All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 103 Cautious Han Tianzun

In the world of mortals cultivating immortals, Qixuanmen, Shenshou Valley.

Han Li's life was quite leisurely. After he killed Doctor Mo, he did not leave Qixuanmen, but lived in seclusion in Qixuanmen.

Just like what happened in the original timeline, Han Li claimed that he had inherited Doctor Mo's medical skills and could treat the disciples in the sect on his behalf.

Han Li did this naturally for the territory of Shenshou Valley.

He lived in seclusion in Qixuanmen, and only with Shenshou Valley as his territory could he let go.

At the beginning, the disciples in Qixuanmen did not believe that Han Li, a teenager, could inherit Doctor Mo's medical skills.

But Han Li had inherited most of Doctor Mo's medical skills.

In addition, after joining the chat group, Han Li came into contact with many different cultivation systems, and his understanding of the human body was far beyond Doctor Mo.

Combining the two, Han Li's medical skills now even surpass Doctor Mo.

So this time Han Li didn't have to waste the rare medicinal materials produced by the little green bottle. He could cure the disease with his own medical skills.

As time went by, the warriors in the Qixuan Sect gradually knew that there was a doctor with excellent medical skills in the sect.

Over time, Shenshou Valley became the holy place for medical treatment in the Qixuan Sect.

In order not to affect the practice, Han Li set the time for seeing a doctor from 3 to 5 pm, and did not receive patients at other times.

All those who came to see him were not allowed to step into Shenshou Valley. When the time came, Han Li would naturally go to the gate of Shenshou Valley to see the patients.

This willful rule made the warriors in the Qixuan Sect believe that Han Li's medical skills were very good.

For such a miracle doctor, even the hot-tempered martial artists did not dare to disobey Han Li's wishes, so everyone could only line up obediently.

Often people started queuing before dawn, just to be able to ring the bronze bell as soon as possible and let Han Li treat him.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon. Han Li prepared the medicine, wrote the doctor's instructions, and sent the last patient away.

Doctor Han, who had been busy all day, finally had some free time.

Just when Han Li was about to go back to his house to cultivate, a black shadow squeezed in from outside.

Looking at this agile skill, Han Li didn't need to guess that it was Li Feiyu.

Li Feiyu's temperament was cold and fierce. From a distance, he looked like a piece of ice, but as soon as he saw Han Li, he immediately switched to a playful expression and became carefree.

He hammered Han Li's shoulder: "Now our great doctor Han has become so busy that he has no time to take care of old friends."

Han Li glared at Li Feiyu unhappily: "My senior brother Li, I don't care about you, so where did this medicine come from."

After that, Han Li threw the white porcelain bottle in his hand into Li Feiyu's hand.

"Do you think the antidote for the marrow-extracting pills is so easy to make? Even if someone else kneels down and begs me, I'm too lazy to research the prescription for him, let alone use so many precious herbs to make the medicine.

Here, take three pills a day, morning, noon and night.

Take it for three consecutive months, and you can replenish the life essence you lost from taking the marrow-extracting pills.

Remember, don't eat this kind of crap again.

If you want to improve your martial arts, I will make you other pills after you recover. I guarantee that your martial arts will improve faster than taking the marrow-extracting pills."

The pills in this white porcelain bottle are not simple. They are mainly Qiankun Yiqi rice from the Yangshen world, and the auxiliary ingredients are precious herbs such as 100-year-old ginseng, 100-year-old red fruit, 100-year-old Polygonum multiflorum, etc.

The most important one is the Qiankun Yiqi rice from the Yangshen world. This kind of rice can strengthen qi and blood, cleanse the body, and replenish the deficiency of the human body.

Each pill in the bottle condenses the essence of half a pound of Qiankun Yiqi rice, plus seven or eight kinds of precious medicinal materials that are hundreds of years old, and finally this bottle of pills that can resolve the sequelae of the marrow-drawing pills was refined.

It can be said that if the person who took the marrow-drawing pills was not Li Feiyu, it would be impossible for Han Li to take out so many precious medicinal materials to prepare medicine for him if it was anyone else.

Holding the white porcelain medicine in his hand, Li Feiyu looked at Han Li with extremely complicated eyes.

Touched, fortunate, afraid, admiring, all kinds of emotions intertwined.

