All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1015: Naan and raisins

Before entering this world, Shen Long not only read a lot of information, but also personally went to the Western Region to conduct a field inspection. It is not clear what crops are suitable for cultivation here. The northern foothills of the Tianshan Mountain are often planted with cotton, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes and wheat. Among them, cotton can not be eaten, it is not suitable for planting too much for the time being, and the rest can be grown here.

It's just that crops such as corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes and tomatoes have not yet entered China, so these pawns who came from farms haven't known it yet.

In this regard, Shen Long has been prepared for a long time. He has made people cook every new crop. Farmers are always cautious about new crops. Before being sure that this kind of food can be eaten and can have a good harvest, They will definitely not grow, and they will be tempted only when they taste the taste of these crops.

Although for the Tang Dynasty, each of these elite varieties was very precious, but in order to persuade the pawns, Shen Long cooked a little bitterly.

With his advice, the taste of these foods is much better than the usual big pot rice. After the pawns have tasted them, they will have a long aftertaste. "This tomato is a bit sour and a bit sweet ... This potato is really sweet and sticky ..."

"To say it's delicious, I think sweet potatoes are the best." During this period, Wang Xuance had just brought the sugar-making process back from Tianzhu for more than 100 years. The sweetness is still a luxury for the people of Datang.

"How many corns should there be on this cob." Someone began to count the grains on the corn cob slowly, calculating how much output can be produced per acre of land. Although the density required for corn planting is not yet known, it is only It was the result of a rough estimate that still stunned these soldiers.

"The yield of sweet potatoes and potatoes per mu is more than a thousand catties. Although the corn output is less, it is much stronger than wheat! As long as we can plant these fields, not only do we not have to worry about hunger, but also give Guo Junwang And Yang Du escorted some past! "Shen Long began to describe these soldiers to a better prospect. In order to convince these soldiers, he also deliberately changed the conservative figures.

"One acre of land can produce a thousand pounds!" Nonetheless, after hearing these, the pawns still had their eyes widened. But they grew up and knew the terrible figure of this number; even if it is the best mature land in Guanzhong, they plant wheat for a year. It is good to be able to collect three hundred pounds. Shen Long here is directly a thousand pounds per mu, which is more than three times that of Guanzhong.

Seeing how surprised they were, Shen Long thought of Wang Anshi and his son, and someone immediately asked, "Shouhuo, since these grains can produce so much, why don't we plant all sweet potatoes and potatoes in these areas?" , Also carved into the bones of these people.

"As soon as we come, we may be used to growing wheat, but no one has ever planted sweet potatoes and potatoes. We planted them all at the beginning. If there is a chance, we will be hungry. Secondly, these things are good. It ’s not as good as wheat. It ’s easy to rot if you do n’t eat it quickly after planting it; so let ’s grow more wheat and wait for the big guy to learn how to grow sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, and tomatoes. Late! "Shen Long explained.

They are not Guangtuntians in Juliu City, and they have to send troops to fight. It is not enough to bring sweet potatoes and potatoes when the leader is on the expedition. If you accidentally rot, then the battle will not need to fight.

According to Shen Long ’s plan, the center of these lands will be planted with wheat and corn, which will save land while ensuring harvest; then plant sweet potatoes and potatoes on the edge; the outermost are grapes and melons Fruits and the like, in later generations, grapes and fruits in the Western Regions can be said to be very famous, both high-yield and delicious, and can help these soldiers to balance nutrition, this arrangement can not be more suitable.

When these crops are mature, you can eat potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and a small amount of wheat to save most of the wheat; when you need to fight that day, you can make the wheat flour into naan, and the naan can be stored for a long time and will not be damaged. , The most suitable for marching to fight, and then bring some dried meat, raisins to supplement fat and glucose, to ensure that there will be no problems.

Then, in the future, my soldiers in Anxidu Hofu and Beitingdu Hofu in Tang Dynasty will carry naan and raisins to hang down the tribes who dare to violate the orders of Datang!

"It's still a good way to keep imagining!" After listening to Shen Long's explanation, everyone greatly admired, "These things should be seeded, and we have to keep catching to teach us!"

After persuading the soldiers, Shen Long took them to start reclamation. They farmed in the field during the day and returned to the city at night, holding a torch to listen to Shen Long to explain to them how these new crops should be planted. Long took the lead and took them to work every day, and he did more than any of them, and these people did not complain.

It's the same with all the guards and envoys. Why should I wait for a soldier to complain? And when they thought of the harvest they were about to usher, even the last bit of defamation was gone.

These pawns are used to farming work ~ ~ Let them wait for the crops, but it is more neat than dancing swords and guns. After working for a while, they finally reclaimed this large piece of land and Shen Long began to lead They sow.

Shen Long, based on the existing conditions, relying on historical data and Ivan-Vanke's mechanical design capabilities, designed some wooden agricultural tools, which were made available to the pawns by the artisans in the city to help them improve farming efficiency.

Let a big scientist who can make steel armor to build a farm tool is simply a knife to kill chickens. After a short period of adaptation, the pawns quickly started to use it. With the help of some animal power, more than a thousand people did not spend much. Tens of thousands of mu of land was planted in time.

"Shouhuo, if this harvest is good, how long can we eat? I'm afraid that even the army of Xizhou and Guizi will be able to feed all of them!" Asked the guide from Guo Xin who came to Juliucheng.

"When the food is collected, we will **** Guo Junwang and Yang naturally, and then we will send some people to bring seeds to teach them how to plant them." Although the conditions of Xizhou and Guizi are not as good as those north of Tianshan , But growing potatoes is enough.

"Shoucao, these farm tools are really good! Can I get the caravan back to Changan and let me use it at home? If I had these, my father and mother would not have to work so hard!" There are young soldiers from Changan Asked.

"This is easy, but you don't need to send farm tools in the past. When the caravan comes back, I will give the drawings to the Guo family's stewards and let them build farm tools for your family!" These things are also useful in Datang.

After a few days, I finally waited for the crops to germinate.

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