All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1104: Cut off

The uncle finally left. Mi Lixiong and Fang Dezhao were relieved. It was really hard to think about the past time. Now I don't need to see him anymore.

But the smile didn't last long, and they received another bad news immediately. When Xu Zhisen first talked with him, Xu Zhisen made the first bid of 1.4 billion. They only lost 100 million, but I don't know what Lu Tao said in the past, Xu Zhisen. They reduced the price by another 100 million to only 1.3 billion, and they immediately lost 100 million.

Hey, you have already mistreated Mi Lixiong and Fang Dezhaokeng, but have you refused to let it go? Seeing that there was no one to take orders at the moment, there was only Xu Zhisen left. Mi Lixiong and Fang Dezhao grinded their teeth and grunted. Who knew Lu Tao had just been expelled and Xu Zhisen's price had dropped again.

"I only made out 1.28 billion yuan, of which 20 million were Lu Tao's, and I have a responsibility to take it back!" Although it was almost hanging, Xu Zhisen was still aggressive at the negotiating table.

"Mr. Xu, isn't this the truth? We didn't lack 20 million!" Mi Lixiong and Fang Dezhao were not happy. At first, they spent 1.15 billion on land, and now the total investment of the project has been Reaching 1.5 billion, what is 20 million compared to 1.5 billion?

Moreover, if it were not for Lu Tao's mistake, how could they have more than 150 million? This was originally his responsibility. Besides, good projects never lack investment. They are willing to let Lu Tao take 20 million to join in. That is to see the face of landing Yaxun. More money, now the project has been tossed down by Lu Tao, what does he lose?

"You gave us 13 billion, we have to return it to shareholders, Lu Tao's 20 million, oh no, it is 18 million, we will also give him back according to the investment ratio!" Ma egg, he had originally There was a 20 million vote there, obviously 18 million, okay, did you ask for another 2 million here?

"According to 1.3 billion, Lu Tao can still take back 15 million 600 thousand." When I thought of Mi Li's ambition, there was blood dripping, numb, I lost 100 million for your toss, you only Lost 2.4 million? Oh, if you add the salary during this period, you haven't paid much.

"I said that 1.28 billion would be 1.28 billion. If Mr. Fang and Mr. Fang are not willing, they can go find someone else." In fact, this is just an excuse for Xu Zhisen to lower prices. He is looking at the current real estate industry. Recession, major companies are tightening investment, no one will come to pick up this project, when will not wait for price?

"Mr. Xu, let's consider it again!" Even Fang Dezhao, who has always been good-tempered, can't stand Xu Zhisen anymore. Earlier, everyone worked on the project together, but now it has become like this.

"Please do, but I need to remind you that if you don't sign a contract within three days, the price may still change." Xu Zhisen Shi Shiran was sitting there, with a full look on his chest. Are there other options?

The father and son were cruel enough. The son went to pit people. The old man took advantage of the fire. No wonder Xu Zhisen would return 20 million to Lu Tao. If Lu Tao was tossing around there, he could get such a good project at such a low price. what.

Well, this method is very good. It ’s not a good idea to watch Landing Tao, so he wo n’t stay in his company and let him out to harm others. Xu Zhisen ’s clever approach is considered to be the best use of things. From this perspective Let's consider, isn't Lu Tao all useless? At least people will hook up with their sisters, and then harm their sisters and let their relatives pick them up.

Returned to the company, there were no more people left in the company. After the dismissal of Lu Tao, the resignation and severance of other employees' resignation, compared with when the project was first established, the office was much colder.

"Mr. Gao, why are you still here? Our contract has ended?" Mi Lixiong and Fang Dezhao didn't expect Shen Long to be here. After deciding to sell the project as a whole, the two of them had already concluded the consultancy contract with Shen Long. .

"Although the contract is over, aren't our friendships still in place? Mr. Fang and Mr. Fang must be in a bad mood now, why not find a place to have a meal?" Shen Long issued an invitation.

Mi Lixiong and Fang Dezhao are all right now. The people they can find are all gone. It is estimated that they will have to go to Xu Zhisen in a few days, so they agreed to go to the nearby hotel with Shen Long and enter Inside the box.

"This Xu Zhisen is too ruthless, I was hit and broken, even if I lost this time, I don't plan to do business again in the future, I just hurt the old party!" Mi Lixiong sighed and patted Fang Dezhao's shoulder In the later period, Fang Dezhao has been clenching his teeth without additional investment, and his losses are less than that of Mi Lixiong.

"Mr. Mi, you have been starting from scratch for so many years, and have experienced so many ups and downs, should this setback be nothing? How can you be willing to withdraw from the rivers and lakes?" Shen Long persuaded ~ ~ to Mi Lixiong At this stage, engaging in business is not only about making money, even with his assets, even if he has lost so much, the rest of the money can still be spent all his life.

"How else? It's not that I'm not reconciled. It's because the world is changing too fast. I can't get used to it." Mi Lixiong bored a sip of wine. "I don't want to win anymore now, so I want to stay with my family. Spend the rest of his life. "

"Milee has made rapid progress during this time, and you can see that she is a good seedling. President Mi, you are willing to let her give up?" Shen Long continued to persuade, but Millet's performance during this time was much more reliable than Lu Tao. Give Miller some more time, and in the future, he might take over Milichon to control the company.

"Beijing is a sad place for Millais. She just told me that she plans to go to the United States to study again." Millionaire opened his mouth. In fact, if he could get his daughter's progress at a loss of money, he was absolutely willing, but Now Millai also intends to give up.

"That's because the pastoral pastoral project has put too much effort into her. Now that the project no longer belongs to you, she naturally doesn't want to stay, but if you can still control this project? I think she must hope to see the pastoral Is the pastoral project a big success? "Shen Long finally got to the point.

"Mr. Gao, what do you mean?" Mi Lixiong and Fang Dezhao immediately came to the spirit, is he willing to invest money in the idyllic pastoral project?

"Yes, that's what you think!" Shen Long nodded, and he was going to cut the beard, by the way, let Xu Zhisen pick up such a big bargain, he is not without this capital.

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