All Heavens and Myriad Realms System

The Goddess Collection System of All Heavens and Worlds Chapter 273

"Mom, what are you doing?" Mao Lilan asked very curiously.

Fei Yingli raised her finger and said, "Shh, don't make a fuss, this jade talisman can filter the air and keep dust, unpleasant smells and all kinds of harmful gases out of the body."

Mao Lilan didn't believe it at first, but as the blood was absorbed by the jade talisman, Mao Lilan felt that the sea smell that made him feel a little uncomfortable disappeared! And the air feels so much fresher when I breathe.

Mao Lilan widened his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Mom, this jade talisman is so amazing, where did you get it?"

"It was made by Muyang himself, take it with you at ease..."

Mao Lilan looked at Chen Muyang in surprise, and remembered the magical martial arts he taught him. It turned out that he not only possessed magical martial arts, but was also able to make such a magical jade talisman.

Is he an Onmyoji?

Chen Muyang wanted to tell her, no, I am much better than Onmyoji.

The boat docked at Yueying Island Pier. In order not to embarrass Maori Kogoro, Chen Muyang and Fei Yingli said they wanted to play on the island, so they turned and left.

Only then did Kogoro Mouri breathe a sigh of relief, and looked at his wife, even though she was an ex-wife—the feeling of being held in his arms by another man was really painful.

Chen Muyang was playing on the island with Fei Yingli in his arms, but due to the election of the village chief, the island that was originally very quiet in the travel brochure is not very quiet now.

But the scenery is still good, and there are many cherry trees in full bloom on the island.

When the two of them came to the civic hall, they were shocked by those who held various parade signs and shouted slogans in front of the civic hall.

"It seems that the current village chief is very unpopular. There are so many people who are against it." Fei Yingli laughed.

"This has nothing to do with us, it's lunch time, let's go there for lunch." Chen Muyang said.

"Okay, hey, it's Xiaolan and the three of them. Tell them to come and eat together?" Fei Yingli is a mother who loves her daughter and wants Xiaolan to eat a delicious 3.0 lunch.

"Go and get ready before calling them, I don't want to expose too much."

The two came to the place Chen Muyang said, and it was very beautiful. There was no one around. Chen Muyang took out the camping items and laid them out, and then took out the barbecue grill and various ingredients that had been skewered.

Seeing him start the barbecue, Feiyingli called Xiaolan and asked them to come here for dinner.

When Xiaolan and the others came over, Chen Muyang just finished baking.

Maori Kogoro took out the beer he bought, opened it, and drank it while eating. Although he was sad and heartbroken, he had a good appetite.

Concubine Yingri looked at him amused, but according to Xiaolan, Kogoro Mouri has recently gained a lot of fame and has cheered up.

It's good to cheer up. For Maori Kogoro, although Feiyingli has no guilt, she also hopes that he can get out of the shadow of divorce.

Chapter 294 Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, just come early and come late

"Mr. Maori, how is your investigation?" Chen Muyang asked Maori Kogoro.

"I only know that Keiji Aso set himself on fire back then, but the exact reason is not clear. Then there's a piano that Keiji Aso was said to have played and was cursed. It's a god." He looked rather depressed.

After lunch, Chen Muyang and Fei Yingli continued to play on the island, and Xiaolan was left behind. Conan is willing to follow Mouri Kogoro everywhere.

Xiaolan was worried and wanted to follow and take care of Conan. Chen Muyang smiled and said, "That little devil is a little devil, if you follow, I don't think you will take care of him, but he will take care of you. And there is Mr. Maoli by his side, plus this It's an island, and Conan will be fine."

Mouri Kogoro also wanted his daughter to play with Conan Eri, so he promised to take good care of Conan.

In the afternoon, Chen Muyang took his concubine Yingli and Xiaolan to play around, and also rented a boat to go fishing.

The sky darkened, and the lights and stars shone brightly.

Two tents were set up by the sea, one of which belonged to Xiao Lan and the other belonged to Chen Muyang and Fei Yingli.

30 At noon, I ate barbecue, and at night, I ate seafood hot pot instead.

Delicious bottom of the pot, fresh ingredients, the three of them chatted while eating, very happy. Mao Lilan found that although his stepfather was only five years older than him, he was very knowledgeable. In foreign languages ​​alone, he was proficient in seven foreign languages!

Profound knowledge, extensive knowledge, cheerful personality, exquisite cooking skills, gentle mind, this is almost a perfect man, no wonder his mother is so moved by him, even himself is not at home with him. absorb.

The moonlit sea is beautiful.

But the civic hall is shrouded in the shadow of revenge.

As the Moonlight Sonata sounded, the first dead appeared!

However, Chen Muyang didn't have time to intervene in solving the case, because at that time he was hugging Fei Yingli and making love in the tent. There is a soundproof talisman to isolate the sound, and Fei Yingli can call out unscrupulously.

Early the next morning, Chen Muyang made sandwiches and soufflé omelettes, plus fragrant milk, both Feiyingli and Xiaolan were very happy to eat.

After the three of them finished eating, they went to the public hall with the ones prepared for Mouri Kogoro and Conan.

The police have launched an investigation, and Maori Kogoro and Conan devoured the breakfast they brought to Chen Muyang.

"Let's eat slowly, we'll go play next." Chen Muyang smiled at Mouri Kogoro and Conan.

In the evening, Chen Muyang and the others came to the civic center again, and the questioning was not over yet.

"Conan, what are you looking at?" Xiaolan gave Conan a box of sushi and asked curiously.

"Thank you, Sister Xiaolan. I'm looking at the music score left by the murderer at the scene of the murder. I think it must be the code left by the murderer. What kind of relationship might this sharp and flat be related to?"

Xiaolan looked at it and said, "In terms of piano, it refers to the black keyboard."

Conan's eyes suddenly lit up and shouted: "I know! I know the meaning of this code!"

His voice is not small, and he immediately attracted everyone's attention, and then he said: "Thanks to the help of Sister Xiaolan, I cracked this code, starting from the left side of the piano keyboard, put the English letters in order, Then write the message you want to convey on the music score in the way of pinyin and notes. According to this clue, read the music score that was passed to the actual murder scene, and it becomes: Do you understand, the next one is you.”

Xiaolan exclaimed: "You are amazing, Conan!"

Mouri Kogoro asked quickly, "So, what about the music score that was written in blood just now!"

"Well, the resentment of sin is eliminated here."

Fei Yingli said in surprise: "That little boy named Conan is so amazing that he could decipher the code so quickly."

Chen Muyang smiled in her ear: "If you want, let's have a boy too."

Concubine Yingli was immediately shy, slapped him and said, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Okay, the mess here is a bit annoying, let's go out for a walk." Chen Muyang hugged Fei Yingli's slender waist and walked out.

The Mumu police department asked Mouri Kogoro in a low voice: "Hey, Mouri brother, I wanted to ask you before, what happened to you and Miss Concubine?"

"Police, we got divorced some time ago."

"Nani!" The Mumu police department was really shocked, both of your daughters are in high school, and they are still divorced! And when did Miss Concubine have such a strong taste, she actually liked Xiaobailian.

You are the little white face, and your whole family is the little white face!

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