All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1142: Defeat Ouyang Feng

Ouyang Feng's snake rod was curved and curved, and the black seemed to be made of steel. The head of the rod was cast with a cracked and smiling human head. The mouth showed sharp and white teeth, which looked very vague and strange, and even more strange was the rod on the plate. There were two little silver-scale snakes lingering up and down, and the golden ring on the rod between them waved in a chaos.

Shen Long still responded with a long sword. The internal force in the "Jinyang Zhen Jing" was used to crack all kinds of spears, euphorbia, snake spear, Qi Mei stick, mace stick, ash rod, zen stick, and convenient shoveling. The long gun blade's broken gun style, although this snake stick is weird, has not broken away from the category of long weapon, and it is comparable to Ouyang Feng.

Hey, Yang Shaoxia's internal force seems to be the same as that of Jing'er, the inside is pure and long, and even Ouyang Feng is not inferior, and the sword skill is exquisite, this battle may not lose! This competition saw Hong Qigong's peace of mind. He could not help but have the idea of ​​having the Yangtze River back to the front. The martial arts at such a young age had such martial arts.

If he knew that Shen Long had already done a game with Huang Yaoshi before, would he be more surprised? However, Hong Qigong did not relax his vigilance. In his view, Shen Long is younger after all. The experience of Jianghu is definitely worse than that of Ouyang Feng. Ouyang Feng is not as self-held as he is. With the use of vicious means, I am afraid that Shen Long is not in a hurry, so instead of letting go of his vigilance, he concentrates more and more.

Ke Zhenxie didn't worry about them. They had seen Shen Long and Huang Yaoshi in Guiyunzhuang. In their view, Ouyang Feng and Huang Yaoshi were the best in the world. The martial arts should be similar, even if they could not win. He could protect himself, not to mention Hong Qigong's help, and he put his main energy on Sha Tongtian and others.

Six people surrounded Sha Tongtian, Hou Tonghai, Lingzhi Shangren, and Peng Lianhu in a battle. Compared with the last time, without the new force of Ouyangke, Jiangnan ’s six monsters responded more smoothly; Guo Jing, Huang Rong and Lu Guanying killed After finishing Yan Honglie's protection, Guo Jing used the Eighteen Palms to drop the dragon. Wherever he went, the enemies were shot by him. Fortunately, besides Sha Tongtian and others, Wan Yanlie also recruited many martial arts figures. It ’s not as good as Sha Tongtian ’s martial arts, and he can stop Guo Jing even more.

The rest of the two battles are comparable, so the key to this battle depends on Ouyang Feng here. Ouyang Feng glanced at Hong Qigong and looked at it secretly. If he had spent too much energy on Shen Long, he would definitely be there for a while. The old caller couldn't get a good deal there, so he resorted to tricks.

Ouyang Feng's right-hand snake stick suddenly shrank, and his left arm swept violently. Shen Long chased the snake stick with his long sword. The left-hand sword pointed to Ouyang Feng's Quchi acupoint. Seeing that the fingertip was about to succeed, he suddenly saw Ouyang's front arm bend. , Fist struck his right temple.

This "snake snake boxing technique" is a masterpiece of Ouyang Feng's painstaking training, which is based on the twisting of the snake body. It was originally intended to overwhelm the rest of the game in the second Huashan competition; although the snake body has bones, it seems to be boneless, capable of All directions are arbitrary, so the main point of this boxing method is that the arm seems to be able to bend at the point where it cannot bend. The enemy only says that the fist has been opened in the future. Anyway, when it is closest to the enemy, suddenly there is a fist from the unexpected position. When you hit it, you should make your arms feel soft and flexible everywhere, but this is unreasonable, but the direction of the fist is incredible, and in the eyes of the enemy, his arm is like a snake.

Unexpectedly, there was no panic on Shen Long ’s face, and he touched Ouyang Feng ’s Sidu Point with a slight turn of his finger. This trick Shen Long had already demonstrated to Ouyang Ke and had thought about the coping strategy. Ouyang Feng this The trick was to take the initiative.

Ouyang Feng's arm suddenly numb, his feet stepped back a few steps, quickly transported his internal force to break away from the acupuncture point, his face was flushed, and today he suffered a loss in front of the junior, and he also killed his own son. How can this breath be Swallow? So when he attacked again, the moves became more fierce.

The old poison has made great progress over the years. If you let me encounter it, I will inevitably be a little flustered for a while! Hong Qigong looked stunned, but what surprised him was that Shen Long did n’t fight. He chose to attack the necessary points of Ouyang Feng ’s tricks. Ouyang Feng often had to turn around and save himself before half of his moves. Even though it didn't go down at all, it even took a little initiative.

Ouyang Feng is not a good person. In order to win the competition, he used everything he could. Seeing that the snake stick ca n’t get rid of Shen Long, he felt evil in his heart, waving the snake stick and hitting Shen Long with his head, when Shen Long made a move. He suddenly pressed the organ on the snake's stick, and two poison needles flew out of the mouth of the snake's stick, shooting straight at Shen Long's eyes.

Shen Long had long known that Snake Wand had this mechanism, and it was changed from broken gun to broken arrow as soon as half of the moves were made. The ding ding hit the poison needle with two sounds; , Then you can try the means of being overcast by yourself! Shen Long's eyes condensed, but he used the ability of the shapeshifter to control the poisonous snake on Ouyang Feng's snake stick and bit him towards the back of his hand.

These two poisonous snakes are heterogeneous among snakes ~ ~ Ouyang Feng grew up from a young age and is more obedient than Ouyang Ke. He even bite himself today. Ouyang Feng never thought of it when he reacted. , The poisonous snake was almost on the back of his hand, and Ouyang Feng had to abandon the snake rod in a hurry.

"Haha, old poison, you were shot down by a junior today, but this face is so big!" When he saw the poison injection just now, Hong Qigong raised his heart to his throat. This unexpected change happened. Although Hong Qigong didn't see how Shen Long did it, it did not prevent him from laughing at Ouyang Feng, and the junior rivals used this kind of tactics, which was humiliating.

Ouyang Feng did not hear it. He is more concerned about the victory or defeat of this contest. Now the snake stick has been lost. It is estimated that he can't take him. So Ouyang Feng took out the unique skill at the bottom of the box and squatted in the ground with his hands. Bend and shoulders, gurgling in the mouth, like a big frog doing sumo wrestling, it is toad gong.

This power is purely braked statically, and the whole body accumulates strength and rhythm, and as long as the enemy attacks, there will be a fierce force to counterattack immediately.

Others would certainly not dare to see such a weird posture, but Shen Long was not afraid, because he would also know the pros and cons of Toad Gong.

Long Sword first made a false move. When Ouyang Feng counterattacked, he suddenly withdrew his sword and then stabbed. Long Sword pointed directly at Ou Yangfeng's flaw. Toad's power was quick and fast, but it was difficult to withdraw. Shen Long stabs the lower abdomen with a sword.

The old poison was defeated! Hong Qigong was shocked!



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