All Heavens and Myriad Realms System

Goddess Collection System of All Heavens and Worlds Chapter 310

"Qianxia, ​​our current relationship must be kept secret, and we can't tell anyone." Chen Muyang told her, but she had already used hypnotism, the hypnotism performed by the master of the revival stage of revival, and Qianxia was naturally a little man. It is irresistible.

"Hey, this is my master's secret and no one can tell it!" Qian Xia shouted.

"Come on, this is what the master prepared for you." Chen Muyang took out a few things for her.

A witch's suit with a red face and a black inside, a flying broom suitable for her, and a defensive magic weapon. This magic weapon is a passive defensive magic weapon. When Qianxia's body is damaged, it will automatically trigger.

Of course, because of her cultivation, Chen Muyang also prepared a staff for her.

This staff was made by him imitating the cute transformation staff in the cartoons of beautiful girl transformation, and it looks very cute.

And these things are placed in the cute-looking space bag.

"Let's go, let's go out." Chen Muyang said to Qian Xia who was wearing a witch costume.

The door to the secret room finally opened.

Akane Kiba, who was waiting with curiosity, hurriedly looked towards the door and saw Qianxia wearing a red-faced and black-bottomed witch costume.

"Qianxia, ​​have you really become a witch?" Akane Kiba asked nervously.

"Well, I'm already a witch now!" Qianxia exclaimed happily.

Chen Muyang smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go outside and let Qianxia try to cast some spells."

Coming to the open space outside, Chen Muyang said, "Qianxia, ​​just cast a few spells you like."

"Hey, I see, Master!" Qianxia took out her staff.

"Ah! Kawaii, what is this?" Makoto Kihata exclaimed in surprise.

"This is the wand that the master made for me. He said that the wand can reduce the magic power required to cast spells and increase the success rate of spell casting, right, master?"

"That's right, Qianxia remembers it very well, very well." Chen Muyang stroked her hair and praised.

Qianxia smiled proudly and began to prepare to cast magic.

Chen Muyang passed her a lot of spells, but there were no attack spells, they were all defensive and auxiliary.

Qianxia waved her staff and cast the transformation spell on the tea cup on the table, and the cup suddenly turned into a cute hamster.

Akane Kihata and Makoto Kihata were suddenly amazed, this kind of magic that turns a dead thing into a living thing is not simple. Kuramoto Kei was also very surprised that his sister could become a witch so easily?

Qianxia used her power to make the teapot float up and move it to the open space, and then cast a big spell on the teapot. The teapot began to grow rapidly, and finally reached the height of half a person!

"Si Gaoyi!" Kiba Makoto exclaimed.

Qianxia used the shrinking spell to shrink the teapot back to its original shape, put it back on the table, and took out the flying broom from the space bag. Qianxia flew into the sky with her own strength.

Kiba Akane looked at Chen Muyang with completely different eyes, but she knew how difficult it was for an ordinary person to become a witch, and even life-threatening.

But here in Chen Muyang, it is so simple.

According to the situation of Qianxia's spellcasting, her mana even surpassed Makoto! It's only been over an hour, and 247 has actually created a witch who is stronger than Makoto who has been trained by witches since childhood!

What the hell is this guy?

However, he is a good match. If the witch and him give birth to a child, if it is a boy, it will have a very high wizard talent; if it is a girl, it will have a very high witch talent!

Maybe, Makoto can think about marrying him.

Qian Xia flew for a while and then fell down, put away the flying broom, and everyone naturally praised again.

When she came to Kuramoto's house, after seeing her daughter's magic, Kuramoto Nana was naturally amazed again, and said, "I never thought it would be so easy to become a witch!"

Kiba Akane shook her head and said, "How is it possible, it is very difficult for ordinary people to become a witch. Not only do they have to go through hard training, but they also have to be guided by a witch during the whole process. Otherwise, their lives may be in danger."

"What about Qianxia?" Kuramoto Nana asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Auntie, Qianxia is very good. The inheritance that Chen Muyang got is the secret technique of ancient Chinese warlocks, and it will not harm Qianxia in any way."

Nana Kuramoto breathed a sigh of relief.

It was Friday afternoon again.

On the way back, Kuramoto Kei suddenly said: "By the way, it's the season for picking wild vegetables. Let's go picking wild vegetables tomorrow?"

Chapter 333 Plain life, plain girl

The next morning, after breakfast, Chen Muyang came to Kuramoto's house to meet Maqin and the others.

Makoto and the others also finished their breakfast and were changing their clothes. Because the temperature in the morning is only about ten degrees, the coolness is still very strong. If you don't pay attention to keeping warm, you will catch a cold.

Chen Muyang patted his forehead and said, "Look at my memory, now, you don't need to change your clothes, just wear this jade talisman with you and everything will be ok."

Makoto and the others took it curiously, and immediately felt some changes when they got it.

Zhenqin and Qianxia came outside, Zhenqin handed the jade talisman to Qianxia, ​​and the moment the jade talisman left her hand, she felt a coolness wrapping herself up, shivered involuntarily, and quickly took the jade talisman back.

The chill disappeared instantly, and the warm Makoto narrowed her eyes.

Qianxia also tried it, and quickly put the jade talisman on her body.

After Ishito Nao arrived, the five of them took a bus to pick wild vegetables in the mountains where the Kuramoto family acquaintances lived.

The dishes at noon are made with fresh mountain vegetables. Chef Chen Muyang is in charge. Ordinary mountain vegetables have also been made into delicious and nutritious dishes. Even Qianxia, ​​who hates the taste of mountain vegetables, is delicious.

After lunch, Kiba Akane suddenly asked, "Mujiyang-kun, do you know Concursio Cafe?"

Chen Muyang nodded and said: "I heard that it was opened by a very powerful witch, but I have never been there."

"What I mean is that you take Makoto and Qianxia there. First, let Qianxia experience the Witch World, and secondly, it is also a good opportunity for Makoto to learn. If you are interested, Agui, you can go together."

"Hey? Can I go even if I'm an ordinary person?"

"Of course, as long as they can get in, anyone can."

Just in time for afternoon tea, Chen Muyang and the four set off for Concursio.

Because Chen Muyang had never been there, Akane Kiba drew a map for them.

According to the map, the four of them came to a house that looked dilapidated.

"Is this a cafe, this is clearly a haunted house!" Kuramoto Kei's face turned pale.

Chen Muyang laughed loudly and said, "Obviously, this house has been enchanted. Sister Qian should have given a hint on the paper."

Sure enough, the way to get in is written on the back.

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