All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 193 I am not your opponent.

Under the blessing of Misaka Mikoto's superpower, the power of these bullets became extremely terrifying. The speed of each bullet reached 2 kilometers per second. The extremely fast speed made these bullets carry extremely terrifying wind pressure. The wind was mixed with electric arcs, leaving one black scorch mark after another on the ground.

However, in the face of such a terrifying attack, Accelerator still had a disdainful smile on his face. He stood there motionless, his eyes slightly empty, and his long white hair hung on his forehead.

The bullet hit him, and the speed of 2,000 meters per second made the impact of the bullet extremely terrifying, and it could even easily penetrate the armor of the tank, but such a terrifying attack did not have any effect on Accelerator.

His vector manipulation easily turned Misaka Mikoto's super-electromagnetic gun into invisible, and the bullet was directly reversed by him the moment it touched the surface of his body.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, several bullets shot towards Misaka Mikoto at a faster speed than when they came.

At the same time, Accelerator slowly turned his head and looked at Misaka Mikoto standing at the door with the eyes of looking at prey.

"Very good, this kind of attack is the battle I want, you should be the railgun himself!

Not bad, not bad, you are much stronger than the information, but this is enough for me to play.

I will give you the opportunity to challenge me, the fifth-ranked superpower, it is your honor to fight with me."

Because he participated in the Absolute Power Plan, Accelerator is very clear about Misaka Mikoto's ability parameters. It is clearly written in the information given to him by Kihara Gensei that Misaka Mikoto's railgun speed is 1030 meters per second, and it can be fired at a speed of eight rounds per minute.

But just now, Misaka Mikoto's performance far exceeded the information written in the information. Not only did she fire several railguns at the same time, but she also increased the speed of the railgun to two kilometers per second.

After Accelerator finished speaking, he did not give Misaka Mikoto any time to wait. He stomped hard on the ground, and the steel floor made of alloy in the laboratory bulged instantly. One piece after another of the floor flew towards Misaka Mikoto's body like a sword from a string.

Each of these alloy floors weighed several hundred kilograms, and because they were torn by external forces, the edges were very sharp. Once hit by these alloy floors, the body would be instantly broken into two pieces.

Facing Accelerator's attack, Misaka Mikoto did not dodge, but just used her hands to tidy up her brown bangs that were a little messy due to the rapid running. Then, these steel floors flying in the air were bound in the air by electric currents one after another, and they were completely unable to move.

Misaka Mikoto said softly, "Vector manipulation is indeed an incredible superpower. No wonder you can become the number one in Academy City, but you are using alloys to deal with me. Are you wrong?"

Misaka Mikoto's superpower can manipulate magnetic fields through electric currents. Magnetic fields can manipulate various ferromagnetic metals, the most common of which include iron, nickel and cobalt, and of course alloys containing these metals.

After the computing power is enhanced, with her current ability, even the mineral veins buried deep underground can be activated, not to mention the small alloy doors in front of her.

Misaka Mikoto slowly walked in front of Accelerator. Unlike when she just joined the group chat, facing Accelerator, Misaka Mikoto's eyes did not have the slightest fear, only full confidence.

Fear comes from the unknown and from insufficient firepower.

At this time, due to the existence of Xu Chenzhou, Misaka Mikoto is extremely familiar with Accelerator's intelligence. It can be said that Misaka Mikoto even knows his abilities better than Accelerator himself.

In addition, after becoming a five-tribulation demon fairy, Misaka Mikoto's combat power has changed dramatically, and she will naturally no longer be afraid of Accelerator.

Accelerator's ability seems invincible, but in fact it still has many flaws.

First of all, there is a limitation to Accelerator's vector operation superpower, that is, he can only control the direction of objects that are directly touched by the skin.

In other words, if Accelerator wants to manipulate the vector of an object, he must be in close contact with the object.

In other words, as long as he avoids close contact with Accelerator and does not attack Accelerator, then Accelerator will not be a threat to Misaka Mikoto.

Of course, this does not mean that Accelerator has no means of long-range attack. First of all, he can control the direction of force. As long as every object exists on the planet, it will be affected by gravity. Accelerator only needs to change the direction of gravity to eject the object.

