All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1122: Come back home

"What's the matter?" Shen Long asked, panicking, and then pulled Yan Honglie to ask him to tell himself the matter again. He would spend more time here, and Yang Tiexin could run even more. Farther.

"When the mountain **** woke up in the morning, he found that there were a few horses missing. He felt that something was wrong. He hurried up the mountain to find your mother, only to find that your mother had disappeared. Going south ... "Wan Yanlie was also guessing who would do it. Did the masters of martial arts find Bao Xiwei?

Wan Yanlie said here, Shen Long kept asking him various details anxiously, and after Yan Honglie made things clear, the time for Yixiang had passed. "Kang'er, I don't have time to say more about this now, or Get your mother back earlier! "

"It's better to let me go!" Shen Long made a look of concern for his mother, and the anxious feeling overflowed with words, leaving Wan Yanlie with nothing to say.

"Alright, let Sha Tongtian and Hou Tonghai take the Yellow River Four Ghosts to accompany you!" Wan Yanlie left the spiritual master, and he was worried about his safety. He did not send all the masters under his command.

When they were ready and going out, there were several exclamations from the backyard. Mei Chaofeng received a signal from Shen Long, and she pretended to assassinate Yan Honglie and launched an offensive. A person can't stop Mei Chaofeng, Hou Tonghai and Sha Tongtian also stayed.

Although the three of them temporarily repelled Mei Chaofeng, they failed to leave Mei Chaofeng. Sha Tongtian looked at Mei Chaofeng's disappearing direction and said with a lingering fear, "This woman doesn't know where it came from, martial arts are so high At this point, it seems that she has not given up to assassinate the prince. My brother and I may not be able to leave the palace for the time being. "

Guimen Dragon King Sha Tongtian turned to Yan Honglie for his glory and wealth. The protection of Yan Honglie and the princess who recovered Yan Honglie was more important. He thought clearly.

Therefore, Sha Tongtian and Hou Tonghai stayed. Shen Long could only take the four battles and five slags of the Yellow River Four Ghosts, and a team of cavalry chased south. Without these two martial arts masters, they were purely along the way. Shen Long had the final say.

By noon, they chased the town that Shen Long told Yang Tiexin. Near the town, the horseshoe mark gradually became more and more. It was not easy for everyone to find the traces of Yang Tiexin and others. Ask someone in the local area and learn from the local population that several war horses went south.

So they continued to chase south, and continued to find people to ask along the way. Eventually, they found the lost horses in several large households along the way. These large households thought they had picked up a cheap price, but they did not want to cause trouble for them. Longken's soldiers and horses believed that these horses were picked up by them, so they immediately pressed them.

These horses were thrown by Yang Tiexin nearby, and they were really picked up. Can they say one, two, three? This wasted some time in vain.

The cavalry leader who led the team might have received Yan Honglie's advice in advance, thinking that Bao Xiweu would definitely return to Jiangnan, so he suggested to continue chasing south. Of course Shen Long was happy to agree, so they chased south.

After chasing for two days, I did n’t find any clues. At this time, the leader finally felt something was wrong. He quickly asked to turn around and continue to look for it. Who knows that at this time, the little prince also lost track, but this time scared them not Light, it ’s a big mistake not to find the princess. How can even the little prince disappear now?

No one dared to go back this time, and they all looked around, and Shen Long quickly took this opportunity to come to Zhigu Village, which is the Jinmen in the future. With the help of magic, Yang Tiexin and Bao were easily found. Xi weak and Mu Nianci, the three of them are now hiding near the pier.

Shen Long helped himself and Bao Xi weak and easy-dressed, even faceless people can change a person's appearance and temperament even without a human skin mask. After his treatment, both of them changed their appearance, even if they walked on the streets of Beijing, After a while, I am afraid that no one will recognize them.

Then spent some money and mixed with a merchant ship heading for the Southern Song Dynasty. Since World War I, Shi Guoji cut off the hope of dying out of the Southern Song Dynasty. Since then, the Southern Song Dynasty has settled down in Jiangnan, and the Jin Kingdom has been unable to attack. The opening of the Jubilee and the Northern Expedition was only a minor episode. For decades, the Southern Song Dynasty and the Golden Kingdom have maintained relative peace, and their trade and commerce have been frequent.

The Zhigu Village has both the nature of a river port and a seaport, and it has become a hub for land and sea transportation. There are many commercial ships between the Song and Jin dynasties. It is not difficult to find a commercial ship that leads directly to Lin'an.

Shen Long gave enough money, and found an opportunity to reveal martial arts when he was on board, so the boatmen did not dare to neglect them. Not only did they arrange the best cabin for them, but they did not dare to harass them except for the meal delivery on weekdays, so Apart from being a little boring along the way, is not a problem.

Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiqiu have been separated for 17 years. Before that, they were anxious to escape. When they finally got a chance to talk to each other on the ship, Shen Long found that Bao Xiwei had more smiles on his face than before. In addition to the increase, the face of the clothes has also been cleaned a lot, which should be helped by the care for the weak.

Mu Nianci is a sensible girl. She knows that she should not disturb the reunion of her father and mother at this time, but the place on the boat is small, and she is not willing to deal with those sailors, so she can only run to Shenlong often, come and go, two. People have gotten close, and these have fallen into the eyes of Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiwei.

About a month later, the sea boat finally arrived at Lin'an in peace and security. The four people came down from the sea boat and changed a river boat. They followed the Qiantang River upstream and saw a row of dozens of cypress trees along the river. , The leaves are as red as fire.

"Tie Brother, let's go back to Niujia Village!" As soon as we saw these trees, Bao Xiwei understood that Niujia Village had arrived.

"After waiting to go back, we packed up the old house and settled down. Kang Er said that Brother Guo's children have also been found. In the future, we will take him and his siblings back and live the same life as before!" Yang Tiexin also smiled on his face. After so many years of ups and downs, they can finally live in peace and stability in their hometown.

"Father, mother, children thought that it would be OK to go back home. If they continue to live here, they might be wrong." Shen Long interrupted their beautiful fantasy about the future. Wan Yanlie, who knew Niujia Village, stayed here. If you want to be stable, you can't be stable.

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