All Heavens and Myriad Realms System

Goddess Collection System of All Heavens and Worlds Chapter 291

According to the bomber, the bomb started after 4:00 pm and would explode if the speed of the train on it was less than 60 kilometers per hour. Also, bombs will explode if they are not dismantled before the sun goes down.

Perhaps this guy was so confident that he even gave a hint that he placed the five bombs at the X-X of the Dongdu Ring Line. Each X represents a word.

Before hanging up the phone, he hadn't forgotten to mock Kogoro Maori: "It's up to you, Maori detective."

…… 0 ……



Chen Muyang, Feiyingri and Okino Yoko were drinking coffee in the cafe when Feiyingri's cell phone suddenly rang.

The call was from Kogoro Maori. What did he call? Although she was confused, she still answered the phone.

"Little Goro, is there anything wrong with calling me?" Fei Yingli asked.

"Yingli, give your phone to Chen Muyang, I'm in a hurry to find him."

Fei Yingli handed the phone to Chen Muyang: "I'm looking for you."

Chen Muyang took the phone and said, "Mr. Maoli, what's the matter with me?"

Kogoro Mori talked about the case over the phone, and finally said: "From four o'clock to now, the train on the loop line has not stopped, and now there are TV stations reporting on this, if the bomb cannot be found. , it is likely to cause a huge commotion, and I am afraid it will cause social unrest. I admire your reasoning ability very much, and I hope you can help to reason about where the bomb was installed. "

Chen Muyang said sternly: "I see, I figured out that I will call you." Hanging up the phone, Chen Muyang said: "Yingri, Yoko, don't disturb me."

The two women nodded quickly. Although they didn't know what happened, it was definitely not a trivial matter to make Chen Muyang so serious. As his woman, it is natural to be sensible at this time and not disturb him.

Chen Muyang took out the notebook and began to write and draw on it.

Chapter 313 Famous Detective Chen Muyang, Sounds Good

First of all, the bomber gave a hint that the bomb was placed in the X of XX, and each X represented a word.

Secondly, there are two conditions for the explosion of the bomb: first, the train will explode if the speed is lower than 60 kilometers per hour; second, it will explode when the sun goes down.

To reason from this where the bomb is placed, the second condition becomes the most important.

The setting of the sun, in addition to representing the passage of time, also represents the disappearance of light and the arrival of darkness. That is, the bomb will explode if it is not exposed to light.

Then look at the first condition, the speed cannot be lower than 60 kilometers per hour. That is to say, once the speed of the train is lower than 60 kilometers per hour, the shadow created will make the bomb explode.

The shadow created by the train is only the shadow caused by the blocking of the sun between the rails and the body.

But the rails are not straight, so the shadows created by the body cannot be controlled, so it is only possible between the rails!

If you think about it this way, take a certain point on the railway track as an example. When the train passes this point, the light will be blocked for a few seconds. The length of one car is twenty meters, and the length of ten cars is two hundred meters. meters, when the speed is maintained at 60 kilometers per hour, the speed is about 16.7 meters per second.

That is to say, the time for a 200-meter train to pass through this point is twelve seconds!

If the time is more than twelve seconds, the bomb will explode!

Chen Muyang called Maori Kogoro, told him his reasoning, and finally said, "So, you should divert the train immediately and stop after leaving the loop line, so that the bomb will not be detonated."

Director Sakaguchi immediately ordered all trains on the loop line to be diverted!

All cheered as the last train diverted without exploding.

Then five bombs were also found on the loop line, and they were placed between the rails.

Maori Kogoro called again, but it was the Mumu Police Department who spoke, and he expressed his gratitude to Chen Muyang.

It's half past eight.

Chen Muyang, Fei Yingri and Okino Yoko came to Miwa City Hall, and when they passed by an electrical appliance store, the news about the arson case played inside made Chen Muyang stop.

It's a good time.

Chen Muyang asked Concubine Yingli to call Maori Kogoro on his mobile phone, and successfully contacted the Mumu police department, and then said to the Mumu police department: "Police department, can you tell me what the five bombs are placed on the ring line? location?"

"Four are in ordinary residential areas, and one is installed on the Sumida Canal Bridge."

"Mumu Police Department, please listen to what I say next." Chen Muyang's tone became serious.

The Mumu Police Department suddenly became nervous, and heard Chen Muyang say: "I went to the afternoon tea party held by the famous architect Morigu Teiji before, and I was invited by him to visit his exhibition room at the tea party. In the exhibition room, I found The buildings that were burnt down in the recent arson attack, and the Sumida Canal Bridge where the bomb was planted this time were all designed by Professor Teiji Moriya when he was young!"

"What do you mean, the murderer is the enemy of the second professor of Emperor Sengu?" The Mumu police department suddenly exclaimed.

"No, what I mean is that the murderer who stole the Toyo Gunpowder Depot and the three bomb incidents was Morigu Teiji! At the tea party, he once gave us a puzzle for us to guess. If my expectations are correct, then It should be a general order to enter the Toyo Gunpowder Depot, he originally wanted to use Kudo Shinichi to get it, so as to humiliate Kudo Shinichi, but Conan and I guessed it and helped him."

"What did you say! But this is too unbelievable, how could he destroy the building he designed!"

"I'm not surprised by this, he once showed a similar tendency at a tea party." Chen Muyang described what Emperor Sengu said at that time.

The Mumu police department was completely shocked.

"Police Department, listen to me, Sengu Di Er has made so many explosions, I'm afraid he has his own ambitions, so his home may also be planted with bombs, he knows that the police may investigate him, It's only a matter of time, so the bomb in his house should be a time bomb. When you go to his house, don't show that you know he is the murderer, but hope to ask him to help investigate who the murderer is, and then suddenly attack him and control him, remember , after controlling it, be sure to keep it under control, and don't let his hands touch anything! Otherwise, he may detonate a time bomb."

"I see, is there anything else?"

"Of course there is. I found in his exhibition room that, in addition to the buildings he set on fire, there is another building that is not symmetrical, that is the Rice Flower Municipal Building!"

"Nani!" The Mumu Police Department felt that his scalp was numb!

"He's at home now, so the bomb in the Popcorn Municipal Building should be a ticking time bomb.0"

"I see, I will contact the above to send the bomb disposal unit over now!"

"Wait a minute, police department, when you report to the top, be sure to remind them that if the last two wires are red and blue when disarming the bomb, then you must cut the blue one!"

"Why?" Mumu Police Department asked curiously.

"I explained to you that I have wasted a lot of time before, and I don't have time to say more. When everything is over, I will explain to you why."

"ok, I get it."

The Mumu police department immediately called people to go to the second family of Emperor Sengu, and called to report to the top on the way.

Soon, dozens of police cars roared to the Mihua Municipal Building.

At this time, Chen Muyang had already brought his concubine Yingri and Okino Yoko outside. After the police arrive, the crowd will definitely be evacuated, and it will be very troublesome to figure it out at that time.

On the other hand, according to what Chen Muyang said, the Mumu police department came to the second house of Emperor Sengu and told him that the murderer might be his enemy, hoping that he could assist in the investigation.

Emperor Sengu heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately agreed.

But while he wasn't paying attention to 2.0, police officers Shiratori and Chiba suddenly shot him to the ground and handcuffed his hands.

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