All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 996: Celebrity's Spiritual Spark

Using magic to secretly replace the body of an enemy army with himself, then Shen Long secretly hid him beside Li Yunlong and used his last time to leave the world of "Sword" to witness the subsequent development of the matter.

At this time, the battle of Taiyuan was nearing its end. Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang immediately returned to the camp and found the valuable materials left by Shen Long. These materials were piled up with a box full of them. Then they took these things to find Xu Shuai. Xu Shuai will They had a hard training, and he realized the importance of this thing when Shen Long took out the Gundam, so he refused to participate in the battle of Taiyuan.

"I also have a responsibility for this matter. I will write a review for the superior. Now I will send a telegram to Xibaipo. You two will report to the central government together!" Xu Shuai helped them carry this matter down.

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang rushed to Xibaipo urgently, with Shen Long ’s left materials, and the wreckage of the mech, made a detailed report. After seeing these data, the scientists of our army still had the wreckage He immediately understood the value of it and immediately aroused the highest attention of the central government.

These far-sighted strategists quickly made a decision, set up a secret research institution, and were directly responsible to them. They chose a secret place to build a research base. Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang took the initiative to ask Ying to serve as the military chief of this research institution's **** force.

"Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang, you have to think about it. Once in this position, from now on, the two of you may no longer be able to do other jobs and have no chance of fighting." Some people asked them.

"I think about it, all these things are left to me by the scholars, I said to the scholars, I will keep the things he left in my next life, and wait until these things are all made by us." Li Yunlong solemnly replied .

"Now that the war of liberation has achieved a decisive victory, it is time to build the country in an all-round way. To build the country well, we cannot do without the development of science and technology. I believe that in this position, I can also make More contributions. "Zhao Gang's answer is more reliable than Li Yunlong, but the meaning is the same.

"Well, the guardianship of these valuable materials and the responsibility of the research institute will be handed over to both of you. You two will transfer politically reliable and military-strength fighters from your old army into this new army." They agreed to their request, "Now you will go back and select the right person. We will arrange people to choose the place to build the research institution with you later. Go, don't live up to the expectations of Comrade Shen Long and the people of the country!"

"Yes! Guarantee to complete the mission!" Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang stood upright and saluted them solemnly, and then prepared to return to the army to select personnel. Naturally, Wei Shen Shang and Duan Peng, the old men of Shen Long, needless to say, except for a few people who need to go In addition to other troops serving as instructors of special forces, most people will follow them to the new troops.

Li Yunlong ’s future in the army is probably going to stop at the commander of the column, but he is not dissatisfied. His only ideal in his second half of his life is to witness the precious data left by Shen Long into reality one by one. For this reason, he is willing to leave his beloved The army, leave the smoke that they are used to, and leave the battlefield they are familiar with.

Shen Long also believed that although they had gone to this place, although they lost the vast space for promotion, they could also avoid the disturbance of the outside world to the greatest extent, and no tragedy would occur as in the original book.

Witnessing this scene with his own eyes, Shen Long chose to return with confidence. After a flash of white light, Shen Long returned to his home, opened his eyes and looked at the comfortable house, turned on the TV, and looked at the beautiful and peaceful world today, Shen Long But his thoughts can't help but go back to the age of gunfire.

It was Li Yunlong ’s struggle and sacrifice that led to today ’s good life. It took a long time for Shen Long to wake up from his memories. Now is the time to test the harvest. I do n’t know what gift Li Yunlong will give himself. ?

Open the system in your mind, and a familiar voice came from your mind, "Li Yunlong from the world of" Sword "is very grateful to you for helping him to kill more little devils. Now he will give him his famous sparkle to you, accept it, please confirm!"

The spiritual spark of a famous general? Shen Long found out the origin of this allusion after a moment of thought. It is said that Napoleon, the most gifted military commander in the Western world, usually made a moment of sudden enlightenment when making major military decisions, especially when he woke up late at night. When the inspiration erupted, this experience was like a mathematician master flashing light to solve a problem, or like a poet's wonderful verses, which helped him to win brilliant victories again and again.

Therefore, in the later generations, when people evaluate whether a general can be regarded as a famous general, he will see whether he has this kind of spiritual spark. This is an intuition and keen judgment beyond the ordinary people, which cannot be obtained through learning.

Is Li Yunlong a famous general? This soldier who was born of a craftsman had not received a systematic military education. However, can win again and again on the battlefield. His tactical thinking is flexible and eclectic, and he has always come to the fore. He highlights his good hands and wins the war under impossible circumstances.

He was defeated by opponents such as Chu Yunfei, who was born in Huangpu, and Bantian who achieved excellent results at Lu Da. He may not be comparable to General Chen and Xu Shuai, but he is definitely a famous general.

Li Yunlong ’s whimsy in the war is also very consistent with Napoleon ’s spiritual spark. Shen Long himself has served as a military commander in the world of "Crossing the Kanto" and "Water Margin", and has led the army to achieve glorious victory, but His victory was Eisenhower-style, using better weaponry and more scientific training to achieve an upright victory.

There are very few magical pens such as Napoleon or Li Yunlong. Under his command, victory is a matter of course. He never fought a battle that is not sure or wo n’t be defeated inexplicably. This may be regarded as a famous general, but a little less. The romanticism unique to military strategists seems too mechanically cold.

In the world of "Crossing the Kanto", the world of "Water Margin" and the world of the "Sword" that has just ended, I have experienced the test of war many times and accumulated enough experience. If I have a spiritual spark, I will definitely become a better military. Home?

So Shen Long did not hesitate to choose to accept, and then countless information poured into Shen Long ’s mind. After he digested all this, and then recalled the battles he had fought in the past, it felt completely different.

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