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Chapter 122: The Imperial Heaven-Slaying Battle Body, the Five-Colored Divine Light Technique debuts

No matter what kind of skills are practiced or what kind of genetic map is created, the last step for a super warrior to advance to a god and demon warrior is to condense the Tianyuan Palace and the Diyuan Palace.

One of these two super organs is the hub of the god and demon combat body, and the other is the energy source of the god and demon combat body.

Only with these two organs can the various super organs in the body be combined into a whole, and then condense the god and demon combat body.

However, the most important thing to condense these two super organs is not the external materials, but the yin and yang qi naturally generated in the warrior's body.

At the beginning, Zhou Xuanyi wanted to condense the Diyuan Palace, which caused problems with the balance of the five elements in the body and made his body a mess.

At this time, Zhou Xuanyi felt that he was simply dreaming. After repairing the super map in his body according to Xu Chenzhou's plan, his body actually gave birth to a yin and yang qi naturally.

With this yin and yang qi as a trigger, Zhou Xuanyi condensed the Tianyuan Palace and the Diyuan Palace in his body.

This process was as smooth as eating and sleeping, which made Zhou Xuanyi a little unbelievable.

The most difficult hurdle in advancing to the God and Demon Warrior was actually stepped over by him like this.

You know, condensing these two extraordinary organs is the most difficult, painful and arduous step in the first five levels of cultivation of extraordinary warriors.

I don’t know how many extraordinary warriors have messed up their bodies in order to condense these two extraordinary organs, or even exploded and died.

Zhou Xuanyi couldn’t explain how this yin and yang energy was born. He only felt that the five elements in his body formed a perfect whole, mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, circling back and forth, and it was wonderful to the extreme. In this harmonious rotation, a yin and yang energy was naturally generated.

The Yin and Yang Palaces were born, and he entered the realm of gods and demons from then on.

Zhou Xuanyi’s eyebrows lit up, and a huge Tianyuan Palace appeared at his eyebrows.

This Tianyuan Palace looks like just a point, but in fact there is a world in the soul.

In the Tianyuan Palace, there are countless magnificent buildings with carved railings and painted buildings. In each building stands a god, with infinite majesty, accommodating the vast and infinite gods.

Then, Zhou Xuanyi's Dantian also lit up, and the Diyuan Qi Palace was shaped by Zhou Xuanyi.

Compared with the Tianyuan Palace, the Diyuan Qi Palace is much simpler. In the Diyuan Qi Palace, there is only a huge cyclone, and the cyclone roars and flows with energy, containing the power to destroy the world.

After Zhou Xuanyi shaped the Heaven and Earth Palaces, his extraordinary organs seemed to be connected as a whole.

His body gradually grew larger, and soon Zhou Xuanyi's head was about to hit the roof of the martial arts training ground.

This martial arts training ground is about 20 meters high. Zhou Xuanyi just sat cross-legged, and this martial arts training ground almost couldn't accommodate him.

His skin became golden, as if it was cast in gold, and mysterious textures appeared on the surface of his skin.

Zhou Xuanyi raised his left hand, pointed his finger as a sword, and swung it gently, creating a huge bottomless crack on the floor of the entire martial arts training ground.

Xu Chenzhou stretched his head to take a look, and with his eyesight he could vaguely see a hint of red in the crack.


Could this finger have directly cut into the mantle layer, cutting out the magma? It's a bit outrageous.

Zhou Xuanyi looked at Liu Xuanyan beside him.

"How about this finger of mine, is it awesome?"

Liu Xuanyan nodded, and he looked at Zhou Xuanyi with envy.

"The Emperor Extreme Heaven-Slaying Battle Body of Tianwu Academy is indeed extraordinary. Your battle body has only been unfolded by one-third at most, but it has such power.

No wonder the battle fields of the gods and demons are almost all in the void of the universe. How can ordinary planets withstand your ravages?"

The battle body of the gods and demons is another kind of true body. The more fully the battle body is unfolded, the stronger the combat power!

Zhou Xuanyi laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that I, Old Zhou, would also step into the realm of God and Demon Warriors.

It's a pity that this place is too small, otherwise my combat body can become a hundred meters high, and then my combat power can be fully exerted.

Now I really want to find an opponent of the same level to fight and test my current strength."

Liu Xuanyan rolled his eyes at him: "If you want to fight, go to the universe, don't wreak havoc on the planet Shuilan Star.