However, this degree of long-range attack is impossible to have any effect on Misaka Mikoto.

Misaka Mikoto stood in front of Accelerator, staring at his face with her eyes, her tone cold, with a hint of murderous intent. : "Were you planning to kill her just now?"

Accelerator stared at Misaka Mikoto without showing any weakness: "Her? You mean those experimental subjects.

Yes, of course I planned to kill her.

These are just cheap consumables.

Didn't they say that they wanted me to fight them and asked me to kill them?"

Accelerator was a little impatient. It was obvious that these experimental subjects themselves said that they were experimental subjects and asked me to kill them. What else could he say?

Kihara Gensei was sitting in the monitoring room watching this scene. Although Misaka Mikoto's appearance completely disrupted his plan, he did not run away. After the initial panic, he watched this scene with interest in the laboratory.

Kihara Gensei said through the loudspeaker: "Misaka Mikoto, don't make trouble. The Absolute Power Plan is a plan approved by the Academy Council.

The production of these clones is also legal and compliant. It is your behavior of breaking into the private base that violates the regulations of the Academy City.

Besides, these cheap consumables cost only 180,000 yen. They can only act by inputting memories through learning devices. For such cheap creations, it is their honor to contribute to the birth of the Absolute Power."

The Misaka sister next to her also reacted at this time. She first raised her head, and her eyes hidden under the goggles were a little dull, but it was precisely this dull feeling that made her look a little cute.

"Sister, the doctor is right. The purpose of the sisters being produced is to complete the Absolute Ability Plan. Death is the end of the sisters, Misaka 00001 said."

Misaka sister raised the submachine gun in her hand again and fired at Accelerator. The dazzling fire kept flashing on the muzzle of the submachine gun.

However, it can be seen that in order not to affect Misaka Mikoto and Kamijou Touma standing on the left of Accelerator, Misaka sister carefully moved the muzzle to the right half of Accelerator.

Misaka Mikoto's expression was very calm when facing Accelerator, but when facing Misaka sister, she supported her forehead with her hand helplessly.

What a stupid clone. Facing Accelerator who has the ability to manipulate vectors, using kinetic weapons is indeed the most unwise behavior. Any attack on him will become his strength instead. ,

A dazzling electric light flickered on the floor, and then a strong magnetic force instantly transferred Misaka Mikoto to the back of Misaka sister.


A clean and neat hand knife hit the sister's neck. The sister who was still struggling to dada dada closed her eyes, tilted her head, and fell softly into Misaka Mikoto's arms.

Misaka Mikoto did this not because she was afraid that her sister's bullets would become Accelerator's weapons.

For metal objects, compared to Accelerator who can manipulate vectors only with skin contact, she is undoubtedly more advantageous in being able to manipulate magnetism from a distance.

She was just afraid that Accelerator would accidentally hurt this idiot in the fierce battle.

Seeing what Misaka Mikoto did, Accelerator's eyes revealed an arrogant expression: "I really don't understand you. You are obviously a level 5 superpower, but you are here playing a lovey-dovey drama with a clone. I am so disappointed. Come and play a game with me, so that I can have fun."

While speaking, Accelerator gently kicked the ground, and then his body sprinted forward at a ghostly speed.

At the moment of kicking, he changed the direction of his body force, turning the downward direction of gravity into forward.

This speed can be described as extremely fast, just like a ghost, sticking to Misaka Mikoto in an instant, and then Accelerator waved his hand and touched Misaka Mikoto's body.

For Accelerator, anyone who is touched by him will be controlled by him. The flow of blood, the gravity of the body, the binding force between skin and flesh, everything will become his weapon.

But what Accelerator didn't expect was that Misaka Mikoto's speed far exceeded his imagination. In an instant, Misaka Mikoto flashed, and she retreated to the place where she was standing at a very fast speed. Not only that, Misaka Mikoto was holding the unconscious Misaka sister in her hand.

Sensing Misaka Mikoto's speed, Accelerator's eyes gradually became serious, because Misaka Mikoto's speed was so fast that it exceeded the limit of his vision.

His dynamic vision was very strong, and Misaka Mikoto could be so fast that he couldn't see clearly, which meant that Misaka Mikoto's speed had exceeded the speed of sound in that instant.