Li Feiyu did not doubt whether the bottle of pills Han Li gave him could solve the sequelae of the marrow-drawing pills, because he understood that with Han Li's character, since he gave him the pills, he would definitely be able to solve the problem.

Originally, after taking the marrow-drawing pills, Li Feiyu had already put life and death aside. Anyway, he only had ten years left to live. Unexpectedly, his best friend Han Li could actually prepare the antidote for the marrow-drawing pills, giving him hope to live again.

Li Feiyu looked at Han Li with a serious face and said solemnly: "Han Li, I, Li Feiyu, owe you a life. From now on, as long as you have an order, no matter it is a sea of ​​fire or a mountain of sword, I, Li Feiyu, will never say no."

Han Li did not say much, but waved his hand: "Okay, okay, my senior brother Li, go back and take medicine quickly, and remember not to practice martial arts again in these three months."

Li Feiyu looked at Han Li deeply, then turned and left. He was dressed in black and sank into the darkness without leaving a trace.

After Li Feiyu left, Han Li returned to the room, sat cross-legged and began to practice Yuxu Qi Refining Technique.

After this period of practice, Han Li's cultivation has reached the peak of Qi Refining Stage, and he is only a little bit away from breaking through to the Foundation Establishment Stage.

But Han Li did not relax at all.

This time, he did not want to leave Qixuanmen to venture into the world of immortal cultivation.

At least with his current cultivation, Han Li did not want to leave Qixuanmen at all.

After all, after reading the information given to him by the group leader, Han Li knew that there were really many old cunts in the world of immortality.

Not to mention anything else, just the Xiang Zili hidden in the Yellow Wind Valley is the most powerful old cunt in the world.

He is obviously a powerful person in the realm of gods who has no enemies.

But he chose to stay as an ordinary disciple in a small sect like Horng Valley.

Is this something a human being can do?

When Han Li was reading the information, he was so shocked that cold sweat broke out on his back.

No matter how careful he is when using the little green bottle.

But if Xiang Zili really noticed him, Han Li would never be able to hide the secret of the little green bottle with his cultivation in the God Transformation Realm.

By then, I'm afraid it won't be him, Han Li, who becomes an immortal, but that old yin, Xiang Zhili.

Now the question arises, in addition to Xiang Zhili, are there hidden perverts like Xiang Zili in other sects?

After all, when you see a cockroach, it means there is a nest of cockroaches in your home.

The old tough guys in other sects may not have such terrifying cultivation as Xiang Zili, but at Han Li's current level, even if these tough guys are only at the Nascent Soul realm, Han Li won't be able to cope with them at all.

Han Li secretly made up his mind that he would become a Steady Heavenly Lord and would never leave the Qixuan Sect until he had achieved the level of Nascent Soul.

At this moment, the chat group suddenly vibrated, reminding Han Li that someone was following him.

Han Li opened the chat group and saw that it was Xiao Yang Chan.

She was urging Han Li, wondering why today's portion of the Towering Creation Liquid hadn't arrived yet.

It was time for her to go to the back mountain to water the Nine Yuan Xuanling Fruit.

Han Li quickly sent today's share of the towering creation fluid as a red envelope to little Yang Chan.

The ancient world, Yuquan Mountain.

Xiao Yang Chan clapped her hands and ended today's practice.

She stretched her waist, and the colorful fairy clothes were draped on her body. Her small lotus had begun to show its sharp corners on her chest, revealing her graceful and beautiful figure.

"It took ten days to finally reach the Nascent Soul stage. It was really hard.

Come on, come on, practice hard for another month, and you will definitely be able to catch up with your brother. "

With the help of the chat group, Xiao Yang Chan's ten days can be used as one hundred days.

For Xiao Yang Chan, who is extremely talented, it is easy to become a Nascent Soul in a hundred days with sufficient training resources.

This rapid improvement in cultivation speed made little Yang Chan feel ambitious and wanted to catch up with her brother Yang Jian's cultivation progress.

If Han Li knew what Xiao Yang Chan was thinking, he would definitely lament in his heart that the world is so different.

He had been practicing hard for so many days, but in the end he couldn't even break through the foundation building period.

But little Yang Chan cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage just like Wan.

There is really no comparison between people.

After stretching, Xiao Yang Chan jumped off the Nine-Xuan Cold Jade Bed prepared for her by Master Yuding.

