All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1099: Xia Lin is back

Sister Millai, what happened to Lu Tao today? "Back to the heartbroken utopia, Fang Lingshan looked at Tao Tao a little unhappy, and quickly asked Millai, well, she also moved in recently.

"It's okay, it's all a matter of work." Millai now has a headache. Lu Tao's stubbornness has pushed pastoral pastoral progress repeatedly, but she doesn't listen to whatever Lu Tao said. What should I do?

"Lingshan, why didn't you play with Xiang Nan today?" Shen Long asked, really don't say, it's interesting to hear the babble of Baodao Qiang once in a while.

"Huh, people don't play with him, what good is he?" Fang Lingshan still only likes Lu Tao, and ignores Xiang Nan's diligence, but his attitude is much better than the original. After all, Xiang Nan is still Single, there is no problem with the husband in the original.

"What's so good about going south? I think about it, oh, yes, his fingers are pretty and flexible." This is the original line. People really have this specialty. Would you like to experience it?

"What's that good?" Fang Lingshan didn't understand Shen Long's meaning at all. The child was still young. I wonder if she would regret it when she understood.

Now Huazi and Shen Long are relatively stable, so they are not here every day like in the TV series, but just come and play occasionally. Shen Long greeted them and abused two billiard **** to the south. Go home first.

After arriving home, Yang Xiaoyun told Shen Long a new message, "Xia Lin is back and came over to drink a cup of tea with me today."

"Oh, has she been out for almost a year? How is it now?" Shen Long asked casually, it is estimated that Lu Tao must be lively again, should I go to the heartbreaking utopia for a few more days? Watch the play well?

"It's very good, the study is very smooth, she started an internship in a French clothing company; Hadron, we two have time to play in France, OK?" Yang Xiaoyun started coquettish again.

"Poof, an internship in a French apparel company? If it weren't for me, she couldn't find a job in Beijing a year ago! Why did she go to France, where the level of apparel design is far better than in China, and find a job so smoothly? I Should we say that the requirements of our capital company are high, or that the level of the French company is too low? "Shen Long laughed again.

Xia Lin can only go to a nightclub to accompany her when she is in China. How come she went to work for a clothing company in France? If you have the strength to work in a French apparel company, don't domestic apparel companies rush to ask for it? Shen Long does not believe that her professional level can rise so fast in a year.

"Who knows, what kind of small company is it estimated! Oh, yes, she said to go to the heartbroken utopia on weekends, and let's go together at that time!" Yang Xiaoyun also wanted to see Lu Tao, Millai and Xia Lin meeting after reunion What is the reaction.

At the weekend, Shen Long drove with Yang Xiaoyun to Xia Lin ’s house to pick up Xia Lin, and then went to the heartbreaking utopia. After getting off the car, there was a banner hanging on the door, which read "Welcome the famous costume designer Xia Lin to return" It looks like Shen Long's toothache for a while. How old are you still playing this?

He was also curious why Xia Lin came to see her, did she break up with Lu Tao? Since the breakup is decisive? What does it mean to be so sticky? Oh, because I found a job and saved money, did I come to repay the interest-free student loan? But I haven't seen you take out the money. I guess she won't pay it back.

Is it because after watching it for a year, Lu Tao has n’t caught it yet, so I think it ’s okay, and I can consider taking this rich second generation?

Millai looked at Xia Lin, her face was dark, Lu Tao took Xia Lin to the upstairs terrace. She was still holding Millai's dog. It was not enough to **** someone's boyfriend together. Didn't even let the dog pass?

"Hey, I'm right in front of you, what do you play with dogs? Dogs can still have fun with me?" Only after seeing Xia Lin for more than a year, Lu Tao was very dissatisfied with whether she only played with dogs or not.

Who gave you the courage to say this? How dare you have fun with dogs? Do n’t you know what, what and what?

Lu Tao wanted to grab Xia Lin ’s dog, maybe the action was a little frightening to the dog, and the dog gnawed Xia Lin ’s finger with a loud cry. This **** was still hot, so he had to see a doctor.

Shen Long gave Mi Lai's dog a thumbs up. They all know how to be angry with their master. Sure enough, they are a smart dog. Let Mi Lai add two chicken legs to you at night.

"Xia Lin, I'll take you to the hospital!" Lu Tao was very worried and quickly followed Xia Lin out of a heartbreaking utopia. She struggled to send her to see the doctor, but Xia Lin did not want him to send it.

At this time, Xia Lin's phone rang, she seemed to have another appointment soon, um, this girl's schedule is tight enough, do you want to see all her predecessors while you return home?

Hearing this, Lu Tao suddenly became very hot, and Ma Jingtao shouted at Xia Lin. Xia Lin could n’t help but tell the truth, "Lu Tao, besides relying on your rich dad and woman, what skills do you have? ! "

Watching the lively Shen Long in the heartbroken utopia gave Xia Lin thirty-two praises ~ ~ Sister, I have known you for so long, so frank when I saw you for the first time.

May feel that the truth is too hurtful, Xia Lin quickly comforted Lu Tao again, and when his mood was slightly stable, Xia Lin left immediately, leaving only Lu Tao crying outside.

The next day was when the company had a meeting. Shen Long arrived at the venue on time. Not only was Lu Tao late, but also absent-minded throughout the meeting, secretly texting with Xia Lin.

Easy, if there is such a person in our company, he will be opened immediately, and Millais continues to help the landing Tao to make up for the leaks, and he still can't suppress the subordinates' opposition.

Big guys are counting on the project to enter the sales period quickly to get commissions and bonuses. How much is the base salary alone? It turned out that you were good, and dragged everyone off month after month. Is this still the case? The big guy is not good.

Lu Tao is now a big belly fire, he directly sprayed, "I do n’t care about the location, the size of the apartment, or any other mess, the house I want is a whole, let the customers feel that this is their own The house I want! I ’m just asking for this! "

Li Bancheng has said that the three factors that determine the value of real estate are the first lot, the second lot, and the third lot. The lot is not important to you. You are better than Li Bancheng!

Hey, when will this child be capricious? Shen Long closed the notebook and left. Such a meeting is still of little value.

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