All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 42 Return to Earth!

Lu Mingfei's face was full of disbelief, his mind was blank.

His hometown was full of terrifying ancient dragons just like in Monster Hunter World?

Lu Mingfei couldn't believe it at all.

In his impression, the Earth was just an ordinary world.

Lu Mingfei was not surprised to hear that there were people with superpowers hidden on Earth.

After all, he had traveled to Monster Hunter World, and it was nothing strange to have superpowers on Earth.

But there were dragons on Earth, what a joke!

Did he live in vain for the past ten years on Earth?

Did he have been kept in the dark like a fool for the past ten years on Earth?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Lu Mingfei (dragon slayer): "It's impossible! The earth is obviously an ordinary world, how can there be dragons!"

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Whether I lied to you or not, you will know if you go back to earth and take a look."

"Mingfei, accept the facts, your dragon slaying journey is far from over."

Lu Mingfei (dragon slayer): "Then how can I return to earth! Please guide me, group leader!"

Hearing Xu Chenzhou's words, Lu Mingfei couldn't wait to go back to earth and take a look. Could it be that there are really dragons on earth? Otherwise, why would the group leader be so confident!

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "The chat group has not yet opened the permission for group members to travel through the world, and even if the permission to travel through the world is opened, you can't locate the earth that belongs to you without the coordinates of the earth."

"But, if you want to go back to earth, I'm afraid you don't need the power of the chat group."

Lu Mingfei was a little confused by Xu Chenzhou's words. How can he go back to earth without the help of the chat group?

It can't be that he suddenly traveled back, how is it possible?

Traveling through the world is not like treating someone to a meal, it's not that easy.

Just as Lu Mingfei was thinking this, his eyes suddenly became blurry.

After calming down, he found that something was wrong with his body.

After so many years of fighting, Lu Mingfei had been covered with scars.

Especially in the battle with the black dragon just now, Lu Mingfei was seriously injured. His back was torn open by the black dragon's sharp claws.

Although these wounds have stopped bleeding due to his strong physique, there are still waves of piercing pain.

And now Lu Mingfei feels that all the injuries on his body have healed without medicine, even the hidden injuries left by long-term training have been completely recovered.

He has never felt so relaxed since he traveled to the Monster Hunter World.

What's wrong with me?

Lu Mingfei raised his hand and looked.

A white arm appeared in front of him, which was an arm that only people who stayed indoors all year round could have.

Turning over his palm, the thick calluses on his hand disappeared.

Lu Mingfei raised his head and looked around, everything was so familiar.

The posters on the wall are slightly yellowed, and there are many graffiti on the old desk.

This is the bedroom where he has lived for more than ten years.

I actually returned to Earth!

Lu Mingfei couldn't believe his eyes.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "The black dragon you killed is the strongest ancient dragon in Monster Hunter World. After killing it, your mission in Monster Hunter World has been completed."

"If I'm not mistaken, you will be sent back to your original world in a short time."

"This is a treatment that belongs only to Lu Mingfei, and it is unique among all the time travelers."

"Although I don't know why, but your name is Lu Mingfei."

Is it so outrageous!

Lu Mingfei was stunned. He traveled back to Earth before the group leader finished speaking!

Lu Mingfei (dragon slayer): "Group leader, you are really amazing! I really returned to Earth!"


Lu Mingfei sent a picture in the group chat.

In the photo, a young man who looked like he was in trouble stood in front of a desk, smiling at the corners of his mouth, extremely surprised.

This was something Xu Chenzhou had not expected. He knew that Lu Mingfei would most likely travel back to Earth, but he did not expect it to be so sudden!

Others in the group chat were even more stunned by this scene.

Lu Mingfei was a hunter in his thirties just now, extremely strong, and gave people a sense of danger all over his body.

How could he suddenly become a young man with a look of bad luck? This is too outrageous.

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "Lu Mingfei, you have returned to Earth. Does that mean that the group leader did not lie to you? There are indeed dragons on the Earth where you are, and they are very powerful!"

Misaka Mikoto's words made Lu Mingfei, who was originally extremely happy, feel like he was poured with a basin of cold water.

Yes, the group leader said that I would travel back to Earth, but I traveled back to Earth before I finished speaking.

The group leader said that there are dragons on Earth, and he must not have lied to me.


Dragon slaying or something! I have been killing dragons for eight years, and I am tired of killing them. My heart is colder than the sword that kills dragons!

I went back to Earth to retire.

Now, the wonderful rest time is gone!

I have to continue killing dragons, why is my life so miserable!

Lu Mingfei collapsed on the bed, like a dead fish that has lost its dream.

Most of the new members in the group have appeared.

As for the third saint Yang Chan, she should still be on the run with the future Erlang Yang Jian.

Xu Chenzhou recalled the phantom of the world he had just seen. Behind Yang Chan, there was a group of heavenly soldiers and generals, chasing them.

Maybe little Yang Chan didn't even notice that she had joined the chat group.

Xu Chenzhou raised his hand and sent five red envelopes to the group, each of which contained a box of Ten-Perfect Body-Practice Paste.

This was his welcome gift to the new members.

Xu Chenzhou had never been stingy with group members.

And to be honest, it was also very beneficial for him if group members could grow up.

As long as group members could complete the cub growth task, they would get rewards from the chat group.

The rewards Zhang Junbao brought him alone had transformed him.

Not only did his strength increase greatly, but his cultivation speed had also made earth-shaking progress.

If he could get more growth rewards from group members, wouldn't he be even happier!

After the red envelopes were sent out, they were swiped.

Three were received in less than two seconds.

The first person to receive the red envelope was Shi Hao, a little baby who didn't know what politeness was.

The next people to receive the money were Lu Mingfei and Xiao Li.

Misaka Mikoto watched other group members receive the red envelopes sent by Xu Chenzhou, hesitated for a while, and also clicked the receive button.

The next second, an antique wooden box appeared in front of her.

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