All Heavens and Myriad Realms System

Goddess Collection System of the Heavens and Worlds / System of the Heavens and Worlds Chapter 600

Tyrande knelt beside him and took him into her arms to comfort him.

There was deep sadness in Illidan's eyes, and it was the sadness born of love.

Chen Muyang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, your people need help now."

Illidan turned around and boarded a small boat, and Chen Muyang helped drive it, while Illidan continued to rescue the compatriots in the water onto the boat.

When all the night elves who fell into the water were rescued on board, the fleet sailed towards the distant land that seemed to be in the sky.

Arcanists create wind to drive the sails of the ships, allowing the fleet to sail faster.

When the fleet reached the shore, the tribe looked at Malfurion and Tyrande, hoping that they could lead them to rebuild their homeland.

On their quest to find a new home, the night elves saw the devastation of the land and realized the consequences of their reckless use of magic.

Although Azeroth and his Burning Legion were destroyed by the explosion of the Well of Eternity, the price paid by the night elves, Kalimdor and even the entire planet of Azeroth was too great.

In the end, the night elves came to the foot of the holy mountain Mount Hyjal. Seeing that the holy mountain survived the big bang, all the night elves seemed to have found their spiritual support.

By the side of a quiet small lake, Malfurion said: "It's getting late, everyone rest here tonight, we'll discuss the specifics tomorrow."

In the middle of the night, a figure quietly came to the edge of the lake, took out a crystal bottle, and poured the sparkling water in the bottle into the lake.

Huge changes took place in the lake in an instant, and the majestic arcane energy dissipated, alarming the sleeping elves.

"This is the energy fluctuation of the Well of Eternity!" A high-level elf mage exclaimed in surprise. They have studied the Well of Eternity deeply, and they are very familiar with the energy fluctuation of the Well of Eternity.

But the hearts of the ordinary night elves were full of panic, and they stared angrily at the night elf standing by the lake holding a crystal bottle!

Chen Muyang was also very surprised, it was not Illidan, but an upper elf!

It's right to say that since Illidan cultivated his state of mind, his spiritual state has improved, so he would not do such a thing. But I didn't expect the inertia of the plot to be so great. Although there is no Illidan, there are other elves doing this!

At this moment, Chen Muyang felt the deep malice of the world.

Malfurion imprisoned the highborne and roared angrily at him: "Look at what you have done, can't the unfinished disaster make you give up magic?"

The high-level elf said frantically, "As a high-level elf, how can you not study magic? Do you want me to practice vulgar druid spells like you and become a beast?"

Although there was no explicit opening to express support, the eyes of the other high elves agreed with this statement with sympathy.

The ordinary night elves were angry and wanted to execute the highborne, but out of respect for life, Malfurion decided to imprison him until the end of his life.

The other night elves followed Cenarius to practice druid spells while building their homes.

The four-color dragons came to Mount Hyjal, and it was Malygos, the king of blue dragons, who sensed the energy fluctuations of the Well of Eternity.

After understanding the whole story, the four-color dragon clan also expressed some helplessness.

Malfurion made a pact with the Dragon Clan that he would use the power of the Well of Eternity carefully and never attract the attention of the demon again.

The Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza planted a seed in the new Well of Eternity. The seed was spawned by the majestic power of the Well of Eternity, and it grew into a huge World Tree in a short period of time!

The roots of the World Tree go deep into the bottom of the lake of the Well of Eternity, and the huge tree crown almost covers the sky.

The purpose of Alexstrasza planting this world tree is to use the life energy it emits to slowly heal the wounds of this world.

The night elves named this world tree Nordrassil, which means the crown of the sky in the night elf language, and it deserves the name.

Nozdormu, the bronze dragon king, added magic to Nordrassil. As long as the world tree still exists, the night elves will never grow old or get sick.

Issara, the dragon king of dreams, connected the World Tree with her dream kingdom, creating an illusory world she called the Emerald Dream.

