All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1144: 1 Light Master

"Brother Yang! Rong'er ... Is Ronger incurable?" Guo Jinghu eyes tears and hates why he didn't stand in front of Huang Rong.

"Hey! The old guy is sorry for you!" Hong Qigong even hated to slapp his own face. If he wanted to keep Ouyang Feng's life, how could this happen? Huang Rong was injured in order to protect him. If there was a situation, how would he explain to Huang Yaoshi?

"It's not true. I can still control Huang Huang's injury from getting worse, but if I want to rescue it completely, I'm a little bit powerless!" Shen Long sighed, and then the words changed, "But, I can't save Huang Huang It does n’t mean that no one else can do it. There is a person in this world who can make Huang Huang recover as before. "

"Oh? Who the **** is that, we have to find him even if it's the end of the world!" Everyone asked repeatedly, and hope flashed back in Guo Jing and Hong Qigong's eyes.

"This man is the old acquaintance of Hong Gangzhu! When Huashan was talking about swords, he also fought with Hong Gang Master!" Shen Long said, Huang Rong now suffered the same injury as the middle one. Master Lantern will surely come back.

"Oh? Are you referring to Emperor Duan? Well, Dian Duan's Yiyang finger does have a good place in the treatment of internal injuries. If Emperor Duan is willing to take action, that's fine!" Hong Qigong thought for a moment. Understand who Shen Long is talking about. Among the people who participated in Huashan's discussion of swords, Wang Chongyang died early, and Ouyang Feng was killed by him on the spot again. He certainly cannot cure it. It is certainly not the case that Huang Yaoshi can cure him. Emperor Duan Zhixing was up.

Emperor Duan? I'm afraid this title is wrong? Although the Great Song was weak, the control of the surrounding Fans was far less than that of the Tang Dynasty, but at least on the bright side, Dali could not dare to be an emperor, saying that it was a king to the outside world, and at most closed the door to pretend to be an emperor; The reputation given to him by Da Song is Dr. Jin Ziguanglu, Prosecutor Si Kong, Yunnan Provincial Envoy, Shangzhu Kingdom and Dali King.

Yu Qiao Geng's name to read Duan Zhixing as Emperor Duan is nothing. After all, are they Chinese Dali, Hong Qigong has always claimed himself as the Song people, and it is not appropriate to call Duan Zhixing as Emperor Duan Zhixing.

However, Shen Long did not give him the meaning of popularizing political common sense. He nodded and said, "It is true, if there is a positive help, Huang Huang will be able to recover as before."

"But Lord Duan has been a monk for a long time, and he has not been famous on rivers and lakes for a long time. How can he be found?" Hong Qigong felt that with his own face, Master Yideng would definitely rescue him when he saw it, but where was he? do not know.

"I know the place where Master Yideng lives in seclusion. I'm on Jinghu North Road, not far from the station of Tiezhang Gang. It's not difficult to find it." Shen Long is actually quite strange. Master Yideng is not the abdicated king of Dali. What? Why did you go to Jinghu North Road to go into seclusion? These two places are separated by more than two thousand miles.

And you are the emperor, although abdicated as a monk, is it appropriate to run around everywhere? Shen Long knows that the Emperor Dali likes to be a monk because he likes to buddhist monks. It is not because he likes to be a Buddhist monk. Is it just the idea of ​​being ousted from office and leaving a face? If you really want to step down, you have to stay at Tianlong Temple. Do you dare to run around and try? Your Majesty, do you want to rebel?

In addition, although Da Song is not a good little white rabbit, if Da Song knows that the king of Dali is hiding here, there will be more places where he can make articles. Your Majesty, or should we send some Bing help you regain your country?

"Is nearby the Iron Palm Gang? Can Rong'er's body be able to withstand the thousands of miles of running?" Hong Qigong was worried. He ran from Baoying County to Jinghu North Road.

"It's okay, I can teach Brother Guo how to use internal force to protect the girl's heart. In addition, I will open a prescription and insist that Jinghu North Road is no problem." Guo Jing now eats a lot of snake blood pills. In order to go up in a rudder, although it is definitely not as good as Hong Qigong at present, it is absolutely possible to complete this task.

"It's not too late, let's go back to prepare the carriage immediately, and then go to Jinghu North Road." Hong Qi Gong Road, he also had to go about this matter. Huang Rong was injured just to save him. Only he had a friendship with Master Yideng. By then, this old face was made open. If he didn't believe Master Yideng, he would not agree.

"Take Qiu Qianzhang, too! I got the news that the" Wu Mu's Legacy "was not actually in the palace, but was brought back to Tiezhangfeng by the former gang leader, Jiannan, who took him to the time. It's better to find some. "Shen Long took the opportunity to release the news." Wu Mu's Legacy "was not very useful to Shen Long, and might be of some use to Guo Jing.

So the big guy immediately took action. Lu Guanying and the Jiangnan six monsters returned to the city to prepare a carriage and grab medicine. Hong Qigong took the ruddered beggar to help the disciples to deal with the scene. After he buried Ouyang Feng, he stood in front of the tombstone of Ouyang Feng for a long time. Speaking, I do n’t know whether I feel sorry for Ouyang Feng ’s death ~ ~ I still feel emotion when I see the Yangtze waves pushing forward.

After the things were ready, the big guy made two splits. Shen Long, Guo Jing and Hong Qigong took Huang Rong to Jinghu North Road, and Qiu Qianzhang was with them.

"You take this poison first, then I will give you an antidote every ten days, as long as you help me get things done, I will completely detoxify you. If not, you will wailing to death like the dog just now. "Shen Long took out two pills and first found a wild dog to feed it. Qiu Qianzhang saw the plight of the wild dog before swallowing it.

What if Qiu Qianzhang? He had to obediently listen to Shen Long's words. When he saw him doing this, Hong Qigong didn't say anything. It was just a pity to look at the stray dog's eyes. What a good meat.

"After that, Yan Honglie certainly won't give up easily. In the future, things in Jiangnan will depend on Lord Lu Zhuang and everyone!" Six Jiangnan monsters stayed, just in case anything else was done by Yan Honglie, plus Lu Chengfeng, a land snake As long as Wan Yanlie no longer finds an Ouyang Feng out, they deserve the rest.

Before leaving, Hong Qigong took Guo Jing and Huang Rong as apprentices in front of everyone. The beggars and helms also came to see the ceremony. In the future, they don't have to worry about their identity. No one admits it.

They first took a horse-drawn carriage to the north to reach the coast of the Yangtze River, and then took a boat upstream to enter Dongting Lake in Yueyang and then into the Yuan River, and finally reached the sphere of influence of the Tiezhang Gang.

"Okay, now you go back to Tiezhang help, remember to do what I said, I will give you the antidote when I get it." Shen Long said to Qiu Qianzhang.

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