All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1162: Guo Jing Congjun

Brother Yang, you think things are more thorough than mine. How do you think I am doing now? "Guo Jing couldn't think of a way, so he asked Shen Long for advice.

"Going south to Mongolia is a foregone conclusion, but we are going to tell the court now that the court may not believe it; the Song Dynasty and Jin Guo have deeper grievances, and now they have the opportunity to revenge against Jin Guo, neither the court officials nor the common people will I promised that some people in the DPRK and China suggested that they should not form an alliance with Mongolia, but they have suffered countless scolding. "Shen Long said.

Guo Jing nodded silently, yeah, if he didn't see the letters hidden in the kit, he wouldn't think that Tiemuzhen would even prepare to attack the Song Dynasty. Tiemuzhen hated Jin Kingdom deeply, but Da Song didn't offend Jin Guo.

"And Jin Guo is afraid of Mongolia, but he is not afraid of Da Song. If Da Song does not attack Jin Guo, Jin Guo will instead think about taking the land of Da Song and using the dangers of the Yangtze River to resist Mongolia, and then the people of Da Song will suffer more. "" Shen Long again told Guo Jing what Zhao Yun once said.

"Brother Yang, will we have no choice?" Guo Jing frowned, looking at the bustling crowd around him. In the future when Mongolia went south, would these people suffer the same consequences as the people in Samarkand?

"Only effectively mimicking Yue Wumu's army and blocking Mongolia from the Song Dynasty; in my opinion, the new official who succeeded to the throne was quite motivated, but it is a pity that the power of the North Korean government is now in the hands of Shi Miyuan. To solve Shi Miyuan and let the official family manage affairs, the Song Dynasty may not be able to make a difference. "Zhao Yun followed Shen Long to learn well, and basically possessed the potential of Ming Jun.

"But I was an officer in Mongolia. If it was known to the court, I'm afraid I can't bear it." Guo Jing remembered his identity. "And I am a common person, even if I'm in the army, no one cares?"

"Don't worry about this." Shen Long pointed to the gold that dragged thunder to Guo Jing. "Shi Miyuan is so greedy for money. I can use this gold to buy an officer's position for Brother Guo. General Gong Meng was born as a goalkeeper, and great-grandfather Meng An and grandfather Meng Lin were all generals of Yue Wumu. They were loyal to the liver and brave. If Brother Guo could go under his command, he did not have to worry about getting angry. "

"If the descendants of Yue Jiajun, I am willing to serve General Meng!" Guo Jing said without hesitation, "I will tell General Meng's plan to listen to General Meng so that General Meng will be prepared."

"You need to be careful about this matter, so, when I go to see General Meng, I will go with you!" If you want to tell Meng Gong these things, you have to expose Guo Jing's identity as a golden sword concubine. Study it carefully.

"Brother Jing, I want to go with you too!" Huang Rong said quickly, this time in Mongolia, Guo Jing gave up her glory and wealth for her, Huang Rong was also very moved.

"Rong'er, women can't enter the barracks." Guo Jing said with a touch of his head, but in his inner battle, he was equally reluctant to separate from Huang Rong.

"Well, at that time, Princess Pingyang and Liang Hongyu could lead soldiers to fight, why can't I? Speaking of" Wu Mu's Legacy ", I am more proficient than you." Huang Rong was not convinced.

"Speaking of it, if there is a girl Huang to make suggestions for Brother Guo, it is also a good thing for Brother Guo. Let me find a way to do this, as long as there is this gold, it should not be a problem." Shen Long laughed, "Yes, wait back to find seven. For the elderly in Gongta, you can say to Qi Gong. There are a lot of beggars in the north to help the public. You can select elite personnel to investigate the movement of the Mongolian army and report it to Brother Guo. "

Beggars help so many people, it is a pity not to be a spy, but it is also necessary to pay attention to distinguish the personnel and let Huang Rong take charge of this work.

"Qigong will definitely agree! I will find someone to inquire about the whereabouts of his old man." Huang Rong said without hesitation, Hong Qigong opposed Jin Guo at that time, but his attitude was much firmer than Qiu Qiji.

"Then we will separate the soldiers. Brother Guo and you Huang go to look for Qigong. I will go to Brother Guo to do the military." The matter of seeing Zhao Yun can't let outsiders know.

"Brother Yang, won't you join the army with me?" Guo Jing asked. He admired Shen Long's tactics and martial arts. He felt that if Shen Long was with him, he would definitely win the army.

"If Mongolia is going south, there will be martial arts masters to accompany them to assassinate generals and listen to intelligence. In the future, I plan to concentrate on dealing with them!" Fawang and other masters help each other, and they really need someone to deal with them. Of course, Shen Long ’s main reason is not this.

He also wants to be Zhao Yun as a fairy master. If Song Song wants to resist Mongolia's attack or even recapture the old mountains and rivers, it is not enough to rely on a few excellent generals, and he must make great changes.

"Brother Yang came out, and those masters came to die as much as possible!" Guo Jing honestly accepted Shen Long's statement without any doubt. "Then I will defend the Mongolian cavalry on the battlefield. Brother Yang, go ahead and kill those masters. "

"Well, just do it." Shen Long nodded ~ ~ After you find Qi Gong, you go back to Niujia Village and wait. When I'm ready, I will go back to you, and then we will go to Caizhou City to find General Meng. "Meng Gong is now leading the horse to prepare to attack the golden soldiers in Caizhou."

After being separated from Guo Jing and Huang Rong, Shen Long found an opportunity to hide his body and came to Lin'an City by riding a cloud of somersault. When he arrived in the city, he did not rush to find Zhao Yun, but came to such important ministers as Shi Miyuan and Qiao Xingjian. In the house, after hearing their opinions and decisions about the current political situation, they went to the palace to find Zhao Yun.

"Zhao Yun visited the fairy master. The fairy master didn't come for so long, but Zhao Yun was badly anxious!" Shen Long followed Guo Jing north this time, and even ran all the way to the city of Samarkand. This distance is far enough. It took me a long time to go, so Zhao Yun thought that he had been abandoned, and naturally seeing Shen Long was overjoyed.

"This time I went to find you a famous general! I chased all the way from the Golden Kingdom to Samarkand, and then rushed from Samarkand to the Una River, finally let me find it!" Shen Long said.

"How could it be so far? What kind of person is this famous general?" Zhao Yun is quite puzzled. Shouldn't he look for the famous general for the Song Dynasty? Why did it go to the Mongols' territory?

"The famous general I'm looking for is Tiemu Zhen's personally engraved golden sword consort! He had previously led the army of Tiemuzhen to break through the city of Samarkand, killing King Jin Zhao Wan Yanlie of Jin Guo!" Shen Long will be Guo Jing 'S merits have been greatly praised.

Zhao Yun was even more dumbfounded after listening. Are you sure this famous general is for Song? Rather than a famous Mongolian general?

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