But it's not easy for you to find an opponent now. The few God and Demon Warriors on Shuilan Star are almost all in retreat. You can't call them out to fight!"

Zhou Xuanyi's huge body rubbed his hands, looking impatient.

"If I can't find a God and Demon Warrior, I can go find a True Immortal or a walking God to fight. There are always people who are not in retreat."

Zhou Xuanyi experienced the feeling of the God and Demon Battle Body for a while. Although he is old, he still has a strong desire to play, a bit like an old naughty boy.

After finally cultivating the God and Demon Battle Body, Zhou Xuanyi had a lot of fun.

After he had enough fun, he shrunk his body and returned to his normal form.

After seeing Zhou Xuanyi's successful breakthrough, Xu Chenzhou also stood up and said goodbye.

Today, he has been busy all day for Zhou Xuanyi's breakthrough.

He came to Zhou Xuanyi's house early in the morning, checked Zhou Xuanyi's physical condition, and then discussed with Liu Xuanyan to adjust the treatment plan to the most perfect level. It took a lot of energy. When Zhou Xuanyi successfully broke through, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

However, today's harvest was also quite rich. Zhou Xuanyi didn't know from where he was lacking materials to break through to the second level of the extraordinary, so he specially prepared a copy for him.

With this material, he can break through to the second level of the extraordinary.

The business of Qiankun Yiqi rice has just started. Although this thing can make a lot of money, it will take some time to open up the fame and successfully realize it.

At this time, the breakthrough material Zhou Xuanyi gave him saved him a lot of waiting time.

Xu Chenzhou sat in the maglev car and returned to the door of his villa.

The stars in the sky tonight were particularly sparse. Xu Chenzhou raised his head and counted carefully. There were only three or five of them.

The brightest one among them actually flashed a hint of purple light.

The star that Xu Chenzhou recognized was named Zique, and its status in the star field world was equivalent to the Big Dipper on the earth.

Walking at the door of his house, Xu Chenzhou felt a strange atmosphere, as if someone was secretly spying on him.

Xu Chenzhou looked back, but saw nothing.

At this moment, Xu Chenzhou suddenly felt a sense of danger coming.

With a bang, a black shadow pounced on him like a tiger.

In the blind spot of his vision, a black fist hit his head fiercely.

The knuckles of this fist were inlaid with colorful ribbons, which looked very strange.

The boxing gloves broke the wind and made a sound like a tiger roaring.

Behind the man who attacked, a virtual tiger seemed to appear.

The runes on Xu Chenzhou's body flashed, and a dark yellow bell-shaped gas shield appeared on his body.

The black shadow's punch hit the bell-shaped gas shield, and the true energy on the boxing gloves suddenly turned into a huge tiger phantom, biting the bell-shaped gas shield fiercely.

With a grunt, the bell-shaped gas shield was bitten to pieces, and a huge gap appeared, and then the man's fist stretched out from the gap and hit Xu Chenzhou fiercely.

The power of this punch surprised Xu Chenzhou. This was the first time he had encountered someone who could break through the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique.

It seemed that the cultivation level of the man in front of him should be much higher than his, and the boxing gloves in his hand should also be a rare treasure.

Due to the obstruction of the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique, the punch speed of the man in front of him was much slower, so Xu Chenzhou was able to dodge it calmly.

He took two steps back and carefully looked at the man who was attacking him.

This man was wearing a jet-black martial arts robe, his face was gloomy as iron, and his explosive muscles contained terrible power. He wore a pair of boxing gloves on his two sturdy arms, and the knuckles of the boxing gloves were inlaid with colorful ribbons.

The most special thing was that the two forearms of this man were actually covered with dense white hair, which looked like tiger claws from a distance.

This man's appearance was so distinctive that Xu Chenzhou recognized the identity of the man in front of him at a glance.

"Seven Killing Tigers, White Tiger Breaking Army Hand, are you Li Xuanqi, the owner of Tianyuan Martial Arts Hall?"

Li Xuanqi's face was a little surprised. He didn't expect Xu Chenzhou to be only at the peak of the first level, but he could actually take his fatal blow, especially the Xuanhuang Qi shield outside his body. The ancient aura on it made Li Xuanqi a little frightened when he recalled it.

"You can actually take my blow. You are not bad. Even among the super-limited warriors, you are a genius.

