All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1128: Go north again

It seems that Guo Jing has learned a lesson from Huang Rong, and no longer regards beef and lamb liver as the most delicious food in the world. Shen Long deliberately ordered several dishes near Lin'an to introduce, "These dishes are dishes from Xiaodi's hometown. , The younger brother has traveled so many places, after all, he still thinks that the dishes near his hometown of Lin'an are the most delicious. "

"Oh? The brothers were originally Song people?" Guo Jing Wenyan's eyes lit up. He hadn't dealt with the people of Da Song except Jiangnan Seven Monsters before, and the other person was still near Lin'an. A little fellow saw tears in his eyes, "I am also from Song, and my hometown is also near Lin'an."

啧啧, look at others, grew up in the Mongolian grasslands since childhood, did not live in the Song Dynasty for a day, he did not hesitate to call himself a Song, are all without relatives to look after the fence, why the gap is so big!

Shen Long had expected this when ordering food, so he immediately took Guo Jing ’s words, “Oh? That ’s a coincidence. The younger brother ’s surname is Yang Mingkang. That ’s a native of Niujia Village in Lin’an. I do n’t know where the brother is. ? "

"What? Your name is Yang Kang!" Guo Jing was shocked, dull as he immediately stood up and asked Yang Kang's hand tightly, "Your father is my uncle Yang Tiexin? Your mother but I take care of the weak aunt?" Yang The relationship between Tie Xin and Guo Xiaotian, which Li Ping told him when he was a child, Guo Jing went south to find Yang Kang. Now he just met Yang Kang when he arrived in China. He was so surprised that he forgot to introduce himself.

Hey, you do n’t say who you are, how do I take this, Guo Jing is a bit honest, Shen Long can only say like a surprise, "Exactly, how do you know brother?"

"Oh, my name is Guo Jing, my father is Guo Xiaotian, and my mother's name is Li Ping! My mother said that Uncle Yang Tiexin and my father are brothers who live and die. Brother Yang and I became brothers as early as when we were not born ... … When I heard about Brother Yang from Yin Daochang, my mother wanted me to find Brother Yang, but the master said that I would see it sooner or later, let me practice martial arts and then go south. "Guo Jingping talks less often, but today he talks more When you get up, you can see that it's really unhappy.

Seeing Guo Jing's eyes was sincere, Shen Long was also very grateful, "I heard people say that Brother Guo was in Mobe a few days ago, so I wanted to go north to find it, but I didn't expect to meet here. This is a fate! Come, today I The two brothers should not be drunk! "

"Okay, I must have a good drink today! The store, and then take the Datan wine!" When the wine came up, Guo Jinggang wanted to drink it but remembered one more thing, "My mother said that we had already agreed before we were born. If we are to become brothers, it ’s not as good as we are here to worship, oh, yes, Brother Yang, how many months were you born? Which one of us is older? "

"Haha, I am afraid that Brother Guo is going to be a big month." Shen Long laughed and reported the month when Yang Kang was born. Sure enough, Guo Jing was bigger. "Then I will call you Brother Guo. We will be here today. Worship here! It ’s not a pleasure to drink too much. Let ’s bring wine, candles, and have a drink outside the city! "

This plot is more and more like Qiao Feng and Duan Yu. Shen Long lost a piece of silver, took wine and meat incense candles, and transported light power to Guo Jing with Guo Jing. He did not deliberately show up in front of Guo Jing and figured out Guo Jing. After his martial arts level, he walked shoulder to shoulder with him and kept asking about his experience in Mongolia along the way.

After listening to Guo Jing's talk about his interactions with Tuo Lei, Hua Zheng and others, Shen Long couldn't help but sigh, hey, his companions in the past years will be greeted by soldiers, although this is destined, but Li Ping might be able to keep it, and after a barren hill outside the city, the two kowtowed and burnt their incense to worship before eating and drinking.

Taking this opportunity, Shen Long also raised the matter of Li Ping, "Now that my father and mother have returned to live in Jiangnan with peace of mind, but I often miss my aunts, as a younger brother, let's go back to Mongolia together and take my aunt back to live in Jiangnan?"

"My mother often told me that she wanted to go back to Jiangnan, but ..." He remembered the tows and Huazheng who played with him from childhood to big. If he lives in Jiangnan, will he be separated from them?

"Also, my aunt has been in Mobei for all these years, and I have some unwilling friends." This is all human nature, and Shen Long also expressed understanding. At least at this time, the tow mine and Huazheng did not show the idea of ​​going south to invade Song. So Shen Long changed the excuse, "When I returned to Jiangnan this time, I entrusted a martial arts expert to help us to inquire about our big enemy, Duan Tiande. Now I may have some eyebrows, and I can only get him back when I go back with Brother Guo this time. Take down the memorial service in front of Uncle Guo's spirit. "

Duan Tiande should still be a military officer now. Shen Long also reminded Lu Chengfeng that he only needs to inquire the list of military officers in the next Song Dynasty to know the end of Duan Tiande. It is not difficult at all.

"Duan Tiande!" Guo Jing clenched his fists, but he always remembered this name, otherwise he would not remember Duan Tiande's name in Guiyunzhuang ~ ~ and then took him decisively Kill revenge.

Speaking of this, Guo Jing also handled this matter very properly. After hearing Duan Tiande ’s identity, he did n’t move his face, and then asked Lu Chengfeng and his son to borrow a place. He wrote Guo Xiaotian ’s card and started to do it. Stupid look?

"Exactly! I think Auntie must also want to see us avenge Uncle Guo? This time he went south to avenge Uncle Guo first. In the future, will Auntie Guo go back to Mobei or live in Niujia Village in the future." Now Li Ping It may not be possible to stop Tiemuzhen from the south, but Guo Jing can't help it until he destroys Jin Guo in the future and prepares to go south.

"Okay, but a few masters said, this time Jiangnan is going to compete with Brother Yang, what if I go back in case of a mistake?" The big thing is not confused, and the small thing is that Guo Jing is confused again.

"Haha, Brother Guo, it is the two of us who are competing against each other. Now I am going north with you. If the date is wrong, we are also wrong together. Anyway, it is still early before August 15th. We took the aunt together again. It's not too late to rush to Yanyu Tower in Jiaxing! "Shen Long laughed.

"Brother Yang said the same, I didn't turn around for a while." Guo Jing scratched his head. "But after all, I have to talk to the masters, should we wait a few days in China?"

"This is of course." Shen Long won't refuse this, so he had a meal with Guo Jingmei and then returned to the city. Shen Long wondered that Guo Jing was running ahead of time to avoid Ouyang Ke, and Jiangnan Seven Monsters would not Behind him a lot, it is estimated that at most one or two days will be able to see them.

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