All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1019: Datang's opportunity is here

Shen Long did not entertain Guo Xin and Yang Xigu and his party, but took them to the barracks and dine with the soldiers. They ate the same food as the soldiers. Potato stewed corn, a piece of steamed bun and an egg.

Guo Xin and Yang Xigu and others were very happy to eat. They were able to persevere in the Western Regions for so long, and they naturally understood the truth of integration. And, to be honest, they usually ate in Guizi and Xizhou, but they did n’t eat that much. it is good.

"Yuanzheng Zhijun has a lot of ignorance!" After eating, Guo Xin boasted that Cheng Zhizhi was a famous general in the Han Dynasty. He is known for his rigorous military administration. This is a praise for Shen Longzhi's famous general.

"Cheng Wuzhi is probably far less than Yuanzheng in Tuntian!" Yang Xigu pondered, did not write Cheng Wuzhi in the history books to make the soldiers eat eggs every day?

Moreover, Shen Long will also make iron weapons to build weapons. If it is placed in the feudal town in the Tang Dynasty, that feudal town can solve the problem of military food weapons, the court should be worried, but now it is in the Western Region, and Shen Long ’s men only have this To point people, Yang Xigu and Guo Xin didn't think about it here.

They may even wish that Shen Long is getting stronger and stronger. Nowadays, there are only three cities in Guixi, Xizhou, and Heju Districts in Anxidu Hofu and Beitingdu Hofu. Only when they become stronger and stronger can they make Datang. Glory came again.

After a night of rest, Shen Long took them to visit the iron field and the weapons factory the next day. Shen Long ’s coal mining expertise played a huge role at this time, and good coal lumps were continuously transported from the mine. And then processed into coke, using coke to smelt iron, the quality of smelted steel is far better than Datang.

Moreover, Shen Long set the rules in the middle of the city of Juliu. He usually uses coal for cooking and heating. This saves a lot of forage and wood. The western region has not much vegetation. It is too wasteful to fire. The forage can be raised. Cattle and sheep, wood can be used to build weapons and build houses, which is more cost-effective than firing.

Waited to the hydraulic forging workshop by the river, I heard the forging sound like thunder. Guo Xin and Yang Xigu were dumbfounded. Isn't Leigong down?

Go inside and see that the iron block is kneaded like a dough under the hammering of a hydraulic forging hammer, gradually showing the shape of the armor. Guo Xin and Yang Xigu secretly calculated, which is the most troublesome in the creation of armor Forging work here is so easy, the craftsmen only need to grind these forged parts, burr, and then use a leather cord to connect them together to form a complete set of armor.

This armor is certainly not as good-looking as the bright light armor elaborately created by Datang, but its protection is not weak at all, and its weight is lighter. Warriors wearing this armor can fight for a longer time.

"Yuanzheng! It's like this, doesn't it take a long time, my Anxidu Hufu and Beitingdu Hufu can wear all the soldiers with iron armor?" Such a calculation suddenly scared Yang Xigu and Guo Xin A big jump, even when the Silk Road was clear, the Tang army was not rich enough to put every armor on it?

Why is the commercial road broken now, but they can be so rich? And ... and I heard that there has been restlessness in Datang recently, could you still transport these armor back to support Datang?

Of course, this is just a matter of thinking. Ironware is an extremely precious item for Uighurs and Tubos. If the Datang caravan dare to transport iron armor into Uighur territory, I am afraid that those Uighur nobles will leave these iron armor even if they turn their faces Right? If you want to use the armor of the Western Region to support Datang, I am afraid that you will only have to wait until Long Youdao is reopened.

"Naturally, in addition to iron armor, horizontal knives, and spears, iron farm tools will be built here. With these, Tuntian will be easier in the future!" Because of the lack of iron, Shen Long could only build some such as planters. Wooden farm tools, and now that he has enough iron, he can make steel plows, iron hoes, and other more efficient and labor-saving farm tools.

After all the farm tools are replaced, the efficiency of Tuntian will increase; this is where the industrial system surpasses the agricultural system, although Shen Long only established a small iron smelting industrial center in Juliu City. The village-level factories are no match, but in this era, it has already suffocated the Western Regions.

"There are also iron pans here, which are prepared to be sold as commodities to the surrounding tribes. We can use these to redeem the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who have fallen into the hands of the enemy, buy women, and bring them to our side. "During this time, Shen Long redeemed many soldiers of the Tang Dynasty. They changed from slaves to proud people of the Tang Dynasty. They have already married their wives and settled down in the city, working hard for the future of the six cities.

Most of these people may not be able to fight, but their experience can still provide Shen Long with a lot of help, building weapons, planting fields, sentinel watching at night, and even teaching literacy. They can be seen everywhere in the city; doing these tasks, these big The people of Tang are much better than the slaves purchased by Shen Long.

"Yuanzheng! Don't let the ironware fall into their hands!" Throughout the dynasties, the Central Plains dynasty was very vigilant about the export of ironware ~ ~ Guo Xin worried that Shen Long was doing something wrong.

"Jun Wang don't need to worry." He said that Shen Long broke a newly cast pot and showed him the crack of the iron pot. "The iron used to cast the iron pot is brittle. It will not affect the use of cooking soup. If you want to melt the iron to build a weapon, it is a waste of effort. Even if it can be used as a sword, it will easily break. "

This simpler alloy knowledge, Shen Long still knows, he let people melt the broken iron pan, cast a horizontal knife, and then cut with the ordinary soldier's horizontal knife, the horizontal cast by the iron pan The knife shattered.

Guo Xin and Yang Xigu were relieved. In fact, if they were not too scared, Shen Long planned to engage in the arms trade in the Western Regions. Selling armor and swords is much more profitable than selling iron pots, and it is easier for tribes Create contradictions between them and differentiate them to win opportunities for themselves.

Don't worry about your own safety. After a few years, Shen Long will be able to build a hot weapon. In front of the musket, even the best armor is useless.

Guo Xin and Yang Xigu spent more than a month in the Six Cities, and they visited every day under the guidance of the guide. Every time they saw something new, they had one more hope in their hearts.

They haven't seen the addiction yet. A messenger from Xizhou interrupted their investigation and returned to Xizhou with a messenger from the Gaspai messenger, and asked Yang Xigu to lead the army against him against the North Court.

If it was before, Guo Xin and Yang Xigu must be worried, but now, both of them and Shen Long are the same idea: the opportunity of Datang is coming!



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