All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1047: Empress Dowager

Look at the left and right, the soldiers and horses under his own are already exhausted, the armor on his body is fragmented, and the weapons are full of gaps, standing there and shaking to the ground; then look at the soldiers of Princess Xian'an, all wearing iron armor, all Energetic and energetic, if there is a fight, what hope is there.

"Ke Dun, are you asking for my life?" Jie Yugas smiled bitterly. He thought that he could easily replace Khan with the momentum of victory. From then on, he regained the power of the Uighur. The princess came and took the lead, and then finally surrounded by the princesses of Xian'an, let alone take power, I am afraid that even saving her life is a luxury?

But out of survival, he still struggled. Now it is for this reason that Princess Xian'an is called Ke Dun. He hopes that Princess Xian An can remember his identity as Ke Dun, so he can treat himself lightly.

Princess Ye and Gu Gu Ye Hu are also pale. For the Uighur, when encountering this kind of thing, it has always been a matter of eradicating the roots and never letting go of the enemy.

"There is no such plan in this palace! This palace just can't bear to see my warriors fight back and kill each other! Daxiang and Princess Ye, you have been fighting for many days, now it's time to stop?" Emotionally speaking, Xian'an Of course, the princess was so desperate that both Gas and Princess Ye were dead.

However, in a practical sense, Princess Xian's back-and-forth falcon is still short. For the time being, he has no power to control the power of Uyghur alone. Instead of introducing other powerful tribal leaders, it is better to continue using these two people.

Whether it ’s Jie Yujias or Princess Ye, they all have a pretty good influence inside Uighurs. They have the ambition that they can definitely block external forces from entering the king ’s tent. The forces have already forged an invincible blood feud, and the two of them will not unite against themselves anyway.

Then Princess Xian'an can use their reputation and contradictions to temporarily control the political situation in Uighur, as long as they wait a few years to conquer more power and then resolve them.

"This matter is ultimately caused by the unauthorized country in the king's tent, so this palace wants to discuss with Daxiang and Princess Ye to re-support Khan!" Princess Xian'an brought Jie Yu to Gas and Princess Ye When they came to the king's tent, they discussed the question of the selection of the new Khan, which made Jie Yugas and Princess Ye a little relieved.

Since Princess Xian'an has dealt with it this way, it seems that their lives can be temporarily saved, and Princess Ye is still unsatisfied. The current Khan was originally pushed by her, and now she has to change people. Isn't her previous efforts In vain? But if you don't agree, she and their servants may be over.

"According to the meaning of Her Royal Highness! I don't know what is the choice of Her Royal Highness?" Princess Ye and Gu Guye Hu whispered and decided to sacrifice the current Khan, no matter who was on Khan at that time. Throne, the new Khan will not allow the current Khan to live again.

"The Prime Minister returned to the king's account this time, originally because of this!" Jie Yugas became more and more indignant. Since Princess Xian'an planned to change Khan, why not stand with him?

"That's it, let's discuss some candidates for the new Khan? Is it true that the loyal Khan is gone, and should be succeeded by his children? This palace thinks Axi is the best choice for the new Khan." Princess Xian'an Ignoring their dissatisfaction, they launched the person they wanted, which is the Fengcheng Khan of Uighur in history.

The child was still young, and even if she became Khan, she couldn't handle government affairs. She could logically replace Fengcheng Khan to deal with Uighur government affairs.

"The Prime Minister originally planned to do this, and Achi should indeed inherit the Khan!" Jie Yujia originally planned to use the opportunity of Achi's youth with Princess Xian'an, but now, it seems that he can only listen to Xian Princess Ann's, he suffered heavy losses this time, has lost the power to control the king's account.

Princess Xian'an and Jie Yugas both supported Achi, and Princess Ye didn't even want to oppose it, so the three parties decided on it, and Achi, the son of the faithful Khan, became the new Khan, and the three of them jointly wrote a letter After the break, he reported to Datang and asked Datang Tianzi to seal Axi's book.

As for the usurped Khan, at the moment when Princess Xian’an led the army to encircle Jie Yujias and Princess Ye, his fate was already decided. The soldiers and horses sent by the three parties broke into the palace and took the usurper from the throne. Shang took down and beheaded the public in the name of conspiracy to injure the former Khan, and then swept away the forces attached to him.

In this major cleansing, the Uyghur royal family suffered heavy losses. Before the usurpation, Princess Ye had already led people to clean the royal family, and now it is coming again. The Luoge family, which controls the Uyghur king's power, is already withered. How many people are left, Achi's father and mother are wiped out, he can only rely on Princess Xian'an now.

According to Uighur's rules, Princess Xian'an should marry Achi at this time, but now that Princess Xian'an is in charge, how can she let such humiliation fall on her head? So she did not hesitate to follow the rules of the Central Plains dynasty.

At this time Achi was still young, and the powerful factions such as Yujas and Princess Ye were unable to resist ~ ~ The Uighur dynasty has since fallen into the hands of Princess Xian'an.

Princess Xian'an first gave a big reward, using the pastures, treasures and official positions left by the cleaned-up family in this civil strife to envelop many people, and suddenly his strength surged.

In the following years, she has used her outstanding political talent to control the situation of the Uighur. When the time is ripe, she first joined Jie Yujias to kill Princess Ye and Gu Guye in the name of murdering Khan, and then found again. This excuse resolved Jie Yujias, and from then on, all the powers of the Falconer belonged to Princess Xian'an.

Of course, these are all afterwords, and Shen Long assists Princess Xian'an to quickly clear up the forces against her near the king's tent, so that Princess Xian'an temporarily sits on the throne of the Empress Dowager. Princess Xian'an is married to Longevity Tianqin Khan is a kind, loyal Khan's long-lived Khan's son, and now Axi who is sitting on the Khan's throne is the grandson of the long-lived Khan, according to the rules of the Central Plains Dynasty, Princess Xian'an Is it the Empress Dowager.

Princess Xian'an, the Empress Dowager, is much stronger than Xiaozhuang. She now controls the most powerful army around the king's tent.

"His Royal Highness, since the major event has been fixed, the sergeant is ready to return to Tingzhou!" After the situation was settled for a while, Shen Long offered a resignation to Princess Xian'an.

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