All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1173: Clone snake

Forget it, I do n’t want to think about it first. There are still more important problems that have not been solved right now. Liang Ziweng ’s alien viper and the Pusiqu snake outside Xiangyang City are good things that must be carried forward in the real world.

So Shen Long called Academician Ma Lin and asked him to come home for dinner. Academician Ma Lin told Shen Long as soon as he arrived. Now the special drug for chronic myeloid leukemia that he helped to develop has been completely formalized. It went on the market. Due to production problems, it is now only sold in a small area, but the effect is very good. They are already preparing to expand the scale of production.

"If I can produce enough and add this medicine to the health insurance list, I will be satisfied in my life!" This work is undoubtedly difficult, but China is not the United States after all, and the influence of pharmaceutical companies is not So big, Academician Ma Lin is also a veteran academician, and his connections are not lacking at all. As long as he is given time, he will definitely be able to do this.

"It's all thanks to you. If this medicine can be used on a large scale, how many unfortunate patients and families can be saved, Xiao Shen, you are countless living people this time!" Academician Ma Lin is in a good mood now.

"Academician Ma, in fact, I came to you this time. There is another special medicinal material that you need to identify." Seeing academician Ma Lin was in a good mood, Shen Long didn't bend around with him, and just slipped two cages out of the house. One contained Liang Ziweng's alien viper, and the other was a Pusiqu snake.

"Snake? These two snakes are really strange. I haven't seen them before." Snake slough, snake blood, snake eggs and even snake venom are common herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. Basically, any famous Chinese medicine can be regarded as a half botanist , Zoologists and even mineralogists, so Academician Ma Lin is no stranger to snakes, and he can see the anomalies of these two snakes at a glance.

Shen Long is not worried about being affected by animal protection laws. Although these two kinds of snakes are rare, he dare to guarantee that they are definitely not on the protection roster.

"It was also discovered by accident that I saw images of these two kinds of snakes in an ancient medical book. According to the medical records, these two kinds of snakes are of great use." Shen Longxian pointed to the exotic viper, "This kind of The blood of a snake can nourish qi, nourish blood and remove poison, comprehensively enhance resistance and improve physical fitness. "

"This bizarre snake's gallbladder can also nourish blood and qi, improve exercise capacity, and improve eyesight, and has a special effect on preventing myopia!" These were groped by Shen Long.

"Oh? This is a good thing!" Academician Ma Lin immediately came to the spirit, not to mention anything else, said that this prevents myopia, because of the popularity of computers, TVs, mobile phones, the myopia rate continues to rise, how many parents are myopic for their children I have tried my best to solve the problem. If there is a medicine that can effectively suppress myopia, how big the market is this? It is definitely many times larger than the market of special drugs for chronic myeloid leukemia. If it can be expanded to the world, the annual sales will exceed Wan Aike without any problem.

"This is a recipe I made based on ancient medical books, and there are a few medicines, you can try it!" Shen Long took out a box containing these two pills and prescriptions, which can be taken by Academician Ma Lin Go back and do the experiment.

"Hey, the problem now is the same as before, that is, the raw material of the medicine is less." The Pusiqu snake is not enough. Although it was a lot of harm by Mei Chaofeng, there are still more left, barely able to To maintain the reproduction of a population, but the alien viper will not work, there is only one way to find it.

"This is more trouble than plant breeding, but it is not impossible, as long as we can determine the value of these two snakes, we can consider adopting cloning technology." Academician Ma Lin said.

"Clone technology? I remember that there are few cases of snake cloning? Only American scientists successfully cloned anacondas, but anacondas are viviparous snakes. Both of them are oviparous snakes. As far as I know, No scientist from that country can clone shelled oviparous organisms? "These are the materials that Shen Long curiously found after watching Jurassic Park.

The existing biological level of humans is not so high. Although sheep and even monkeys can be cloned now, so far, humans have not cloned shelled oviparous animals, such as birds, such as snakes.

Since the father of cloning technology, John Gordon, cloned Xenopus in 1964, people have been cloning oviparous animals for decades. Because they are easy to feed, they only need a microscope to operate, and then throw the newly fused embryos into the water. It can develop; but most of those oviparous creatures are small oviparous creatures similar to toads. The eggs they lay are wrapped in a film, not a hard shell like an egg or a snake egg.

"This is indeed the case, but today the scientific level has been broken. Some companies in the United States are studying methods for large-scale cloning of chickens. They plan to extract embryonic stem cells from eggs laid by elite hens, and then mass-produce, and will It is injected into the embryos of other eggs, so the problem of the eggshell has been solved ~ ~ If it can prove the economic value of these two snakes, then I have reason to set up a project team and introduce experts in cloning technology To solve this problem! "Although Academician Ma Lin set the price of the special slow-drug leukemia drug very low considering the consumption capacity of domestic patients, he could still bring huge benefits to the institute, and he is now fully capable of carrying out this Research.

"If this is the case, I can also provide some funding!" Shen Long said without hesitation, no one would be too much money, such a good opportunity must definitely hitchhike.

"That's better! I'll go back to do the experiment first, and after I figure it out, I'll come to you to talk about the next step!" As far as scientific research is concerned, Academician Ma Lin can't sit down any longer, so I must rush back. Experiment.

"These two snakes still have certain risks. You must pay attention to this when doing experiments." Shen Long cautioned carefully, and then sent away Academician Ma Lin.

Next is to see the research results of Academician Ma Lin. Shen Long is not worried about this. The efficacy of these two pills has already been tested.

Hey, if it can be mass-produced, I will give the national football team drugs every day. I do n’t know if I can enhance their physique, so that they can rush out of Asia earlier and get tickets for the World Cup finals?

Sent away academician Ma Lin, Shen Long returned home, this matter has been resolved, then you can concentrate on the problem of Qimen Dunjia.

Shen Long wondered, this technology might be of great use, but it wasn't just a matter of flirting with Arya.

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