All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 286 My Good Son

In addition to the HR Alliance, several other major forces also attach great importance to Luo Feng.

In particular, China sent representatives to find Luo Feng as soon as possible and gave him a huge manor with an area of ​​two kilometers in Yangzhou City for free.

Luo Feng did not refuse China's goodwill and directly accepted the gift from China.

A small part of Luo Feng's display of strength was to improve his family's life, and improving life must of course start with living conditions.

Luo Feng has already thought about how happy his parents will be after living in this huge manor. The two old people have worked hard all their lives, and it's time for them to enjoy their lives.

The representatives sent by China showed a relieved expression on their faces after seeing Luo Feng accept their gifts, and went back to report the matter to their superiors happily.

Although it's just a gift, the meaning behind it is extraordinary.

In addition to China, the other four major countries also sent representatives to contact Luo Feng and took out many precious treasures to give to Luo Feng, but the gifts from other countries except China were all rejected by Luo Feng without exception.

Being willing to accept gifts from China shows that Luo Feng is very friendly to China and is willing to cooperate with China further.

This is great news for the upper class in China.

After accepting the manor, Luo Feng returned home.

Luo Hongguo also returned home. Since he knew Luo Feng's strength and saw his youngest son's legs return to normal, Luo Hongguo relaxed.

At Luo Feng's strong request, Luo Hongguo quit his job and started his retirement life of walking cats and dogs.

Just now, Luo Hongguo took Gong Xinlan for a walk outside. The old couple was in a very good mental state and looked very relaxed.

Luo Feng walked up to Luo Hongguo and said, "Dad, I have something to tell you. Don't get too excited after listening to it. Calm down."

Luo Hongguo was originally in a very relaxed mood. After all, he just came back from a walk with his wife. How could he be in a bad mood?

But after hearing Luo Feng's words, he became nervous.

A few days ago, Luo Hongguo was already shocked by his son. Luo Feng, this brat, suddenly told him that he had become a warrior at the peak of the God of War level. This news almost scared Luo Hongguo to death.

Luo Hongguo, who had experienced the Great Cataclysm era, certainly knew what the peak of the God of War level was. His first reaction was to not believe it.

Even if this was his own son, Luo Hongguo did not believe that such a ridiculous news would be true.

But Luo Feng really had the strength of the peak of the God of War level. He casually demonstrated to Luo Hongguo two sonic flying knives and flying knives, which scared his old father on the spot.

Luo Hongguo was unwilling to believe it, but he could not question the scene he saw with his own eyes.

And now Luo Feng came over and talked to him in the same tone as that day, and even the opening remarks were exactly the same.

This kid would not make a big thing for me again!

But it's only been a few days!

Luo Hongguo couldn't help but touch the non-existent sweat on his forehead.

Damn, sometimes it is a kind of distress that the offspring you gave birth to are too good. People with weak hearts really can't stand it.

Luo Feng did not hide anything. He told Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan in detail what he did today and his current strength.

It was visibly that Lao Luo was shocked again.

This is Hong, the god of countless Chinese people.


The god in the eyes of countless earthlings!

Especially for the old people of the Great Cataclysm era, Hong is a spiritual beacon.

As a result, Luo Feng can now tie with Hong?

Luo Hongguo was not calm. If it weren't for his wife patting his back, Lao Luo almost couldn't breathe.

However, although Gong Xinlan's performance was better than Luo Hongguo's, it was not much better.

Her son suddenly became one of the top three strong men on Earth. For her, it was like a dream.

Luo Feng saw that the two old men were vaguely unconvinced, so he took the old couple directly to the manor given to him by Huaguo.

The old couple was simply stunned by this manor. They were from ordinary families and had never seen such a luxurious scene. The manor was two kilometers in size. The manor adopted the layout of Su-style gardens, with grand pavilions, exquisite mountains, rocks and flowing water, and various precious flowers. It was just like a small palace.

In front of this manor, the old couple had to believe Luo Feng's words.

But Luo Hua was not too surprised by what Luo Feng said. Since his brother cured his legs, Luo Feng was a god in his heart.