Night elf druids, including Malfurion, can establish a connection with the Emerald Dream through the World Tree. As part of their pact with the four-colored dragons, the druids agreed to hibernate for hundreds of years at a time, in order to help Isshara manage the Emerald Dream.

"You want to leave?" Illidan looked at Chen Muyang in surprise.

In this battle against the Burning Legion, Chen Muyang's help to the night elves was seen by the entire night elves. Malfurion publicly declared that if Chen Muyang's early warning hadn't alerted him and arranged for the evacuation of the tribe, more night elves would have died in the war.

For this reason, the night elves unanimously recognized Chen Muyang as the eternal friend of the night elves, and received a certificate representing the friendship of the night elves, the blessing of the night elves.

This is the sincere blessing of all the night elves, and it is the proof that represents the deepest and most sincere friendship of the night elves.

Chen Muyang smiled and said: "Illidan, I haven't explored this world yet, let alone Azeroth, which has become a new world, there are more mysteries waiting for me to explore. But I will always be a good friend of the night elves, I will never forget our friendship."

On the day Chen Muyang left, Malfurion, Tyrande and Illidan all came here to see him off.

Chen Muyang waved his hands at them, and left leisurely. Not long after he left, a statue of him was erected, which was specially carved by the night elves to commemorate Chen Muyang.

Chapter 645 Meet Shaohao on the road and set foot on Pandaria

On the side of the night elves, they pretended to be a bucket, brushed the sense of existence, and got a lot of water from the Well of Eternity. Chen Muyang walked easily.

As for the future development of the night elves, it's none of his business.

The white yacht was moving slowly in the sea, and Chen Muyang was sitting on the side of the boat, wearing only a pair of beach pants, revealing his strong and vigorous upper body.

Suddenly, Chen Muyang retracted his pole, and a colorful fish flew up from the water and landed on the deck.

"Yo hoo, it's Rainbow Fish, I'm lucky today!" Chen Muyang cheered. Although the rainbow fish is colorful, it is not only non-toxic, but the meat is tender and firm, and it is extremely delicious. It is most suitable for sashimi.

A shadow clone carried the rainbow fish to the kitchen, and when Chen Muyang was about to continue fishing, a fog appeared in the distance.

Chen Muyang jumped up immediately. He is going to Pandaria this time, to see all kinds of magical life on this land, such as pandaren, mantid, mogu, hozen and jinyu.

However, to reach Pandaria, you must first pass through this fog.

This mist was transformed by Shaohao, the last emperor of the Pandaren. At this time, it has only been more than three years since the Well of Eternity exploded, that is to say, this mist has only appeared for more than three years.

The fog was like a wall, surrounding the entire Pandaria. The thick fog made it impossible to tell the direction. If you forced your way into it, you would most likely die inside.

After Chen Muyang stowed the yacht, his body soared into the sky, reaching an altitude of 10,000 meters.

The dense fog is only a hundred miles thick, but its height is only 10,000 meters. After Chen Muyang's flying altitude broke through 10,000 meters, he easily flew over the clouds.

Suddenly, the thick fog in front rolled up, and a cloud of fog rose quickly and turned into a human shape, and even spoke: "Guests, please go slowly."

Chen Muyang stopped, thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty Shaohao?"

The dense fog figure said in surprise: "It's me, how could you guess it?"

Chen Muyang smiled and said: "This is my secret, it's inconvenient to tell Your Majesty, is there any reason for His Majesty to stop me?"

"Just want to ask, what are you doing in Pandaria?" Shaohao's tone became serious.

"Of course it's for fun. I've heard of panda people, but I haven't had the chance to see them. Now that I have time, I have the opportunity. I will naturally come to see this magical land and the various mysterious races living in this land. .” Chen Muyang calmly explained his reason for coming.

Shaohao didn't sense the slightest malice from Chen Muyang, finally believed his own feelings, and said, "Then welcome to Pandaria."

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