laughed lightly, looking at Xia Dongqing and Xiaowan with strange eyes.

"I'm going out to do some errands, Chen Muyang, I can only ask you to help me to see what's wrong with those corpses." His tone was heavy, as if he was very tired.

Chen Muyang didn't even joke, he nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go with the big-eyed girl."

Zhao Niannian didn't want to go, but Ya was curious and bewitched Zhao Niannian by agreeing to follow along.

The four came to the hospital, and Chen Muyang used an invisibility charm to hide and lead them into the morgue.

My dear, there are hundreds of beds in the huge mortuary, which are actually full of corpses!

Originally, it was very cold here, and such a large number of corpses made people shudder.

Chen Muyang walked to the edge of a bed, stretched out his hand and lifted the white cloth cover, the person lying on it didn't have the slightest breath, and it looked like he was indeed dead.

Chapter 270 The Price of Longevity

Zhao Niannian buried his head behind Chen Muyang and didn't dare to look, and kept urging: "Have you read it, let's go quickly after reading it."

Ya said amusingly: "Niannian, why are you so timid, even the big-eyed girl is inferior, oh, Xiaoqian?"

Xiaoqian just smiled and did not speak.

Chen Muyang said at this time: "It's not suspended animation, but this state of death, according to my understanding, has only one possibility."

Ya asked quickly, "what's the possibility?"

"Life has been cut off!"

"Listening to you, it does seem like a state of death after life has been sucked out."

Just as he was talking, the corpse's eyes suddenly opened, and then the corpse sat up!

Zhao Niannian finally mustered up the courage to look over, but suddenly screamed in fright, and slammed into Chen Muyang's arms.

Ya and Xiaoqian also sucked in a breath of cold air. The big-eyed girl was unexpectedly courageous. Not only did she not faint, she didn't even scream.

Immediately afterwards, a scalp-numbing scene appeared, and all the lying corpses sat up, as if a group were swindling corpses.

Chen Muyang put his arms around Zhao Niannian, patted her on the back to comfort her, and said, "It seems that I guessed right, they were sucked out of one day of life. Let's go, let's go back."

After Chen Muyang left the mortuary with the four of them, his divine sense rolled them up and teleported back to the villa.

When he got home, Zhao Niannian didn't let go of Chen Muyang, and the big-eyed girl was a little stunned. Why did she run back from the hospital in the blink of an eye?

Chen Muyang called Li Zhao and told him what he had found, and then it was none of his business.

The next day, Chen Muyang and Zhao Niannian went to class, and the two of them are still students.

But there was only one big class in the morning, and it was after nine o'clock, so there was no need to worry.

After leisurely eating breakfast, Chen Muyang drove Zhao Niannian to the school and saw Xia Dongqing come out of the teaching building.

"Holly, why did you come out so quickly?" Chen Muyang asked curiously.

"None of the classmates in the group came and didn't answer the phone. I was planning to go to the dormitory to have a look. Several of them lived on campus."

Chen Muyang immediately frowned and said, "Not at the same time and not answering the phone at the same time, such a coincidence is not very likely. There is no special situation here. I will accompany you to take a look. Nian Nian, you go to the classroom by yourself."

Zhao Niannian didn't want to encounter any more supernatural events, and said, "Okay, if you can't come back, remember to send me WeChat or call me."

"I know, don't worry."

Chen Muyang and Xia Dongqing came to the postgraduate dormitory.

"Sister Qin, I'm back!" Xia Dongqing shouted to the dormitory room, but there was no response from inside. When she walked over to see, there was no one inside, and Sister Qin was not there.

Xia Dongqing went upstairs, and before she got there, she clutched her stomach and said, "Wait a minute, I'll resolve the internal conflict." After speaking, she ran into the toilet.

When Xia Dongqing came out, Chen Muyang said, "Dongqing, don't you feel that there is a problem in this building?"

"What's the problem?" Xia Dongqing looked confused.

"Of course it's too quiet, there's no sound at all, is this normal?"

"Speaking of which, it is true."

Chen Muyang saw that the door of a room next to him was open, so he walked in. Two boys were sleeping. Chen Muyang walked over to check and said, "Both of them are dead."

Xia Dongqing was terrified and shouted, "How is this possible!"

"Why not? Holly, have you forgotten that train?"

"You mean, their lifespan has also been sucked away?" Xia Dongqing's eyes widened.

Chen Muyang nodded and said, "It is very likely that this is the case."

The two then checked a few more rooms, all of them.

"This time Zhou Xiaohui and Xiaowan are in trouble again." Chen Muyang said gloatingly.

Xia Dongqing was about to condemn him when he suddenly looked at the front and said, "Sister Qin? Sister Qin, you are so special today."

Chen Muyang frowned and said, "What a bum, she should be the mastermind behind the lives of those passengers and students."

Xia Dongqing immediately shook her head: "Impossible, Sister Qin is not such a person."

Chen Muyang narrowed his eyes and said, "Perhaps, she is not your sister Qin."

Of course, she is not Sister Qin's host in this building, but Sister Qin's friend, Wanqin!

"Holly!" A voice came from behind the two of them, and that was the voice of the real Sister Qin.

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