All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1112: Classmate reunion

Nima, who is driving this vest to tease me? The second brother immediately sprayed up in the live room, but even if it was a vest, wouldn't it? I am familiar with 97 masters, who can beat me nine consecutive times, is this impossible?

"Second brother, they are all live broadcast, I just went to brush, no one is idle, this should be a newcomer." Someone in the barrage reminded, but the second brother did not believe, immediately entered the master group to start Swipe to ask.

"Who just opened the vest to fight me? Stand out!" The second brother was extremely depressed, but the big guys were all stunned, what are you doing?

"Ahahahahaha, the second child was just connected by the ninth man, and his live broadcast room was blown up!" Some people happily launched a screenshot of the second live broadcast room. The above record of 10 to 1 is really striking.

"Awesome! I almost shaved my second son. Are you picking random or non-primary players?" In this group, almost all the masters of King of Fighters 97 are concentrated, but the level of the second brother is considered top, even if there are so few people It is absolutely impossible to win him, so they guessed whether special rules were adopted.

"However, the second child is using the full force! Oh, that guy is still in the room. Would anyone of you go in and try two?" Someone suggested.

"Obviously this level can't be practiced in a day. It stands to reason that if we have this level, we should have played it a long time ago? I'll try two hits." Some people can't help it now, some of them are masters. Say, it's not easy to meet a good opponent. Maybe the whole network can play against them and back and forth, maybe these people in the group? But playing with them every day is also boring, and a strange new master can indeed cause their urge.

So the big guys rushed in one after another, driving live and taking turns with Shen Long, and this one scared them to pee, hell, it was really unbeatable.

"Hahahahaha! You are not as good as me!" The second brother was happy now, and the embarrassed person was finally not alone, these masters were all solved easily by Shen Long.

His physical qualities and responsiveness were originally superior to ordinary people, and now he has inherited high-powered game talents, and can also compete with these top players in game strategy. They are not yet familiar with his tactics. Yeah.

"I'm also comfortable. You guys lost on this meal. I am an entertainer who is still entangled in wool!" The fans who said that they wanted the second brother to shoot the rockets were also relieved. They rewarded the two brothers with two rockets Express comfort.

"Give him a private letter to pull him into the group. If you play in the future, you can call him, and many people can also be lively." The master group began to discuss the pull in Shen Long, and his strength won The respect of these people; if let them know that Shen Long is using the keyboard instead of the joystick, I guess they will be more excited!

From the operational point of view, the keyboard is not as convenient as the joystick after all. Even if some people play well and like to use the keyboard, among the top experts in this group, all people use the joystick.

However, even if they sent countless private messages, Shen Long did not reply. He just played the game with a lot of pleasure. If he had any plans to play the game and rely on this meal, let's forget it!

After playing for a while, I can't feel the challenge anymore. Shen Long directly turned off the game and went offline. Hey, life is really lonely like snow! sleep!

Hey, it seems that this skill is more than just useful? Shen Long suddenly thought that this skill might be more useful. For example, if he enters the plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" in Marvel World next time, can he get the Sovereign remote control warship? It feels like they are playing games, hiding behind countless light-years and controlling warships in the entire system of remote control systems. How does this look like a shooting game.

There is also the world of "Ander's Game", where the hope of human beings to deal with the Zerg can be pinned on these talented game boys, and they will definitely be able to show their talents when they arrive.

Even in the real world, the application of various drones in war is becoming more and more extensive. With the development of 5G technology, it is not a long way to operate various instruments for mining, surgery, and manufacturing industrial supplies. Impossible things, these required skills are somewhat similar to the game.

Shen Long couldn't help feeling again that Gao Qiang was in the wrong era. It's a pity to waste such a good talent in vain; just thinking this way, Shen Long fell asleep unconsciously.

Waking up in the morning and continuing to take Arya to walk the horse, and then to the clubhouse, Shen Long tried the game items there, whether it be darts, billiards, or even table football. It's awesome.

After returning to the city, he ran to other places to try new games, such as bowling, tennis, etc., all of which also showed extraordinary levels.

Oh, it ’s the same as riding a roller coaster in the amusement park. It ’s a game, but it ’s a game, but you can only sit up and feel it, and you do n’t have room to play it. ~ ~ In a flash, another week passed , Until Friday, Shen Long went to school to pick up Arya, send her to the suburban villa, so that she can continue to play with cowards, and then drove to the high-speed rail station by herself, ready to meet those who have not met for a long time. Old classmate.

These old classmates are from south to north, north to northeast, south to Hainan, east to Modu, and west to Sichuan, so the midpoint naturally fell to the area of ​​the rooster's abdomen. From the capital, I sat on the high-speed rail for more than five hours. Shen Long arrived at the appointed city and asked at the hotel first. The others had not yet arrived.

This is also normal. Shen Long departed in the afternoon, and everyone else still had work. At least he had to wait until 5 pm to get off work, and then he would come by high-speed rail and gray machine. He must have arrived later than him.

It was more than nine o'clock in the evening, and the old classmates finally came one after another, "Yo, I haven't seen you for years, you still look the same! It looks much younger than me!"

"Your stomach is getting more and more corrupt!" Shen Long smiled, they all have to work, they don't have much time to exercise every day, how can they be so free.

"When did we meet last time? Oh, I remember, I went to Beijing for a business trip. In the evening, you went through half of the capital to invite me to dinner ... But last time I was going, I didn't drink well. We will drink enough! "

At twelve o'clock in the evening, the last old classmate also arrived. The big guy prepared to go out for supper, just like they did when they were in college.



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