All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1068: Interview

Few people can remain enthusiastic about things that have failed, especially those young people who have not experienced too much. Xiangnan and Huazi have really failed the interview too many times, and now they ca n’t afford the spirit of the interview. Well, Gao Qiang used to be like this too, but today he went to the interview full of energy.

Thinking about the cancellation of the graduation certificate, everyone is a little worried about his accident. "You said, shall we call Gao Qiang and go with him?"

"Forget it? In a place like a job fair, I feel annoyed when I think about it, let alone go!" Hua Zi lay back on the bed again. He was really hit by the interviewers before.

"It's okay, let him go out and relax! It's even worse if you let him go home now." The big guys are all from Beijing and have also been to Gao Qiang's family. They are very clear about his parents' temper.

So Shen Long came to the job fair by bus alone. It is now June, and the graduates are only one month away from the school, so the job fair has become deserted, and there are only so few Lara in the big venue In the ten units, the students coming and going were all confused and nervous.

Yeah, I haven't found a job by this time. Can you be nervous? If I can't find a job when I leave school in July, what should I do next? Do you want to rent a house and stay in Beijing, or go back to your hometown? Since coming to the capital, who is willing to go back.

So no matter what kind of organization, find a job and talk! So these people now have no reason to despise insurance companies and sales companies, and take their thick resumes one by one.

Shen Long didn't do this. His interview experience was much richer than these people. During the first three years of his work, he encountered numerous interviews, and after a certain amount of experience, he was satisfied with his salary. The job may still be difficult to find, but there is no such thing as a job.

He didn't plan to go to an insurance company or a sales company. Of course, he didn't have a chance to come to these companies, but it didn't meet the expectations of Gao Qiang's parents. If he heard that he was in an insurance company, Gao Qiang's parents might have annoying him.

So I still have to find a job that sounds good. Shen Long walked through the crowd slowly, looking at the recruitment notice posted in front of the recruitment table, most of them were swept away, and a few were interested. Those who look carefully at the requirements, treatment and salary, and more importantly observe the temper of the interviewer.

He knows that he does not have a graduation certificate or a degree certificate. If he meets rigid and mean interviewers, he will definitely not be in trouble. He neither wants to waste this time nor to be humiliated by these people.

Programmer? I am very familiar with this job, but if I plan to resume my old business, I will directly submit a resume to a multinational company such as Microsoft. Then I will come to these small companies, and it is not good to tell others. I wasn't you majoring in architecture, why did you suddenly engage in computers? It's not easy to explain myself.

The same is true for chemical engineering and translation. Shen Long can do very well, but there is no way to explain how to find these jobs.

Therefore, Shen Long put his main goal to those positions that do not have high professional requirements but have certain development prospects, such as the planning assistant position of an advertising company he is currently looking at.

The so-called planning is a strategy, planning, planning or planning, planning, it is an individual, enterprise, organizational structure in order to achieve a certain purpose, on the basis of fully investigating the market environment and the associated environment, following certain methods or rules, Make systematic, thorough and scientific predictions of upcoming events and formulate scientific feasibility plans.

Advertising is not like everyone imagines. Designers and copywriters can sit down in the office and get out of customer satisfaction plans. This is a systematic work; planning is to analyze the promotion goals based on the results of market research. So as to formulate a plan that meets market needs, and better promote customers' products.

Moreover, there are many opportunities for this kind of company to deal with other companies. It may be possible to continue to deal with Lu Tao, Xiangnan, and Huazi; the most important thing is that there is no corresponding major in planning this position, although it reads learning marketing. , Advertising and other majors are preferred, but students of other majors will not be dismissed.

Shen Long observed for a while, and found that this company was just established, the boss personally came to recruit, and there was no need for hr. The hope of successful interviews increased greatly. After all, for the boss of this new company, what is the basis of the diploma? Not important, what matters is that you can help him complete the task.

So Shen Long sat down in front of him and submitted his resume, indicating his willingness to apply for a planning assistant. Although he had never done this, he had opened companies in many worlds and had never dealt with similar people. He even talked to David Owerg, the great god-class figure in the advertising world, many times ~ ~ This little thing can't help him.

Seeing Shen Long ’s resume, the young boss named Leo was stunned. Shen Long ’s resume said abruptly that the school had cancelled his graduation certificate for cheating on the exam. He was not unseen by students without a graduation certificate, but It was the first time he dared to write so brightly and honestly, he pointed to this line and asked, "Why did you write this out? Are you afraid to call your resume directly?"

"Even if the interview is successful, if I knew that I didn't have a graduation certificate when I joined the job, would I still lose this job? So I might as well write it directly, so that everyone's time can be saved." Shen Long said with a smile, his face disappeared A little nervous, "Of course, if you think your staff must have a graduation certificate, then I will not bother."

His gesture aroused Leo ’s curiosity. Generally speaking, he can do this kind of thing. He is either second-hand or full of confidence in his ability. Seeing how he speaks clearly, it is obviously not like the former. Will choose my company? "

"First of all, I have a certain understanding of advertising, I know the content of this job, and I feel that I am competent ..." Shen Longxian Barbara said a bit about his understanding of this position, and then said, "And I have been observing the interviewer just now, I have also seen your interview process. I found that you do not pay much attention to the interviewer ’s major and graduation school, but more about their personal abilities, so I think you may not care that I do not have a graduation certificate. "

A young man who understands the observation and summary is very suitable for this job. Leo decided to give Shen Long a chance, "So, please give me a reason to let you enter the retest in one sentence."

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