All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1033: Who can make Li Qingche more (thanks to Feng Yu Wu Fei's great reward ...

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The Tibetans were not without defense against the Datang Army and those servants, but what they did not expect was that Shen Long was very well prepared for the logistics supplies. The Datang soldiers and horses as well as the Shatuo Army and those miscellaneous Hus, passing through the eight hundred miles of the sea When they were full, and they walked slightly earlier than the Uighurs, they did not rush out to the edge of the Hanhai. After the rest of the horses and horses recovered their physical strength, they came to the Ganquan water with the Uighurs.

So from a physical point of view, Shen Long ’s men are not much worse than the Tubo army, coupled with the Datang green card and the encouragement of the fat grassland, the servant army exploded a hundred percent of its combat power, and in one fell swoop the Uighur army was in a dilemma. Rescued, defeated the Tubo army, and even followed them into the gate of Shazhou City and took the city.

This made Jie Yugas depressed again, although Shen Long thought that they were also contributing this time, and gave them half of the spoils, but since they sent troops, although they have won many battles, these victories are not the hands of the Uighur army. Taken, this loot is too awkward to get too?

Without hesitation, during the process of continuing to attack Guazhou, Jie Yugas did not allow Tang Jun to contribute in the whole process, and he commanded the Uighur army to attack around Guazhou, and finally killed Guazhou, and Jie Yugas finally came out. With a bad breath, in order to vent his anger, he slaughtered the Tibetan captives in the city.

However, this battle also caused great losses to the Uighur army under Jie Yujias, and it was difficult to transport grain and grass for the army from Yizhou across the Hanhai, so they had to stop the attack; the north side of Guazhou was affected. At the site of the Uighurs, it is possible to focus on the mountains in the middle interval, and it is simply unrealistic to want to cross the mountains to send grain and grass.

Why is Hexi Corridor called Corridor? It is because this road is between the two mountains, the south is the north branch of Qilian Mountain, and the north is from the west to the east, and there are mountain ranges such as Mamang Mountain, Jinta South Mountain, Heli Mountain, Longshou Mountain, Hongya Mountain, Aragu Mountain, etc. There is a narrow corridor for passage, connecting the Western Region and Central Plains.

This is why it is only possible to occupy the Western Region during the heyday of the Central Plains. It is too difficult to rely on such a narrow corridor to maintain logistics. Once there is a problem in the Central Plains, the Hexi Corridor is easily cut off, and this road is broken. , Can only take the road from the north to the Uighur King account and then south, the logistics pressure has more than doubled.

After taking Guazhou, and then going east is Suzhou. The distance between Suzhou and Guazhou is not much shorter than that from Yizhou to Guazhou, and because the population of Shazhou and Guazhou itself is not large, this There is no way for the two cities to provide support for the army's expedition, so no matter whether Jie Yugas is willing or not, this expedition can only stop here.

"This time I was fighting with Daduhu to lead the soldiers, but I was happy. We will join the army next year and discuss Geluolu together." Think about it carefully, Jie Yugas decided to withdraw his troops, since there is no way to fight Suzhou. Then, it is not a good thing to stop in Guazhou. If the grain road is cut off by the Tubo, then they are in danger.

Anyway, this time it came out mainly to fight for a wave of revenge for Tubo. Since the revenge has already been retaliated by half, then it is time to go back. Now Huhui has replaced Khan, and it is not a good thing to lead his troops outside for too long. ; Because of the influence of Shen Long, Jie Yugas did not replace the Khan of Uighur as in history. After the new Khan succeeded to the throne, he inevitably had to fight for a power struggle. He returned from this battle and just brought the victory. The situation went back to compete.

"That's the final word!" Yang Xigu and Jie Yugao made a high-five treaty. The last time they defeated the Uighurs and the Datang Allied Forces captured the Beitingdu Hufu, not only the Uighurs and the Shatuos, but also the Turks and Geluo Lu, this time they defeated the Turks and regained the Shatuo people, so next time they must go to the Geluo people for trouble.

Otherwise, if there is an enemy behind him, who dares to rest assured? What if the lead soldiers hit Ganzhou and Liangzhou and they would contact Datang, but the Geluo Lu sent troops from the Western Regions and copied their own way?

"Hey, it's a pity!" Although I knew that no matter what aspect at the moment, I don't have the conditions to re-cut the Hexi Corridor, after coming down, Yang Xigu still sighed.

"I can hit Guazhou right now. There are already four states in the seven states of Hexi in my hands. It will not be difficult to restore the rest of the three states in the future!" Shen Long thought about it. He knew that this task was not so easy. This is a very good start.

In order to cut off the connection between Tubo and Turks and support the Western Regions, Datang established the post of Hexi Commissioner in the Hexi Corridor, under the jurisdiction of Liangzhou, Ganzhou, Suzhou, Guazhou, Shazhou, Yizhou, Xizhou and other seven states Xizhou was originally in the hands of Yang Xigu, and now Yizhou, Guazhou, and Shazhou have also been won. The second half of Hexi ’s access to the Western Regions has fallen into the hands of Datang. As long as you can digest the existing sites, take The other three states are only a matter of time ~ ~ A family also knows, but I am unwilling! The land of my Datang, staying in the hands of the Tubo people for more than one day, I could not rest assured for a day! "Yang Xigu also knows that now the Hexi government has been wiped out by the Tubo, and the local Tang Dynasty has no way to look west. So if you want to reopen the Hexi Corridor, you can only rely on Beitingdufufu and Anxidufufu."

But with their soldiers and horses, it is obviously not possible to achieve this, not to mention that the harvest of the Liucheng Tuntian has been almost consumed in this expedition. If the attack is not stopped at the right time, then failure will surely come This is the lesson that Datang has fought in the Western Regions for many years. Yang Xigu could n’t help but know.

"After going back, rebuild the Han Navy, and then start farming in Yizhou, Xizhou, Guizi, Shazhou, Guazhou and other places to accumulate grain and grass. Next time, clean up Ge Lulu and then come back. "Yang Yang looked at the East and turned down the city wall.

Shen Long looked far away from Liangzhou's direction and recited a new poem, "Longtou Road can't be broken, Hu Qiye entered Liangzhou City. The Han soldiers were fighting everywhere, and there was no Longxi. Hu Zhong, who drives me, goes to disperse cattle and sheep to eat grass and millet. Last year, China's adopted grandchildren, who are now learning to speak Hu Qiu with felt fur. Who can make Li Qingche more and retake Liangzhou into the Han family? "

The Tubo people have captured Liangzhou for many years. They forced the Han people to graze for their cattle. The descendants of those Han people can only wear the clothes of the Hu people to learn Hu language. They look forward to the excellent generals like Li Guang and Li Cai brothers to recover Liangzhou. To rescue them from the Hu people.

When you return to Hexi next time, you will be rescued!

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