All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1132: Huang Rong is gone


"Haha, Guo Jing, why did you come back after only a few days? Did you miss the beef and mutton and answered you?" Tiemu really likes Guo Jing, and he laughed when he saw him.

"Jin Guo can also eat beef and mutton, but he also wants to delay Lei An's answer, but this time it's not for these." Guo Jing answered honestly, "Brother Yang said that the enemy who killed my father was almost found, so I want to take my mother to the south, beheading the enemy before the spirit of the father, to comfort the father in the spirit of heaven. "

Temujin was not angry, but patted Guo Jing on the shoulder and said, "Revenge for my father is a great righteousness supported by the eternal life. After my father was poisoned by the Tatars, I never forget to revenge. Now the Tatars All of them were defeated by me, and Zamuhe and Wang Han also returned to the arms of Changshengtian. After I completely unified the grassland, I would go south to attack Jin Guo; Guo Jing, after you avenge your father, you may want Come back and fight for me! "

More than 70 years ago, the Mongolian leader Iba Ha Khan was nailed to a wooden donkey by Jin Xizong in the name of the "Punishment against Rebel Ministry Law". The Mongolian Tribal Union once organized many resistance struggles. After paying his blood and life, Temujin born in this social environment naturally regards his victory against Jin Guo as the main goal of his life.

Only now that he has just defeated Zamuhe and Wang Han, he has not yet cleared the remaining resistance forces on the grassland, so there is no way to attack Jin Guo immediately; this time he came out to hunt to have both the idea of ​​training troops and the idea of ​​showing military authority. In order to completely unify the Mongolian grasslands and prepare for attacking the Golden Kingdom.

"I only met Brother Yang when I realized that King Jin Wanyan Lie was also an enemy of my family. If Khan attacks Jin Guo, I will definitely come back to help!" Guo Jing listened to Jiangnan Seven Monsters telling the story of Yue Fei against Jin from an early age, plus Shen Long made it clear that Wan Yanlie was the real murderer of the Niujia Village massacre, so no matter whether he was public or private, he could not stay out of the situation after he heard that Tiemuzhen was planning to attack Jin Guo. As for the future dispute between Mongolia and the Southern Song Dynasty, Guo Jing had not yet thought of it. so much.

"Haha, this is my Tiemu is really a good horse!" With Tiemu's real vision, I can see that Guo Jing is a good soldier in the war, so there are still some doubts about him picking up Li Ping and going south. Guo Jing said this, and he was relieved. Since Guo Jing and Jin Guogui had deep hatred, then he would definitely help.

In this case, it would be meaningless to leave Li Ping, but it would arouse Guo Jing ’s resentment. Tiemuzhen has been including Zhebei and other tyrants who were not his own in recent years. He is very generous in terms of employment, and he agreed after a little thought. Guo Jing ’s plan, “Since you are in a hurry to avenge your revenge, I will not leave you any more, so go back and pick up your mother to go south!”

"Follow the orders, sweat!" Guo Jing didn't realize the effort of just a few words, Tiemu really changed so many thoughts, I heard that he could take his mother away, Guo Jing was very grateful.

"Don't rush back in Song Kingdom. Wait a year or two for me to get ready. I will let Tuo Leinan go down and contact Song Guo to attack Jin Guo together. Then you can tell Tuo Lei about Song Guo's situation; By the way, Kitty Hawk will miss her mother just after leaving the nest. I wo n’t keep you anymore. Go back and see your mother! ”Tiemuzhen drove Guo Jing away again.

Came out of the king's tent, Shen Long's face was as usual, but Huang Rong's face was not good-looking, "Brother Jing, are you still Mongolia's concubine?" She didn't expect Guo Jing to have a master.

"Da Khan wants to distribute Huazheng's sister to me, but I have always regarded Huazheng as a sister." Guo Jing said in a humble manner, he had not noticed that Huang Rong's expression had changed.

"It's getting late now, let's go quickly, otherwise we won't be able to rush back today." Shen Long quickly interrupted, I was so troubled, although Huang Rong and the Jiangnan Six Monsters didn't have anything to do, they were earlier. Has exposed the marriage contract between Guo Jing and Hua Zheng. I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Huang Rong didn't say anything at the beginning, but when they were rushing all the way to their destination, two white eagles hovered in the sky for a moment, and then screamed happily, and landed in the middle of the tent. Zheng came out on horseback, and a white eagle squatted on Hua Zheng's shoulder, while the other flew to Guo Jing's shoulder.

Huang Rong's complexion suddenly turned pale, and he muttered to himself, "Brother Jing and Huazheng are a pair of white carvings on the desert. She is just under the willow branch in Jiangnan, a little swallow."

Having said that, he turned his horse's head and ran to the south. Guo Jing didn't react for a while. After a while, he looked at the towed mine and Huazheng. He looked at Huang Rong, who didn't know what happened. "Brother Yang, Why is Ronger gone? "

Because she thought it was your girlfriend, she was jealous, Shen Long vomited in her heart, and then comforted, "Your Rong'er girl is very strong in martial arts and humane ~ ~ There is nothing wrong, etc. After receiving Aunt Guo, go find him! "

Without Huang Rong, Guo Jing might not be able to learn "Jianglong Eighteen Palms". After all, something is wrong. Although Shen Long can, it is not suitable for teaching him. It is better to let Hong Qigong come to teach him.

Guo Jing talked with Tuo Lei and Hua Zheng and went back to his home. When he met Li Ping and Shen Long, he gave a courtesy. Li Ping's behavior was very respectable. Shen Long's courtesy was very willing to meet the Yang family. Li Ping, a descendant of the brothers, was also very happy, and quickly pulled Shen Long to ask Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiwei about the current situation.

After hearing that they had been reunited and returned to Jiangnan, they even heard clues about the enemy. Li Ping was very happy, so as soon as Shen Long issued an invitation, she agreed without hesitation, "I will go south with you tomorrow!"

So, in the early morning of the next day, Guo Jing went to find Tuo Lei and told him that he would take his mother to the south. He gave his cattle and sheep to look after him, and the Tuo Lei immediately agreed to come down, and sent them together with Hua Zheng.

"Brother Guo, my aunt is under my care now, you can go to find Ronger girl with peace of mind!" After leaving Tiemuzhen's hunting ground, Shen Long said.

Then he told Li Ping about Guo Jing and Huang Rong, and Li Ping agreed with Shen Long. "Jing'er, since that girl from Rong'er is kind to you, you should go to her, she alone Girls who are alone are always taken care of by others. "

So Guo Jing followed Shen Long and Li Ping's suggestion, and left to find Huang Rong. Looking at his far away back, Shen Long made a whisper in his heart, and didn't know if he would meet Hong Qigong again?

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