All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1010: hope

If Longyou has not fallen, the caravan from Chang'an will go all the way west, but now the road from Longyou to the Western Regions has been cut off by the Tubo, and they can only turn to the north, from Luzhou and Shuofang. Go all the way north into Uighur territory, reach the Uighur tooth tent, then turn southwest, cross Udejianshan south, pass the edge of Jinshan, and then cross Tianshan to reach Xizhou.

If this route is drawn on the map, the route going north and turning southwest happens to form a right triangle with the original Silk Road, the distance is much longer, and the cost of the merchants is also much higher, but there is no comparison. Much better; because of the severance of trade routes, the prices of porcelain, silk and other things in the Western Region have doubled. As long as they can reach the Western Region safely, they can still obtain huge profits.

Once there is a profit, these merchants will continue to divert back to the Western Regions, and Anxidu Hufu will get a breath of gas because of them. They will get economic and material supplements by maintaining business order. More importantly, they can Use commerce to attract and divide the tribes in the Western Regions and win more support for yourself.

In the future, Zhang Yichao could start up in Shazhou. Instead of Zhang Yichao being able to fight, it is better to say that he is good at business and trading. In the gaps between his tribes, through trade arrangements, relying on a small but very elite armed force For the sake of capital, the United Ministries won the four counties in Hexi. Since there are successful cases here, Shen Long will not forget.

And referring to the actions of the European colonists in the future, the methods they use are similar to these. When they arrive at a place, they will first use new commodities to buy and divide the local indigenous people, and then use their own power. The army completed the harvest, and the black Africans and the Indians of North and South America were defeated by them.

Shen Long will definitely not overdo it like those of the colonists, but he will still refer to the general direction; in short, the commercial will survive the Western Region, if the commercial road is cut off, without the commercial benefits, the Western Region ’s own output can only be maintained. With so many people living, it is even more impossible to support the rule of Anxidu Hufu in the Western Regions.

"Shoucao, the front is the winged toothbrush. I have already sent someone to report it, I believe they will send someone out to meet!" Zheng Guo, who is in charge of managing the caravan, came over and said.

Through the remarks of the Guo family and his brothers, and Shen Long ’s own ideas, Tang Dezong sealed Shen Long as the guardian of the six cities. The guardian is a unique official post of the Tang Dynasty, and is the garrison institution of the Tang Dynasty on the border. Mainly distributed in Longyou Road and the Western Regions, the frontier guards of the Tang Dynasty, the big one is called the army, the small one is called the guard, the city, the town, and all institutions have envoys.

Each guardian garrison has many people. During the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, there were thirty-seven guardian envoys in Longyou and the Western Regions, and now even Shen Long was captured by the six city guards and he had to fight by himself. Down.

Juliu City is located in the northwest of Xizhou, near Luntai City, and in the northern foothills of the Tianshan Mountains. Since it can be irrigated by the snow water of the Tianshan Mountains, this is a place where few grains can be produced in the Western Region. To grow, one must master grain production and be self-sufficient in grain.

In the entire western region, only the narrow areas of the Yili River Valley and the northern foothills of the Tianshan Mountain from Dushanshou to Heishuishou capture. The Yili Valley is now in the hands of Geluolu, and it is a little far away, so The northern foot of the Tianshan Mountain became Shen Long ’s only choice. Although it was occupied by the Tubo, it was on the edge of the Tubo ’s power, and it was not difficult to retake it.

Juliu City is just in the middle of Dushanshou's catching and Heishuishou's catching. First, he planted a nail in this narrow planting belt, and then waited for the opportunity to attack left and right to take a larger arable land. The talent for planting is absolutely confident. As long as there is suitable land for cultivation, the people of Datang can grow and thrive here.

"Luo Guo is old." Shen Long nodded. He knew that this person was the old man of the Guo family. He knew the status of the Guo family in Datang. He was a little guard and he was really nothing. A lot of people are still willing to come out to help them manage the caravan, so Shen Long respects him along the way.

Although he was born in a wealthy man, this manager has no shelf, so the cooperation between the two sides was quite harmonious. When it came to the Uighur tent, the caravan was warmly welcomed. The Uighurs are nomadic people. , So they are very happy to see these businessmen coming.

Among the Uighurs, some old people who had dealt with Guo Ziyi ’s army saw that the banner was also coming close. Shen Long they received warm hospitality here. Apart from the hot ears, Shen Long also took the opportunity to inquire about some news. Knowing that Jie Yugas still did not attack Tubo, Yang Xigu stayed in Xizhou City.

The caravan stayed in the Uighur tooth tent for a few days and sold some of the goods ~ ~ and then made two transfers, one set off to return to Changan, ready to restock and send it to the Uighur tooth ledge, while the other set continued Together with Shen Long, the goods went to the Western Region; they were selling all the costs and surpluses in the toothbrush. They went to the Western Region for pure profits, so the morale of the caravan was extremely high.

Shen Long was also using this time to train the young men who came with him from Changan. He also trained the army of the cold weapon era when he was in Liangshan, and then integrated some more scientific training methods from later generations, waiting for the caravan to cross. Tianshan, when they came to Xizhou City, these teenagers had become different.

"Duhu! Duhu! My Datang's men are back!" Some people in the city of Xizhou saw Shen Long from afar. They burst into tears with excitement and quickly went to report to Yang Xigu.

After nearly 30 years, Datang ’s army finally arrived in the Western Regions. These white-haired veterans seemed to see hope, and they were still excited. Many old people were found in Shen Long ’s team. I have my own nephew.

Seeing these people, they are both happy and worried. They are happy that they have finally met their loved ones after many years, and they are worried about their future. Will you stay alone in the Western Regions for decades?

"Duhu, at the end will have to take the caravan to Guizi, there will be less annoyance, and when he will go to Guiliu City to take office in the future, come to see Duhu again." Long said goodbye and left, continued westward, and finally arrived at Guizi City.

Guo Xin and the soldiers in the Anxidu Hufu were equally excited to see the people from the Tang Dynasty.

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