The Nine-Xuan Cold Jade Bed is a rare treasure obtained by Master Yuding from the bitter cold land of the West. It has the function of clearing the mind, calming the mind, and gathering spiritual energy.

Yang Chan jumped up and down and walked towards the back mountain.

She secretly planted the Jiuyuan Xuanling Fruit in a corner of the back mountain. It was extremely hidden and covered with a cluster of small red flowers that were very similar to the flowers of the Jiuyuan Xuanling Fruit.

After arriving at the back mountain, Xiao Yang Chan pretended to inadvertently reach out and flick a drop of towering creation liquid onto the Jiu Xuan Yuan Spirit Fruit hidden among the small red flowers.

Moisturized by this drop of towering creation fluid, the green buds of the Jiuxuan Yuanling Fruit that had just emerged from the ground suddenly grew upwards, and branches grew out in an instant.

This scene made Yang Chan couldn't help but sigh. It is indeed a spiritual fruit from the ancient times. It grows slowly. A hundred years have passed in an instant, but it has only grown a little.

After pouring the Nine Yuan Xuanling Fruit, Yang Chan did not leave immediately. Instead, she sat on the hillside and quietly looked at the scenery of Yuquan Mountain.

She missed her parents a little.

In fact, in the past few days, Yang Chan would come to this hillside during daily practice breaks and quietly watch the flowers blooming all over the mountain.

Because it would remind her of how she often went to play with her father and mother in the mountains when she was a child. That mountain was also covered with flowers like Yuquan Mountain.

At this moment, a figure appeared behind Yang Chan.

He patted Yang Chan on the shoulder and sat next to him.

"Girl, do you miss your parents?"

Yang Chan nodded, tears flashing in his eyes.


"Brother misses them too. I promise you that I will definitely bring my mother back."

Yang Jian's eyes were shining with determination, as if no one in heaven or on earth could stop him from rescuing his mother.

Yang Chan turned to look at Yang Jian: "What about father? Brother, can you bring father back?"

Hearing these words, Yang Jian lowered his head.

Of course he also wanted to bring his father back, but he had already learned from Master Yuding that his father was dead.

In the prehistoric world, the dead will enter the six paths of reincarnation.

His father is just a mortal. If he wants to find his father, he must enter the six realms of reincarnation to see where his father's soul is.

And the one who guards the Six Paths of Reincarnation is that adult.

The only people in the world who can make that adult agree to examine the Six Paths of Reincarnation are the Six Saints hanging high in the sky and the even more unattainable way of heaven.

Seeing Yang Jian's expression, Yang Chan knew what Yang Jian's answer was.

Yang Chan raised her head and looked at Yang Jian with her big eyes: "Brother, it's okay, don't be sad, you just need to save mother, and leave father to me, I will definitely bring him back."

Yang Jian lowered his head and looked at the firm look in his sister's eyes, feeling a little distressed and relieved.

He touched Yang Chan's head and then turned and left.

In order to save his mother and not let his sister down, Yang Jian was unwilling to waste a minute of practice.

After Yang Jian left, Yang Chan looked at Yang Jian's back and fell into deep thought.

The second brother's skills are really getting stronger and stronger. Even from a distance, you can feel how strong his physique is, just like the rising sun. Yang Chan even thinks that the second brother's physical fitness can fight the dragon!

This skill called Bajiu Xuan Gong is really amazing.

It would be great if I could get the introductory chapter of Bajiu Xuan Gong from the second brother.

Although Yang Chan could not learn it herself, it is said that Yuanshi Tianzun placed a conceptual lock on the method of Bajiu Xuan Gong.

Only those who are recognized by him can practice it.

But that is to say, if Yang Chan gets the method and does not learn it herself, but just sends it to the chat group, how should Yuanshi Tianzun deal with it.

Yang Chan expressed curiosity as to whether this conceptual lock can lock other worlds across the heavens and the worlds.

After these days, Yang Chan gradually recognized the concept of the chat group.

Help each other and make progress together. Sometimes helping group members improve their strength is actually helping yourself.

Because the strength of group members has improved, they can naturally get more resources.

And group members will give these resources back to the group, thus forming a positive cycle.

Although Yang Chan herself did not get any benefit from sending Bajiu Xuan Gong to the chat group, just the fact that it can improve the strength of group members can give Yang Chan a lot of feedback invisibly.

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