All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1101: To be in love evenly

"Mr. Gao, have you no choice? You have done so many projects in the past, each one is a big sale, can't there be no way?" Mi Lixiong and Fang Dezhao also panicked.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, marketing planning is not omnipotent. Adverse market selling requires a lot of preconditions, and the pastoral idyll does not have this kind of conditions at present." Those projects that can still sell in the cold market environment, All of them have their own irreplaceable selling points, or are located in superior locations, or have school districts, or fill the gaps in the market, etc., so that customers can sell well in a bad market environment.

As for the idyllic pastoral project, you say okay, he is not much better there. There are more projects with similar locations, similar positioning, similar quality, and similar supporting facilities in Beijing. Do you really think that Lu Tao can create something terrible? Not successful? Projects like this that don't go up, not bad, are most easily affected by market conditions.

Under the conditions of good market conditions, it is no surprise that the big sale, but when the market enters the cold winter period, it is them who are most affected by the sales, and now it has entered the harbinger of the cold winter period.

"Not to mention, can you still spend a lot of money for promotion?" I'm afraid they can't even spend much money on advertising? Shen Long could not cook without rice.

When it comes to money, Mi Lixiong and Fang Dezhao's faces are even darker. When they took the land, they increased by 150 million yuan, and the design fee was increased one by one. At the construction stage, Lu Tao was able to use materials well, leading to construction The cost keeps rising, how much money can they spend now?

"Mr. Fang, do you think you can add some more investment?" Mi Lixiong asked Fang Dezhao, his pocket was already empty, but Fang Dezhao was a little richer.

"Mr. Mi, I don't want to add a penny anymore, and no more money can be thrown into the bottomless hole." Fang Dezhao is now completely desperate for Lu Tao. Hey, how can I just be so unreliable? What about guys?

"Mr. Gao, is there no way out?" Mi Lixiong looked at Shen Long pitifully. Is his working capital relatively ample? Or should you come in?

"If you want to continue to make a lot of money, you have to add funds. Now you can temporarily stop the promotion and sales. Even the construction can be suspended. The entire project will be suspended and re-sold after the winter, so that not only will there be no losses, but also a big profit. "Now the pastoral pastoral project is only selling for more than 6,000. If you wait another year or two, you might be able to sell it for tens of thousands.

Of course, the prerequisite for this is that the financial strength is strong. Even if the work is stopped, they must continue to invest in costs, interest on bank loans, financing costs, employee salaries, and other necessary expenses. These are not small. number.

"If we can add more funds, neither of us will be in such a hurry. The ghost knows when this winter of real estate will pass." Mi Lixiong and Fang Dezhao shook their heads again and again. They are now in the bureau, and they cannot see the capital When will the real estate market pick up, and how much investment will be required for the idyllic pastoral project that day, they dare not take this risk.

"Then the losses can only be reduced. Before the winter of real estate has yet to come, the pastoral pastoral project is packaged and sold as a whole." Shen Long probably estimated, "The pastoral pastoral project's total investment to date is about 1.5 billion. According to the current market conditions, you may be able to make a profit without losing money. If you continue to drag on, you will lose 100 million yuan a month later! "

In the end, when the two of them sold the project to Xu Zhisen, they only bought 1.28 billion, and lost a total of more than two billion. If Lu Tao's interference did not occur, the project could start selling on time. Earlier in the opening round, this kid is really a pitman.

"How can such a good location and such a good project sell for only a little bit." Mi Lixiong and Xu Zhisen were not reconciled. You have to say that the big guys would lose money, but those projects developed with them at the same time, The construction and sales started early, but they all made a lot of money. They got the best plots but lost money.

Don't look at the total investment of 1.5 billion, now it can sell 1.5 billion, it sounds like there is no loss, but how can the time and energy invested during this period be calculated? How about human relations? How to calculate the opportunity cost? This is definitely a big loss. If this spreads, the two of them may have lost their faces.

A lot of people are afraid to cooperate with them. You two can lose even such a good project. What else can you do? This is the biggest blow to them.

"Lao Fang, let's go back to find someone to see if we can find someone to make additional investment, even if some shares are given." Mi Lixiong still refused to give up before the final moment.

"Okay, I wish the two of you a smooth financing ~ ~ Shen Long got up and walked away. If he was asked for financing, he would definitely not agree, and I could wait a month or two for a lower price. Take this project, why should I pay more? How can our friendship be worth 200 million?

Mi Lixiong was about to kneel here, but he finally ushered in his spring to the south. He met a returning female white-collar worker named Yao Yao when camping outdoors. It can be said that he fell in love at first sight. Here comes the heartbreaking utopia, and as for the two of them, whether they are scumming Shen Long when they are camping, I do n’t know.

The big guys gathered together to celebrate to the south, and the bottom line of Yaoyao was also clear between the words. This man came back from the United States to learn the law. Once he returned to the country, he participated in several corporate mergers and acquisitions. It was a great success and earned a lot of money. Fei's remuneration, then bought a big house, bought a sports car, became the enviable gold-collar class.

The United States is a system of ocean law, and China is a system of civil law. The legal systems of these two countries are different. The laws you learned in the United States can participate in large-scale enterprise mergers and acquisitions when you return to your country. Could it be that M & A by multinational corporations fails? Does n’t a lawyer need an internship to get started slowly? You are so good, you can take charge of big projects as soon as you come back? Is there such a shortage of people in a company that has the strength to take over such a big project?

Forget it, Shen Long is too lazy to vomit, this girl is also suitable to fall to the south, the two have the same temperament, and the status is similar. Xiang Nan has become a gold-collar class with the help of Shen Long. Big houses and good cars are not at all. Lack, and this sister can be said to be comparable in strength, evenly matched to be able to fall in love better?

At least this girl won't force her to progress south like Yang Xiaoyun, people will also struggle, so can it last forever!

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