Let alone a mere Hong, even if Luo Feng said that day that he was the king of the universe, Luo Hua would believe it without hesitation.

Luo Feng commanded the housekeeper sent by Huaguo to arrange for the old couple to move into the manor.

Under the instructions of the Luo family, countless staff members moved some items from the old house to the new house. The furniture in these old houses was naturally not as luxurious as the furniture in the manor, but the old couple who had suffered all their lives did not want to waste them, so they moved them all back.

And halfway through the move, Luo Hongguo had an occupational disease attack and walked forward to try to join the moving workers to work together.

But before he could do anything, he was discovered by the housekeeper!

The housekeeper pulled Lao Luo away, sweating profusely.

Fortunately, he noticed this situation, otherwise he would be punished when he returned.

This is Luo Feng's father, how could he let such a noble person move the house himself.

After settling his family, Luo Feng finally had time to open the chat group.

In the chat group, the group members were also discussing things related to Luo Feng.

Xiao Shihao (the overlord of the virtual world): "Isn't brother Luo Feng already invincible on Earth? Why do you still ask the major forces to keep his identity secret! Is there anyone who can threaten him!"

Just now, after Luo Feng's information was exposed to the forces, the major forces contacted Luo Feng to communicate with him further and gave him gifts.

Luo Feng did not accept the gift.

But when the representatives of the major forces contacted him, he specifically asked to keep his identity secret for the time being.

Except for the core personnel of the major forces, his true identity must not be revealed to others.

Especially in the HR Alliance, Luo Feng repeated several times that his identity was absolutely not allowed to be revealed, even to the direct descendants of the families below.

Xiao Shihao was a little puzzled by this. The survival rule of the Great Wilderness is that the strong are respected. Luo Feng has already obtained the invincible power on Earth. Why is he still so cautious? He really can't figure it out.

Could it be that he is afraid that there are still forces on Earth that can pose a threat to him, so he has to keep a low profile?

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "You don't understand this! Brother Luo Feng dares to challenge the strongest man on Earth, so why would he care about the scumbags of other forces?

However, although the title of the strongest on Earth has many advantages, it also has a disadvantage, that is, it is not easy to pick up girls."

Shi Hao (Overlord of the Virtual God Realm): "What is picking up girls?"

Little Shi Hao tilted his head with a puzzled look on his face. He had never heard of picking up girls.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "How can I explain this to you?

Pick up girls is to pursue women and make them willing to become your spouse."

Xiao Shihao (Overlord of the Virtual God Realm): "So it's about finding a spouse and marrying a wife. I understand.

A few days ago, Brother Shiman found Sister Shiyan as his wife.

But finding a spouse requires more strength.

If Brother Shiman didn't have strength, how could he marry Sister Shiyan?

Sister Shiyan is so fierce!

Brother Shiman fought with Sister Shiyan for several hours before defeating her and taking her back as his wife.

And I have seen the process of fierce beasts looking for spouses many times. The stronger the fierce beast, the easier it is to find a spouse.

Isn't it the same between people?"

Xiao Shihao was even more confused. Shi Village is in the wilderness, and the customs in the village are closer to the local area.

In Shi Village, strength is king.

If someone can't even beat his wife, he is considered unqualified to marry a wife.

Therefore, the men of Shi Village have to fight with their wives before they marry. If they are defeated, they will have to live in fear for the rest of their lives.

Little Shi Hao, who just witnessed this drama a few days ago, could not understand Luo Feng's behavior.

Xu Chenzhou smiled and shook his head. Little Shi Hao was still too young to understand that people's hearts were unpredictable.

If Luo Feng liked ordinary women, then the stronger the better. With his status as the strongest man on earth, countless beauties would want to climb into his bed with just a flick of his finger.

But Xu Xin is a very strong and independent woman, and she is quite capable.

In another timeline, in order to catch up with Luo Feng, Xu Xin even sold the shares of her company to the Virtual Universe Company, and then fought for a hundred years, just to meet Luo Feng in Yuxiang Mountain.

For girls with such personalities, if Luo Feng showed too much strength, it might make Xu Xin feel pressured, so that she would not dare to contact Luo Feng.

