All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1125: Wan Yanlie

It took me a month to go back to Jiangnan by sea boat. When I went north again, Shen Long directly chose somersault clouds, and arrived at Zhongdu in only one day.

After arriving in Zhongdu, he did not rush to Zhao Wangfu, but came to the place agreed with Mei Chaofeng and found her. The time may not be far from the Jiangnan Seven Monsters and Guo Jingnan to go down. If she stays In Zhongdu, encountering Jiangnan Seven Monsters in the future, after all, is a troublesome thing, it is better to let her leave here.

"Kang'er, you are back!" Mei Chaofeng's tone was a little rejoicing. Since Chen Xuanfeng was killed by Guo Jing, she has been lonely, but Yang Kang helped her, so she was very happy to see Shen Long safely back. It's just that years of habits have made her more and more restrained, so she's not so excited.

"It's finally back safely, thanks to the master who helped me hold Sha Tongtian and they." Shen Long can also feel that Mei Chaofeng has not suffered any harm. Wu Gong seems to be still improving. It should be that she helped her explain "Jiuyin Zhen" For the sake of Jing Jing.

"Since I have returned to Jiangnan safely, why should I come back?" Apart from being happy, Mei Chaofeng began to worry about Shen Long again. Both China and Jiangnan were not as good as Jiangnan. Although Sha Tongtian and others could not help her, she could not clean them up. , And I heard that Wan Yanlie has recently recruited masters, but it is not the right time for him to come back now.

"First, I missed the master and wanted to invite the master to go south; secondly, my grievances with Wan Yanlie and Li are over, and I can't rest assured." Shen Long said, "Before the master taught me" Nine Yin Bone Claws ", I went back to ponder Afterwards, I found something wrong, especially the sentence that destroys the enemy's head. The word "head" actually refers to the enemy's vital point, not the real head. In this way, the practice of using the head even to practice the exercises is a wicked way ... "

I used to practice Mongolian martial arts in Mobei and gold martial arts in China. Shen Long did n’t want Mei Chaofeng to practice “Nine Yin Bone Claws” with the heads of the people of Song Dynasty after returning to Jiangnan. She corrected one or two, "Tu'er is thinking," Nine Yin Zhen Jing "is an authentic Xuan Men's method, and he is following an upright path; therefore, he took time to read some Taoist scriptures, but he also figured out something, Tuer This tells the master and asks the master to correct me. "

If someone else said this, Mei Chaofeng would definitely be unhappy, but her own apprentice said this. She always loved this apprentice and knew that he had been taught by Quanzheng Qiu Chuji. In addition, the previous interpretation made her recover from the predicament of getting into trouble, so she listened in and even willing to ask if she didn't understand well.

Originally, Mei Chaofeng was the master of Yang Kang, but now the roles of the two of them are reversed. However, Mei Chaofeng is under the gate of Dongxie Huang's pharmacist, and ignores the tradition of ethics, so Mei Chaofeng did not care about these.

It took a few days to help Mei Chaofeng get rid of the confusion, so that she could practice the authentic "Nine Yin Zhen Jing", and then Shen Long gave her another pill, this is when Shen Long took Liang Ziweng in Guiyunzhuang Striped viper blood is mixed with some precious medicinal materials and refined, which can improve the internal strength and cultivate behavior, but it is much stronger than drinking snake blood directly.

"Tu'er heard that there is a bodhisattva snake outside the city of Xiangyang. It has a horn on its head. It walks like a wind and is extremely difficult to catch. Its gall is dark purple. After taking it, it is refreshing and energetic. If the master is able to find a great benefit for the promotion of martial arts, the master is not suitable for staying in Zhongdu at the moment. It is better to try his luck in Xiangyang. "Let Mei Chaofeng go, it is not suitable to go to Jiangnan, there will still be Meet Guo Jing and Jiangnan Seven Blame them, just let her go further!

"Are you staying in Zhongdu? When the teacher finds the bodhisattva snake you said, I will come to you!" Mei Chaofeng was very spoiled for his apprentice, and wanted him to enjoy the benefits of this snake egg. .

"It might not be possible. There are still many things to be done by Tu'er in the next few years. Even if the master comes back to Zhongdu, Tu'er may not be there. If the master is practicing outside the city of Xiangyang, he can wait for the tutor while practicing his internal strength. After Tuer finished things, she went to Xiangyang to find a master. "Shen Long didn't dare to let Mei Chaofeng run around. Her enemies were too many.

"Despite your martial arts progress, but the rivers and lakes are dangerous, you can't do anything ..." Mei Chaofeng told Shen Long some of the sinister methods he encountered when walking on the rivers and lakes. Then he left Zhongdu and headed south to Xiangyang. went.

Although Mei Chaofeng is invisible, his martial arts are superb, hard-hearted, and knowledgeable. As long as he does not encounter the masters of the five masters, he can keep his own peace. Among the five masters, Wang Chongyang is dead, and Huang Yaoshi and Yideng Monk are in seclusion. Ouyang Feng is far away in the Western Regions, and Hong Qigong will probably not shoot Mei Chaofeng. The remaining masters of similar level, Lin Chaoying seems to have died, Zhou Botong is locked in Taohua Island, Qiu Qiancheng is in Xiangxi, far away from Xiangyang, her Don't worry about security.

Mei Chaofeng was sent away, and Shen Long returned to Zhongdu. This time he went directly to Wang Zhao's Mansion and found Wan Yanhonglie in the study. It was only a month later. Wan Yanhonglie had been haggard for a lot. It can be seen that this blow was big enough.

"Kang'er, have you finally returned? Have you been there these days? Did your mother have any news?" Wan Yanlie asked repeatedly after seeing Shen Long.

"I took my mother back to my hometown in Jiangnan, and my biological father also found it!" Shen Long said coldly.

Hearing this, after Yan Honglie's face changed suddenly, he slumped down on the chair. He knew he was going to lose Baoxi's weak mother and son. After a while, he spoke again. "Your mother was attacked by a gangster. Only to save her, I have been treating you as a natural flesh for all these years! "

"Oh, Wan Yanlie, these words you can't hide from my mother but they can't hide from me. Was the group who besieged Niujia Village sent by you? I already knew about this, so you shouldn't lie again." Shen Long With a sneer, "You didn't see it until you saw my mother, and secretly colluded with Duan Tiande to murder my father. Do you really think you can hide everyone?"

"That section of Tiande was entrusted by Han Dengyong!" Wan Yanlie wanted to quibble.

"Joke, although Han Dengxuan is not capable, he is a major battle against Jin Guo. How can he revenge for the traitors who surrendered Jin Guo like Wang Daoqian? His fear is that you are looking for someone to buy it with money?" Niu The second year after the Jiacun massacre, Han Dengxuan launched the Kaixi Northern Expedition. How could such a person wear a pair of pants with Jin Guo.

"That paragraph of Tiande has been personally confessed, you are the behind-the-scenes envoy of that year!" Shen Long is not a lie, although he has not seen Duan Tiande, but he saw these words in the original book.

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