All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1096: You will be a director of the art film on the street (thanks for the gorgeous assista

"Mr. Gao, I have been admiring the name for a long time. Since I met today, why don't I sit together?" When he came out, Fang Dezhao was a little angry and left first. Mi Lixiong came to Shenlong to invite him.

"Hadron, let's go, anyway, you'll be fine if you go back so early." Millai was also aside, and Shen Long went to a club with them.

"Mr. Gao, it might be a bit embarrassing to say that, after all, you are doing big business now, but this project is equivalent to smashing all my net worth into it. If it is lost, I'll just do it. "It's not a good time." Mi Lixiong poured Shen Long's tea with his own hands. "So I want to ask you to serve as a consultant for the pastoral pastoral project."

"You are a master figure in the marketing and promotion industry in Beijing. You have done a lot of planning for Vanke and Poly before at Range Rover. If you can join, I will rest assured!" Mi Lixiong knows Shen Long's ability, I also knew that it was impossible to rely on the consultant fees alone to move Shenlong now, so I wanted to use the personal relationship between Millai and Lu Tao to persuade Shen Long.

"Mr. Mi, isn't I responsible for this project?" Shen Long hasn't agreed yet, and Lu Tao is not happy. What does that mean? I do n’t think I ’m capable enough to do this project right?

"Yes, you are responsible for this project." Speaking of this, Li Lixiong didn't get angry, originally thinking of having Lu Yaxun look after him, his company's business can be better done, who knows that this one will let himself first After losing 150 million yuan, Fang Dezhao was reluctant to invest any more money, and after he added another 50 million yuan, the funds were almost bottomed out.

If Lu Tao continues to toss, he still has no idea what will happen. He has to beg for the help of young people as old as his daughter. "I want Qiangzi to help us with strategy and marketing. You are responsible. Building a house, is there no conflict? "Hey, people have more skills than you. Do you think people can count on our small projects?

In fact, Mi Lixiong asked Shen Long not only for strategic promotion, he also took a fancy to Shen Long ’s funds. If he could attract him to make some additional investments, the risk of the idyllic pastoral project would be even smaller.

This can be regarded as accompanying them to struggle together? Of course Shen Long looked down on this consultant fee, but considering the requirements of the mission, after some persuasion, he still agreed, and since then he has become a consultant for the pastoral pastoral project. If you come to work, you just need to come up with the plan on time.

On Monday, Shen Long came to Mi Lixiong ’s company to hold a regular meeting, and then something happened. Lu Tao changed the design of the project and moved the clubhouse that was originally placed on the ground to the top of two buildings. In his words, it was for this purpose. The city adds a rainbow, for which the budget must be increased by 20 million.

"Lu Tao, what is the benefit of your design?" Mi Lixiong's face was dumbfounded. The company's current capital chain is already very tight. You don't consider saving money, but also spend 20 million on this flashy. local?

"Profit is something to be considered in the future." Lu Tao never thought about it at all. Hearing Shen Long all smiled. What do you consider as a businessman who does not consider profit?

"If the club is moved to the sky, the height of the storey will increase, which exceeds the planning height of our project. How can this problem be solved?" And this is not just a problem of increasing costs. Real estate projects are not what you want to cover. As high as you can build, the planning department allows you to build as high as you can.

"And it will also affect the lighting of the two buildings opposite." If you give a club to the sky, it will inevitably affect the lighting of the surrounding buildings. This also involves the regulations of the planning department; Brother, did you really graduate from the School of Architecture? You have to follow the rules when designing! This is not a play house.

"I went to Lu Yaxun, and I can definitely solve it!" Lu Tao didn't care, his father was in charge of this, and his plan could not pass?

"I don't recommend this, because it will not only increase the cost, but also involve the issue of reporting regulations. At the same time, because the lighting will affect the prices of these buildings, it is not cost-effective at all." Shen Long exposed the problem.

"I can make an additional investment, I will give 18 million, and the company only needs to take out 2 million! This rainbow is my dream, I will not give up anyway." Lu Tao still insisted.

"This is not a question of money or money. You should not spend less than one cent. You should not spend more than one cent. This is a business principle." Shen Long continued to ignore Lu Tao's dream.

"Hadron, I want to bring a benchmark building to this city, as long as it can be done, it will definitely make money." Lu Tao is ignited, why don't you want to watch my dream come true?

"Lu Tao, if a rainbow can become the landmark of Beijing, is it too simple?" Also the landmark of Beijing, do you ask the bird's nest to agree? Do you ask Water Cube to agree? Do you ask if the big pants agree? I wo n’t talk about the Forbidden City and the Great Wall ~ ~ Do n’t talk about you Lu Tao, even if Pei Yuming came, he would n’t dare to package his work and become a landmark in the capital. !

"Lu Tao, I know that dreams are important, but you can't use other people's money to realize your dreams; this is Mr. Mi's project, not yours!" Shen Long also had no good temper because he was so confused. In the past, "The buildings in the annals of history are not just large buildings, Wright ’s flowing water villas are only 380 square meters, and Tadao Ando ’s" Long House in Sumiyoshi "is only 100 square meters. These do not prevent them from becoming great buildings! "

"If you have confidence in yourself and think that you can become a great architect, then you can take your 20 million to find a suitable place and design a great house like a flowing water villa and a long house in Sumiyoshi. Works! In this way, no one will interfere with your ideals! "

It ’s not just Wright and Tadao Ando, ​​China ’s first architectural designer who won the Pritzker Prize, the highest award in architecture. Wang Shu, whose first work was actually made in his own home, he transformed his house It is because of this that Wang Shu has gained great popularity, which is really awesome.

Or you have to do a large-scale building, then you open an architect firm to bid for public buildings? Why didn't you participate in the bidding for the main stadium of the 2008 Olympic Games in the first two years? You have the ability to handle the design of the main stadium, then it is called a real Beijing landmark!

Shen Longxu Landing Tao was a street art director. Mao hadn't been able to scream. The voice was all for dreams. In fact, it was all others.

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