It's a pity that you will die here today."

Li Xuanqi's face was as cold as iron. He crossed his hands and pulled off the colorful ribbon on the boxing gloves fiercely.

As the colorful ribbon was pulled off, the color of the whole set actually began to slowly turn green, and the fingers appeared with grains of fish scales.

"It is your honor to die under the full-powered Nine Nether Cold Iron Fist Gloves of my Li family."

Xu Chenzhou looked at the man in front of him and frowned.

Is Li Xuanqi crazy? The Martial Arts Association is supervising behind the scenes. It is strictly forbidden for these martial arts schools to fight by fighting.

Once this rule is violated, it will be punished by the Martial Arts Association.

Even if Li Xuanqi really kills him, he will be buried with him.

Li Xuanqi did not give Xu Chenzhou any time to think. After he finished speaking, he immediately attacked again.

The martial arts that Li Xuanqi practiced was the Seven Killing Tigers' Nerves, which was passed down from the Li family of Tianyuan Martial Arts School. It can be trained into the Seven Killing Tigers' God War Body.

When he threw this punch, another tiger roar sounded, and a tiger phantom attacked Xu Chenzhou fiercely.

A dark yellow gas shield appeared outside Xu Chenzhou again, blocking the attack of the tiger phantom.

But under the attack of this punch, the gas shield outside Xu Chenzhou became shaky, and countless cracks appeared, as if it would break at any time.

Li Xuanqi's body was as fast as lightning, like a tiger descending from the mountain. With his hands, two tiger claws appeared out of thin air on the air shield in front of Xu Chenzhou, tearing the air shield in half and scattering into golden powder all over the sky.

Then he quickly attacked with both hands, and countless green fist claw marks gushed out from Li Xuanqi's hands.

The third-level martial arts master was indeed very powerful.

Moreover, the pair of boxing gloves in his hands were indeed a rare treasure that could greatly increase Li Xuanqi's fist power.

Xu Chenzhou used all his strength to activate the Nine Yang True Qi and the Red Emperor Dragon Flame. The two kinds of firepower merged into one in Xu Chenzhou's body, turning into a white flame that kept colliding with Li Xuanqi's palm power.

From time to time, Xu Chenzhou also used the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique to build a bell-shaped gas shield again to block Li Xuanqi's attack.

However, although this magic was very powerful, Xu Chenzhou was still unable to maintain it after being broken by others continuously. The bell-shaped gas shield that was re-condensed around him became more and more illusory until it was completely wiped out!

Seeing that Xu Chenzhou was no longer protected by the bell-shaped gas shield, Li Xuanqi showed a cruel smile on his face. He grabbed Xu Chenzhou's chest with a claw, and the shadow of a tiger emerged, roaring to the sky and trying to take out Xu Chenzhou's heart.

"So strong, so strong, you are really strong!

There is a whole difference of two levels between us, but you can still fight with me for so long.

If I didn't have the Nine Nether Cold Iron Fist Gloves, I might not be able to defeat you.

You are such a genius, why are you looking for death?

If you had sold the White Crane Martial Arts School to our Tianyuan Martial Arts School, wouldn't it have been fine?

You caused me so much trouble that I have to kill you myself."

Xu Chenzhou raised his head and looked at Li Xuanqi, with a very meaningful look in his eyes.

"I think you are the one who is looking for death.

Do you really think you can do anything just because you are a third-level martial arts master?"

As he spoke, countless runes flashed in Xu Chenzhou's pupils, and these runes formed a very complicated pattern in his pupils.

Then a five-color light flashed.

In Li Xuanqi's unbelievable eyes, the gloves he wore firmly on his hands were swept into the air by the five-color divine light.

"What kind of martial arts is this!"

Li Xuanqi was shocked.

I have never heard of such martial arts, which could snatch the gloves he was holding tightly in his hand.

Even his brother Li Tiangang's immortal method could not achieve this effect.

Xu Chenzhou was quick-witted and stuffed the gloves in the air into a red envelope and sent it to Xiao Shihao.

In fact, Xu Chenzhou did not want to use the Five-Colored Divine Light Technique, because this place was a little less hidden.

After all, the place where they fought was at the door of Xu Chenzhou's villa. Strictly speaking, this place is a downtown area.

Although the street was empty, Xu Chenzhou estimated that there must be many people watching secretly.

