All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1041: Uighur forces

"Is it possible to stay away after having a lot of responsibilities?" Although Princess Xian'an has some staff, there are not many qualified generals. So when he heard that Shen Long was going, Wei Yuanfang was certainly happy, but he is now Han Haijun had some serious responsibilities, and the matter was very dangerous, so he still hesitated.

"It's okay. Tubo is defeated and unable to attack for the time being. In addition, Tingzhou has a large number of guards. I can't walk away when I go out." Now foreign enemies are unlikely to attack, and those veterans are trained, and Gongfang and Tuntian are on the right track. , Just follow the instructions, and Yang Xigu can take care of him for a while, and Shen Long can rest assured.

After returning to Tingzhou, Shen Long told Yang Xigu about the situation and asked to go out. Yang Xigu thought for a moment and said, "There were many reciprocations in the past. If Huipu tried to do harm to my Datang, it would be a very bad thing. "At the time of the Anshi chaos, it was only after the Uighur's assistance was completely settled. Now that the interior of the Tang Dynasty is unstable, if the Uighur and the Tubo unite to attack on both sides, then the Tang Dynasty will be in danger.

At the time, Kang Kang, the longevity and pro-Khan, had usurped the position because the previous Khan tried to fall out with Datang. This means that not all of the Uighurs were close to Datang. Now that this Khan has not been in the ranks, he has not revealed. Out of the wind, from the perspective of his superior position, Datang can never rest assured.

Taking these into consideration, Yang Xigu also felt that it was very necessary to support Princess Xian'an. "If you are upright, then you can take a trip! Just be sure to guarantee yourself, if you can't do anything, hurry back!"

"Last Commander!" Won the consent of Yang Xigu, and Shen Long finally put the matter at hand temporarily, followed Wei Yuanfang to go back to the king's account and made a big mess.

"The matter of the Western Regions is undoubtedly reassuring. There are the old husband and Guo Junwang, and those people can't make any trouble!" Now Datang's army has all changed to iron armor, and they don't have to worry about food. Differentiating the aliens in the Western Regions and resisting the attacks of the Tubo and those aliens who were determined.

Saying goodbye to Yang Xigu, Shen Long brought a group of capable men with make-up and make-up. He followed Wei Yuanfang with his large amount of materials to assist Princess Xian'an from the north of Tingzhou to the Uighur King's account, in the cart they escorted There are not only 3,000 sets of armor, but also swords and arrows made of stainless steel, as well as gold and silver money used by Princess Xian'an to buy people.

"Although I have been in the Western Region for many years, I still don't know much about the Uighur King's tent. I don't know what forces there are in the King's tent. I also asked Yuan Fang to explain one or two for me. I'm so prepared." Go On the way, Shen Long asked about the situation of Uighurs. In the history books of later generations, the internal chaos of the Uighurs was only taken in one stroke, lacking a detailed description.

Shen Long also only knew that Jie Yugas took the horse back and slaughtered the current Khan. He supported the son of the faithful Khan, and was sealed as Fengcheng Khan by the Tang Dynasty. As for the forces involved, the historical books and No description; now that Shen Long wants to go back to the Falcon King's Account to help Princess Xian'an, then he has to know this.

"Among the king's tents, naturally Khan was the most powerful before. When Khan was the long-lived pro-Khan, they all listened to Khan. After Khan's death, they became loyal to Khan, but Khan was still in power for four hours. He died in a fate of months, and the new Khan hurriedly seized the position. They have not yet expressed their surrender and are hovering about. "

"Now Khan and Her Royal Highness are fighting for these people, but only a few people make a decision, most of them still look at the wall. It is estimated that the decision will not be made until the dust has settled."

Shen Long nodded, of course he understood that these people are powerful and have many tribes, no matter who is Khan, they will not ignore them, so they do not need to participate in these dangerous things.

"Then it was Daxiang Yugas, who was already superior in strength, and now he just broke through the Tubo with Jinglue, sweeping away the shame of the past. It was just when the spirit was strong, and many of the king's tents were convinced with him. If Da Xiang wants to win the one in the king's tent, he has six or seven points to be sure! "Wei Yuanfang continued.

Jie Yujias was originally one of the largest power groups in Uighur territory. He has held the position of great power for many years. Now he is carrying the victory and returning with the army, which is enough to determine the ownership of the Khan throne.

"Princess Ye is next. Recently, there are rumors among the king's account that it was Princess Ye who poisoned the loyal Khan! She is also the main enemy of Her Royal Highness!" No matter how close to Khan is, Jie Yu Gas or nothing, they wouldn't provoke Princess Xian'an, except for Princess Ye.

"Princess Ye is the daughter of Mu Yu Khan and Princess Chong Hui. Chong Hui Princess is the daughter of Gu Gu Huaien, and my Datang has sealed it as a princess to marry Mu Yu Khan; after Gu Gu Huan was forced to rebel Then, Princess Ye was full of resentment against Datang! "Said here, Wei Yuanfang also showed a dissatisfied look.

Sugu Guhuan was originally a famous Tang Dynasty general. During the Anshi Rebellion, Sugu Guhuan led a meritorious service. The 46 members of the family died for the country. Li Guobi and Li Guangbi ranked first.

But then Gu Guhuan was finally framed by **** Luo Fengxian ~ ~ said that he colluded with him to rebel, and Gu Guhuan had no choice but to lift the anti-Tang, and finally his rebellion was pacified by Guo Ziyi, and Gu Guhuai also Died in Mingsha City; it was not surprising that Princess Ye disliked Datang when something like this happened at home.

"Princess Chonghui is now dead, but Gu Guhuan is very prestigious in Uighur, and Princess Ye's brother is Ye Hu, so Princess Ye is respected in the king's tent, and there are many people who follow her. If not, she would not be able to deal with the faithful Khan. "Ye Hu is the head of the tribe.

The Uighur is a transition established on the basis of the tribal alliance. The chiefs of each tribe are relatively independent and have no small power. The Servants were originally one of the strongholds of the nine surnames in Mobei. After the destruction of the Turk, they became an important tribe of Uighurs. With such a family background, Princess Ye's strength should not be underestimated.

"The last is Her Royal Highness. When Her Royal Highness and her pro-Hygur were sent, Her Majesty sent me to be the guard of Her Royal Highness. After the Uighur arrived, Her Royal Highness was highly respected by the Uighurs. Over the years, she also accumulated some willingness to die for the princess. The members of the tribe, but compared with Jie Yujias and Princess Ye, the strength of Her Royal Highness is a little weaker. "

"However, with the armor and weapons provided by the strategy, I have the confidence to do a game with them." Wei Yuan dialect said so, but he couldn't see the slightest relaxation in his eyes.

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