All Heavens and Myriad Realms System

Goddess Collection System of the Heavens and Worlds / System of the Heavens and Worlds Chapter 567

"How to follow, can your light function keep up with cycling?" Xiaoyu was puzzled.

Chen Muyang smiled and said: "Of course Qinggong can keep up, but it's definitely uncomfortable to use Qinggong to chase the car, we use flying."

Amidst Xiaoyu's surprise cry, Chen Muyang flew up with Yufeng, and followed the car all the time. And they are invisible, no one can see them.

"Wow! This is so cool! Chen Muyang, if I were your woman, would I be able to fly too?"

Chapter 609 Delicious little 'snacks'

"Of course, as long as you are my woman tonight, you will be able to fly freely in the sky tomorrow." Chen Muyang said.

Xiaoyu's small mouth directly hit Chen Muyang's big mouth, and then shouted: "Then I will be your woman tonight!"

Chen Muyang was happy.

The car stopped in a box full of garbage, and there was a phone booth next to the wall, ~ a very abrupt phone booth.

The car door opened, and Cheng Long came out from inside, still scolding - Bald Black.

When Cheng Long entered the phone booth to make a call, something happened suddenly. The wall suddenly cracked a hole, swallowed the phone booth, and then quickly closed it, as if nothing had happened.

Chen Muyang said: "It looks like the entrance to the secret base. Xiaoyu, let's wait outside."

"Why don't you go in?"

"I don't want to have anything to do with the officials, it's troublesome." Chen Muyang complained.

"Okay, let's wait outside then."

Chen Muyang simply took out the flying carpet, and the two sat on the flying carpet. Xiaoyu's eyes are naturally shining, and she can't put it down. Chen Muyang grabbed her into his arms, and stretched out his sinful hands with a lewd smile.

Of course, you can't do it directly on it, after all, time is limited, but you can still have a hand addiction.

After more than an hour, Cheng Long came out in a hurry, then ran out and hailed a taxi.

After Cheng Long went in, Chen Muyang and Xiaoyu also came in soon.

"Where did you two go? Dad was taken away by the mafia!" Cheng Long yelled.

"Uh, I took Xiaoyu to familiarize myself with the road conditions in the neighborhood. What happened, Cheng Long?"

"The Mafia wanted the shield, and while we were away, they kidnapped Dad and used him to threaten us to hand over the shield."

"Then give them the shield, and let's leave the spell." Chen Muyang said with a smile.

Cheng Long took the shield to redeem people, while Chen Muyang took out the flying carpet again and followed behind with Xiaoyu.

On the top of the building, Cheng Long saw his father who was kidnapped by a huge giant man. The giant man's hands could almost wrap around his thinner father.

This guy was Vallon's subordinate, Tru, who later reformed and lived in an antique shop.

Cheng Long throws the shield out obediently, attracting Tru to grab the shield, and Cheng Long takes the opportunity to rescue the old man.

Seeing this, Chen Muyang and Xiaoyu went back to the antique shop in peace, and soon Cheng Long came back with his father.

"Welcome back intact, old man." Chen Muyang gloated.

"You old monster, where did you go just now, and I was kidnapped!" The old man shouted angrily.

"I took Xiaoyu to get acquainted with the surrounding area, and the monster can only blame yourself for being unlucky." Chen Muyang shrugged.

Sounds so angry! Dad had the urge to vomit blood.

At this time, Blake ran over, and the old man told him that there might be eleven more spells.

Blake left quickly, Chen Muyang made dinner, and Xiaoyu ate the delicious food made by Chen Muyang for the first time, and she ate her belly full.

late at night.

Xiaoyu sat on her bed and waited for Chen Muyang full of anticipation. Just as she was expecting, Chen Muyang's figure suddenly appeared in front of her, and Xiaoyu suddenly cried out in surprise: "Chen Muyang!"

She quickly reacted and quickly covered her mouth. Chen Muyang smiled and said, "Why cover your mouth? With sound insulation, no matter how loud you bark, no one can hear you."

Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, it's really uncomfortable to speak in a low voice. Chen Muyang, when did I become a woman?"

"Let's go first." Chen Muyang went to sit beside her, and hugged her into his arms.

After more than an hour.

Xiaoyu lay in Chen Muyang's arms, her delicate skin turned pink, her eyes blurred.

After a long time, she came back to her senses, and her body suddenly floated up.

Wukongshu originated from the ability of Crane Xianliu in Dragon Ball.

At this time, Xiaoyu has the six-story practice of refining and transforming qi, and her true qi is majestic, and it is easy to perform Wukong.

But this little girl's talent in this area is really beyond imagination, and she can be so proficient in performing it for the first time.

Xiaoyu flew slowly in the room, the speed became faster and faster, and finally there was only a streamer left.

Chen Muyang grabbed her into his arms and took out a defensive magic weapon to help her refine it: "This is a defensive magic weapon. Not only can it resist various attacks, but it can also form a protective shield when you fly fast in the sky. Help you block the draft."

Xiaoyu tried it and liked this magic weapon very much.

Chen Muyang didn't give her attack magic weapon, this girl has top-notch trickery ability, and attack magic weapon is too dangerous.

Then he used Yuedu again, and took Xiaoyu into the Yuedu space to give her special training. The training content included flying, some defensive and auxiliary spells, and various martial arts.

No matter how long it is here, there is only one second outside, so they will not feel hungry. Xiaoyu is very interested in this aspect and will not get bored. She studies very seriously and trains very hard.

Sure enough, interest is the best teacher, there is no need for Chen Muyang to be so strict, she can work hard on her own.

Half a year passed quickly in the monthly reading space.


After Chen Muyang finished his monthly reading, Xiaoyu woke up, grabbed the watch next to him to check it, and exclaimed in surprise and excitement: "It's really only a second, it's really unbelievable!"

Chen Muyang hugged her into his arms, and lingered with her to death.

Two hours later, Chen Muyang cleaned up all traces and returned to his home.

There was nothing to do all day that day, Xiaoyu came to play at Chen Muyang's house, and was tossed by Chen Muyang for a whole day, Cheng Long called at noon, and when Xiaoyu answered the phone, Chen Muyang had a diplomatic exchange with her.

In the evening, Papa treats guests to Mexican food.

Speaking of spells during the period, Dad found out the information he found last night and told the origin of the spells.

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