But there was no other way. Who told this bastard not only bullied the weak but also brought a divine outfit. It was really shameless.

Then Xu Chenzhou gently pinched a talisman in his arms.

Divine Power Talisman, start!

I told you old boy to be unethical. A dignified third-level martial arts master actually came to sneak attack in the middle of the night to cheat and bully me, an eighteen-year-old boy.

To deal with this kind of scum, Xu Chenzhou had no psychological pressure at all.

Xu Chenzhou grabbed Li Xuanqi's wrist with one hand.

Xu Chenzhou pulled Li Xuanqi into the air with force and slammed him hard on the concrete floor on the right.

This was not enough, Xu Chenzhou waved his hand and slammed Li Xuanqi to the concrete floor on the left again.

Li Xuanqi was completely stunned. Even if he lost his boxing gloves, with his physical strength of nearly 150,000 pounds of extraordinary martial arts, he could not be smashed to the ground like a piece of garbage by a first-level extraordinary martial artist.

Moreover, he still had the killing moves of the Seven Killing Tigers to use, so how could he suddenly fall into a disadvantage.

But what he didn't know was that Xu Chenzhou was too fierce now. The extraordinary martial arts and the cultivation of the blood-moving realm itself brought him a huge force of 120,000 pounds.

This is also the reason why Xu Chenzhou was able to fight with Li Xuanqi for so long before.

Now Xu Chenzhou has activated the magic talisman given to him by Yang Chan, and has obtained a three-fold increase, which means that Xu Chenzhou's physical strength alone is 360,000 jin.

What is the concept of 360,000 jin? It is equivalent to 180 tons. You should know that a large truck weighs only about ten tons.

Every time Li Xuanqi was thrown by Xu Chenzhou, the impact force was equivalent to being hit head-on by ten large trucks.

Even if Li Xuanqi is a third-level martial arts master, even a martial arts master's body cannot be ruined like this.

At this time, Li Xuanqi's two arms hung limply on both sides of his body, and his whole body was covered with bloodstains. He could only breathe out but not in.

The place where the two fought was on the road in front of Xu Chenzhou's house. At this time, as the two fought, the whole road was full of gravel and potholes.

Especially where Xu Chenzhou stood, there were two huge holes on both sides, which looked like they were left by a meteorite impact.

Just when the battle was over, the sound of sirens came from afar, and a team of police maglev vehicles suddenly appeared at the end of the road.

Then, one team after another of mechanical special police got off the maglev vehicles and surrounded Li Xuanqi and Xu Chenzhou.

Xu Chenzhou's villa was bought in the downtown area, and there were many residents nearby. The noise of the two fighting was very loud.

In fact, someone had already called the police when the two started fighting, but it took time for the police to respond, so the mechanical special police arrived late after the two finished fighting.

A mechanical special police officer walked slowly to Xu Chenzhou with red light flashing in his eyes: "Xu Chenzhou, a citizen of the alliance, according to the temporary agreement on public security management, you have committed three crimes of provoking trouble, damaging public property, and intentionally causing serious injuries to others.

Please put down the injured person in your hand, hand him over to us, and go to the police station with us to register.

I repeat again, please put down the injured person in your hand, hand him over to us, and go to the police station with us to register."

What the hell?

I finally managed to severely injure this old guy, and now I have to hand him over. How can this be possible?

Xu Chenzhou took out his Star-level Warrior Certificate and showed it to the mechanical police.

"I am Xu Chenzhou, the owner of Baihe Martial Arts Hall of the Martial Arts Alliance, and this is Li Xuanqi, the owner of Tianyuan Martial Arts Hall of the Martial Arts Alliance.

According to Article 23 of the Extraordinary Control Regulations, disputes among members of the Martial Arts Alliance shall be decided by the Martial Arts Alliance.

If public property is damaged, compensation shall be paid according to the amount of loss."

When the mechanical police saw the certificate, the red light in his eyes turned green.

"Permission granted."

A noisy radio wave came from the electronic headset of the mechanical police, and the eyes of the mechanical police turned red again.

"The permission is not granted, and the request is rejected.

The current situation does not apply to the supernatural control regulations.

Please ask Alliance citizen Xu Chenzhou to put down the injured person in his hands, hand him over to us, and go to the police station with us to register."

Xu Chenzhou looked at the mechanical special police meaningfully. It was obvious that there was someone behind this team of mechanical special police.

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