Of course, as long as Luo Feng is willing to pursue, even if his status as the strongest man on earth is exposed, he will definitely be able to successfully win Xu Xin.

But if this happens, there will definitely be twists and turns, and there will be all kinds of variables.

Luo Feng is unwilling to take any risks with Xu Xin, so hiding his strength is the best choice.

As soon as Luo Feng opened the group chat, he saw that the group was discussing his emotional problems, and he blushed instantly.

Although Luo Feng now has the power to dominate the earth, he is actually still an 18-year-old pure boy who has just graduated from high school and has never even been in love.

He hurriedly changed the subject.

Luo Feng (the descendant of the meteorite star): "Xiao Shihao, don't listen to Lu Mingfei's nonsense. I hide my strength because I have other plans. It has nothing to do with picking up girls!"

Lu Mingfei (the school beauty killer): "Yo yo yo, I believe it. If you have the ability, you can open the live broadcast to practice all day and don't go to chat with Xu Xin.

If you can hold on for a month, I will call you dad in the group chat."

Lu Mingfei smiled evilly. He didn't believe that Luo Feng had to hide his identity at this time. What other purpose could he have?

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "Okay, Mingfei, stop talking!

Are you too cowardly to dare to take action, so that Luo Feng will be a single dog like you?"

After being said by Hong Yi, Lu Mingfei immediately fell into silence.

Since traveling back to the Dragon Clan world to continue school, more and more beauties have surrounded Lu Mingfei.

In addition to Su Xiaoqiang and Chen Wenwen, girls from other classes also frequently sent him love letters.

And because of his ethics as a hunter, Lu Mingfei always couldn't help but help people in danger.

In the process of chivalry, Lu Mingfei also made several older sisters outside the school look favorably upon him.

Some of them are intellectual urban beauties, some are youthful and lively athletes, and there are even cold and beautiful CEOs. In short, the plot is very outrageous.

This made Lu Mingfei almost think that he had taken the wrong script. He almost turned the good Dragon Clan World into a plot of an urban soldier king.

But this is not surprising. Lu Mingfei, who returned from the Monster Hunter World, is completely different from the little loser he used to be. He is full of wildness.

This wild temperament is wild and unruly, as vast as the sea, as vicissitudes as the wilderness, and full of the charm of male hormones.

Coupled with his handsome face that is enough to become the top cowboy Xiaoying in Takamagahara, his appearance is simply to the extent that he can kill both men and women.

By the way, the current Lu Mingfei has officially replaced Chu Zihang and become the top of the must-kill list of this beast in Shilan Middle School.

However, Lu Mingfei is not very interested in these. The eight years in the Monster Hunter World have made his brain full of muscles. It is better to spend more time practicing than to fall in love. A wonderful battle is what hunters pursue.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "By the way, Luo Feng, after getting the inheritance of the master of the Meteorite Star, what are your next steps?

Your steps are too fast, so fast that the opportunities in the information I gave you can't keep up with your growth speed."

Xu Chenzhou also took action in time to get the topic back on track.

He was indeed curious about what Luo Feng was going to do next.

After all, the Devouring World is different from other worlds. The timeline of the Devouring World is very long, and many opportunities have a strong correlation.

Let alone the two most important opportunities of Luo Feng in the early stage, the possession of the Golden Horned Beast and the Universe-level Genius Battle are not available at any time.

According to the timeline, the egg of the Golden Horned Beast has not yet landed on the earth.

The specific time when the egg of the Golden Horned Beast landed on the earth was the day when Luo Feng and Xu Xin confirmed their relationship, which is at least more than a year away from now.

The same is true for the Universe-level Genius Battle, which is also one of Luo Feng's very important opportunities.

It is easy to join the Virtual Universe Company, but it is difficult to become a core member of the four secret realms.

For Luo Feng, the easiest way to become a core member of the four secret realms of the Virtual Universe Company is to participate in the Universe-level Genius Competition.

The time for the Virtual Universe Company to hold the Universe-level Genius Competition is even farther away than the time when the egg of the golden-horned beast lands on the earth.

According to Xu Chenzhou's calculation, it is still four or five years away.

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