Originally, in Accelerator's eyes, all the superpowers in Academy City except him were garbage, whether it was the 7th, 6th, 5th, or the 4th, 3rd, or 2nd, there was no difference to him. There were only two kinds of superpowers in this world, one was him, Accelerator, and the other was other superpowers.

This was not because Accelerator was arrogant, but because his long-term invincibility made him develop such confidence.

Although he had never met several other Level 5 psychics, Accelerator had already known about their strength through Kihara Gensei's information.

Compared with him, other psychics were far inferior to him in terms of strength and calculation ability, and were not at the same level at all.

But Misaka Mikoto's performance was beyond Accelerator's imagination.

There were too many difficulties in being able to reach the speed of sound with the power of electromagnetic manipulation.

Accelerator made a rough estimate and figured out that being able to do this meant that Misaka Mikoto's calculation ability was not much worse than his.

Not only that, being able to do this also required extremely strong physical fitness, after all, it was difficult for a normal person's body to withstand the impact of moving at the speed of sound.

"A Super Railgun, I remember your name. Very good, you are qualified to be my real opponent."

While speaking, Accelerator rushed forward again, waving his hands continuously, and objects were constantly controlled by him to fly towards Misaka Mikoto.

Unfortunately, the place where they were was a heavily guarded underground laboratory. In the underground laboratory, almost all objects were made of alloys. Even if these alloys contained non-magnetic copper, aluminum and gold, they must contain iron and cobalt that would be affected by the magnetic field, so Accelerator's attack did not pose any threat to Misaka Mikoto at all.

Misaka Mikoto was just like Accelerator before, just standing there quietly without any movement. The electricity flowing around her body continued to generate magnetic force, fixing these metal tools in mid-air.

This scene made Accelerator look like a clown. He danced and swung but could not pose any threat to Misaka Mikoto at all.

This made Accelerator's pale face gradually swelled a little red, and his eyes gradually began to go crazy.

You know, the person who stood there calmly and calmly before was always him, Accelerator.

When will it be someone else's turn to stand like this, while he keeps dancing like a clown.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

Accelerator kept stomping on the ground with his feet. Under the power of vector manipulation, the floor made of alloy gradually cracked into a huge gap. Under the dark gap, several huge rocks flew out.

Accelerator actually tore the solid alloy apart, revealing the rocky ground underneath.

Seeing this scene, Accelerator laughed up to the sky: "Taste my superpowers. I want to see how you can operate these rocks."

But what Accelerator didn't expect was that Misaka Mikoto still didn't move. She still stood quietly, and countless black iron sand snakes came out from the gap he tore. These iron sands were like powerful chainsaws, easily tearing the rocks he had finally made into pieces and turning them into a pile of broken sand.

For a moment, the situation on the field fell into a stalemate.

Misaka Mikoto never attacked Accelerator, and Accelerator now understood that if Misaka Mikoto didn't attack him, then he would have no way to do anything to Misaka Mikoto.

The railgun in front of him was much more powerful than the information. Not only could it use magnetism to manipulate metal products, it also had an unimaginable speed, and it seemed to understand his superpowers very well, leaving him no room for vector manipulation.

In other words, he and Misaka Mikoto tied?

But Accelerator couldn't accept the result of a tie at all. The reason why he participated in the Absolute Ability Plan was to have the strongest power, so how could he allow a tie to end?

Accelerator looked at the little sister in Misaka Mikoto's arms: "A Certain Scientific Railgun, you came here to save her!

But if you want to save these experimental subjects, running away is useless.

You saved one, and there are still 19,900. Can you guarantee that you can save every one of them?

Come on, defeat me, only by defeating me can you change the fate of these experimental subjects!

Otherwise, you can only watch me tear them all apart with your own eyes."

Accelerator knew very well that if he wanted to defeat Misaka Mikoto, he had to lure Misaka Mikoto to attack him, and it was obvious that the little sister was Misaka Mikoto's weak spot.

Misaka Mikoto stroked the hair of her sister who had fallen asleep, and said to Accelerator: "It's not impossible for me to fight you, but it's a pity that your opponent this time is not me."

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