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Chapter 36 Dual-core training, the terrifying peak Zhang Sanfeng

In the process of enlightenment, Xu Chenzhou discovered that Zhang Sanfeng's understanding at his peak was truly abnormal.

With the dual cores activated at the same time and two different thinking modes, Zhang Sanfeng's thinking core can comprehend ten times faster than his thinking core.

Not only that, Zhang Sanfeng often draws parallels to the core of his thinking, and many profound and subtle ideas emerge, which can often bring out the old and bring forth the new, giving him a feeling of enlightenment.

Two hours later, Xu Chenzhou took a long breath and stood up.

The harvest this time is really great.

Even though the Qixuan Jiuyao True Spirit Refining Technique is just one of the three thousand evil ways in the world of incense, a glimpse of it reveals the whole world.

Ordinary people can only learn the magical powers recorded in the ginseng enlightenment method.

Most of them know what it is but don’t know why it is so.

Only those with truly enlightened minds can see through the subtleties and start from the surface of the exercises to understand the true knowledge system hidden within them.

These are the real mountains of gold and silver.

The Qixuan Jiuyao Refining True Spirit Yuan Technique contains all kinds of exquisite thinking in the other world and knowledge about incense that people in other worlds cannot imagine.

For example, various incense runes that have been refined over time, and how the power of incense activates the statues of gods and gives birth to various magical powers.

Of course, the most precious thing is the understanding of incense formed by the endless exploration of the other world for thousands of years.

What is the essence of incense, what characteristics it has, and how it will change under what circumstances.

The preciousness of this kind of cognition, for example, if the skills and magical powers in the world of incense are compared to applied physics, then these cognitions can be compared to theoretical physics.

The progress of applied physics is all rooted in the development of theoretical physics.

Theoretical physics has stagnated, and the development prospects of applied physics have been restricted.

This is why the protons in the three-body system can lock the technological progress of the earth, because protons can affect most physical experiments on the earth, thus preventing the development of theoretical physics.

Theoretical physics cannot develop, so no matter how hard applied physics works, the upper limit is right here. Trisolarans no longer have to worry about the explosion of technology on earth.

The same goes for the incense theory. With these profound and subtle incense theories, it becomes a very simple matter to develop new incense-based exercises.

Of course, this simplicity is very simple for the understanding of the peak Zhang Sanfeng level. For ordinary people, these theories themselves are more difficult than the heavenly books, let alone innovating and creating new techniques.

Now that the exercises have been learned, it’s time to implement the plan.

Xu Chenzhou was walking in the back hill of Shaolin Temple, dazzled by the selection of materials.

I have to say that these monks in the Shaolin Temple still care for nature. Xu Chenzhou was almost dazzled by the century-old trees on the mountain behind the Shaolin Temple.

After a thousand choices, Xu Chenzhou selected a few bodhi trees that were over a hundred years old.

After all, it is carving a statue of a god, or absorbing the power of Buddhist incense. Xu Chenzhou feels that compared to other trees, the Bodhi tree will definitely have a higher affinity.

These bodhi trees are not native to Shaoshi Mountain. Most of them were brought back from Kunlun by Shaolin monks.

At that time, these monks brought the bodhi tree back to Shaolin. The original idea was to let these Buddhist holy trees protect Shaolin, but now it happened to be advantageous to Xu Chenzhou.

Xu Chenzhou had not specifically learned the art of carving before, but his current understanding was extraordinary. With a little practice, he had already mastered the art of carving.

In addition, he is now accomplished in physical training, and his ability to control his body is far beyond that of ordinary people, and his hands are incredibly steady.

With his super brainpower and extremely stable hands, Xu Chenzhou picked up a dagger and instantly transformed into a ruthless carving machine.

For a moment, only the light of the sword could be seen. In just a few minutes, a statue of a god with both spiritual and physical features appeared in Xu Chenzhou's hand.

These statues have different shapes. Some are shaped like Bodhisattva, holding a jade vase in their hands, while others are like a naive little mouse with a gold ingot on its chest.

The shapes are different, but they also have something in common, that is, each statue is painted with many complicated patterns.

These patterned idols absorb the key to storing the power of incense.

These incense statues used to store the power of incense do not need to be large. Each one is only the size of a palm and is easy to carry.

It took Xu Chenzhou half a day to carve all more than 300 statues.

Xu Chenzhou then hunted several wild deer in the forest and used the deer's blood to draw many strange symbols on the ground.

These symbols formed a strange formation on the ground. There were many symbols painted in blood that shone slightly in the formation.

This formation is the incense-gathering formation recorded in the Qixuan Jiuyao Refining True Spirit Element Technique.

If it is hosted by a Shinto monk who can use the power of incense, the incense spirit gathering array can absorb the power of ownerless incense within a radius of 30,000 miles.

However, Xu Chenzhou did not have any skills to practice in that world, so he could only rely on the spirituality of the material itself to gather the power of the incense. The effect was much less effective, and he could only gather the power of the incense within a radius of thirty miles.

The effect is not strong, but it is just right for use on Shaolin Temple.

The place where Xu Chenzhou arranged the magic circle was in a cave on a cliff. Although it was not very far from the Shaolin Temple, only a dozen miles away, it was very hidden.

If it wasn't very unlucky, no monk from the Shaolin Temple would have come here to see this happening.

Besides, what if the Shaolin Temple really discovered him? The person who should be afraid was the Shaolin Temple, not Xu Chenzhou.

After arranging these matters, Xu Chenzhou was not idle. He took out the Amitabha Sutra and began to visualize and practice.

As soon as he started practicing, Xu Chenzhou immediately felt the difference.

If he used to practice Taoism at the speed of riding a bicycle on the road.

Then the speed now is like sitting in a sports car full of gas and speeding on the highway.

And it is a Bugatti Veyron-level top supercar.

This rapid progress made Xu Chenzhou feel extremely enjoyable.

Xu Chenzhou did not practice the Amitabha Sutra well before. His main energy was focused on the Bull Demon Fist and the Nine Yang Sutra. He only practiced the Amitabha Sutra in his spare time.

So until now, his Taoism realm is still at the out-of-body stage.

The out-of-body realm is the first stage of Taoism practice, which belongs to the entry level of the entry level.

After only one day of practice and visualization, Xu Chenzhou felt that his Taoism practice had a triple jump, jumping from the out-of-body stage to the night tour stage.

Xu Chenzhou is definitely not a stupid person, and his comprehension is also one in a million.

But this time, after gaining the understanding of Zhang Sanfeng at the peak, Xu Chenzhou finally understood what it meant to compare people to death and compare goods to waste.

The gap between a peerless genius and an ordinary genius is even greater than the gap between an ordinary genius and a mortal.

If Hong Yi knew about this speed of cultivation, I'm afraid his eyes would turn red with jealousy.

What kind of monster can cultivate from out-of-body to night wandering in just one day? This is too unreasonable.

If Xu Chenzhou saw such a genius before, he would probably be jealous. The gap between people is sometimes really too big.

Such a genius should not exist in this world.

But now!

This genius is me.


That's okay, genius is not bad at all.

I can only say that it's quite comfortable.

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