All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1171: You're done

"This time Mongolia went south. Fortunately, Brother Guo blocked them under the city of Xiangyang. If Xiangyang was broken, I am afraid that even if Tiemu was dead, the Mongolian army would not easily retreat. Such a big Song would be bad; Brother Guo. By holding onto Xiangyang, it was equivalent to saving countless Song people! "Seeing the two of them in a sad state, Shen Long quickly comforted.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong remembered the scenes they had seen in Samarkand at the same time. If Xiangyang was broken, would these people in the city also die under the butcher's knife of the Mongolian army?

"Brother Yang is right, it is indeed lax at the moment!" Guo Jing thought of Yue Wumu's willingness to smash Huang Long, thinking in his heart if he could repeat the Northland and restore the old Song Dynasty, what a good thing what.

"Now that the Mongolian army has retreated, I should return to Jiangnan. I expect that the court will soon issue an order for Brother Guo to return to Lin'an to accept the award. Then let's meet again in Jiangnan!" Shen Long said goodbye to Guo Jing and hurried back quickly Lin'an then sneaked into the palace and appeared in front of Zhao Yun again.

"Fairy Master, how is the war going on now?" As soon as he saw Shen Long, Zhao Yun hurriedly asked. These days he has been worried about this matter and can't sleep well every day.

Seeing that Zhao Yun was panicking, she still remained a little firm in her eyes, and Shen Long nodded with satisfaction. This is what it looks like to be an emperor. "Do not worry about the officials, General Guo beheaded more than two thousand under Xiangyang City. Killed a leader of the Mongolian army of ten thousand households; then Tiemuzhen sent an urgent order to summon all the army to return, and the Song Dynasty was temporarily worry-free. "

"Liezu Lizong bless!" Zhao Yun sighed in relief, and quickly asked, "But Tiemuzhen is already dying? So they retired?" These are all things that happened in his dream, he still remembers .

"Of course, Tiemu really died, and Wo Kuotai wanted to stabilize Mongolia and digest the land left by the Golden Kingdom and Xixia. It would take a few years of work. Now that the foreigners are temporarily suspended, the official family can show their hands and feet!" Shen Long said .

In the following months, Chao Chao became a mess. First, Guo Jing, Meng Gong, Wang Jian and other generals who made contributions to fighting the Mongolian army were recalled to the court, and they were granted a reward. Guo Jing ’s official position rose again. He The power of Xianyang expanded from a city in Xiangyang to the entire Xiangyang theater; Menggong and Wang Jian's powers were also greatly expanded. At the border between the Song Dynasty and Mongolia, all powerful generals were arranged.

Through Zhao Yun's fiasco in Duan Ping's entry into Luohu, Shi Miyuan Yu's party was expelled from the court, and finally he took control of the political power of the army. Arranged under the leadership of Guo Jing, Meng Gong, Wang Jian and others.

Subsequently, the Southern Song tradition of respecting Confucianism was changed again, and a more dynamic theory was adopted to reform the court; various policies were promoted to promote the development of maritime trade, breaking the monopoly of the big eaters on the maritime trade of the Song Dynasty, allowing the Song Dynasty The sea boat replaced the big cannibal and became the master of the sea trade.

Innumerable silk porcelain tea leaves were transported from the Song Dynasty, and many items useful to the Song Dynasty were returned, such as rice with higher output, etc., and at the same time countless wealth accumulated for the Song Dynasty.

After he had sufficient capital, Zhao Yun began to promote the development of industry and commerce. Many of the magical instruments taught to him by Shen Long were created. The people of the Song Dynasty became more and more prosperous, and the equipment of the army of the Song Dynasty became better and better. Straight up.

On the other hand, in Mongolia, Wokuotai successfully inherited the Khan position and was recognized by the Mongolian ministries at the Hulitai conference, but Tiemuzhen left too much legacy to the young children ’s mines, which led to Wokuotai ’s continued Very afraid, so Wo Kuotai had to find a way to solve the delay.

Suddenly one day, Wo Kuotai fell ill suddenly. After communicating with Changsheng Tian, ​​the shaman asserted that if he sweated well, he would have a prince drink the sweaty “washing sickness water”. The prince who has the closest relationship with Taiwan has to take over this task.

Soon after drinking the "washing sickness water", Tuo Lei became seriously ill. Every day was not as good as one day. Seeing that there was not much time to live, just when Tuo Lei's wife and children were helpless, a mysterious person suddenly came. Shaman, cast a secret method to save the life of thunder, and asserted that this matter was the collusion between Wo Kuotai and the shaman.

He even brought back the shaman who had drunk the sick water for the tow mine. Under torture, the shaman admitted to the tow mine that he had done everything. When the outbreak broke out, the two soldiers and horses fought together, and the elders were quite elite, while Wokuotai occupied the position of Khan. The two battled each other, and the Mongolian army suffered heavy losses.

The Mongols held a war for a period of time, and Tuo Lei once again remembered his answer, so he sent a letter to Guo Jing, inviting him to deal with Wo Kuotai together, and willing to return the old soil of the Song Dynasty to the Great Song.

This seems to be another opportunity for the elimination of gold in the face of the Song Dynasty. But now it is very different from the past. Now the Song Dynasty is getting stronger and stronger. In contrast, Mongolia is weakening because of the civil war ~ ~ Two Fundamental changes have taken place in the country's strength comparison, so Zhao Yun immediately ordered Guo Jing, Meng Gong, Wang Jian and others to rectify the army and cooperate with the mine to collaborate to attack the nest.

Under the north-south attack between Da Song and Tuo Lei, Wo Kuotai finally fell, but the Tuo Mei also suffered heavy losses, and could no longer covet the land of the Central Plains. After more than a hundred years, Da Song finally recaptured the land in the north. There is even expansion. The land of Youyan and the land of Xingling, which originally belonged to Xixia, all fell into the hands of Da Song.

Guo Jing has made remarkable achievements in the process of the Northern Expedition, and the reputation of the people has been comparable to that of Yue Wumu. After the war ended, he resigned from the military and returned to the center under Huang Rong ’s suggestion. A false title, accompanied by his family in Niujia Village every day.

Zhao Yun also sent various rewards from time to time, and staged a good show where the princes and ministers got together. Today, Guo Jing can be compared with Guo Ziyi after the Anshi Rebellion. Even if his son beats the princess, their family will not be in any danger. .

At the same time, Yang Kang's name also resounded through the martial arts. In the second Huashan argument, he won the title of no.1 in the world without suspense. In the ensuing battle, he repeatedly led the Central Plains martial arts people to frustrate and attach to Mongolia The conspiracy of his martial arts scum became the first hero in the middle of the rivers and lakes, which was admired by the people in the rivers and lakes.

Wait for this, Shen Long's mission in the world of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" was successfully completed, and he returned to the real world.

Although this mission is fun, does it seem to get any useful rewards? Yang Kang seems to have nothing I need.

:. :

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