All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1178: 70 years later, the mountains and rivers are still there.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for letting me know who you are?" General Yang came with his female adjutant. He listened to Shen Long's skill, so he did not bring any weapons nor his men.

"A guardian." Shen Long replied, "It is expected that General Yang is not a character like Sun Dianying. Why should he disturb the sleeping of His Majesty the First Emperor?" Well, a Cantonese-speaking general went to the northwest to be a warlord. Enough to be awesome, really when the forces in the northwest eat dry rice?

"I'm not a thief like Sun Dianying. I never coveted the treasures in the tomb of His Majesty the First Emperor!" General Yang was directly angry when he heard Shen Long compare himself to the thief Sun Dianying.

He opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but when he saw Alex O'Connor and Lynn falling down in front of Shen Long, he restrained his impulse again, "Your Excellency, these two people can't die yet, let me Do you want them to be imprisoned? "

He also wanted to use Alex O'Connor to bring Rick O'Connor over, so as to get the eyes of Shangri-La in their hands. After thinking about it, Shen Long waved his hand, kicking Alex O'Connor and Lynn with one foot At the foot of General Yang, Alex O'Connor broke several ribs. General Yang's adjutant quickly took out the handcuffs and tortured the two of them, and took them out of the tomb.

Only General Yang and Shen Long were left in this burial chamber. General Yang looked at Shen Long with a trace of caution. His plan was only a short walk away, but was blocked by this sudden mysterious person. Now, according to the soldiers who escaped from the tomb just now, this man has a magical ability, and the gun does not work for him at all.

Well, if you want to deal with him, I am afraid you will need to use heavy weapons, but if you use heavy weapons, for example, it will damage the tomb of His Majesty the First Emperor, and may cause irreparable damage to your plan.

He had just apparently killed all of my men, but he let them all go. Instead, those foreigners died here. In this way, he did not like foreigners like me; in a short time, General Yang passed everything in his mind and made a bold decision.

"This gentleman, I was alarmed by His Majesty the First Emperor this time, but not for the treasure in the burial chamber; since the Opium War, our country has suffered aggression from the great powers ... Now that the Second World War has ended, the major powers have started again. With the division of the world, my China will soon fall into a bigger crisis ... It is really difficult to rely on my own power to rise again ... "

"Because of an accidental chance, I heard the legend of His Majesty the First Emperor. It is said that the terracotta warriors in this tomb were all transformed by the army of His Majesty the First Emperor, as long as he could get the Eye of Shangri-La, You can resurrect your majesty, and his invincible army will reappear on earth ... "

General Yang said his true thoughts, "All I did was just to bring Rick O'Connor to China, so as to recapture Shangri-La's eyes from his hands and allow the army of His Majesty the First Emperor to reappear In this world, I completely drove the powers out of China. I never thought of selflessness. "

Said that General Yang paid a military salute to Shen Long, and solemnly said, "For the sake of China and the people of the world, I hope Mr. Hu will fulfill my ideas!"

"Oh, if you don't know these, do you think I'll let go of your men?" Shen Long smiled and looked back at the emperor Qin Shihuang on the wagon. "Zulong unified the six countries, the same car, the same book, It has laid the foundation for the unification of China, and this achievement should be admired by all ages. "

There was a smile on General Yang ’s mouth. He felt that since Shen Long had said this, he might support his idea. However, he did not expect Shen Long to suddenly change his position here, “However, His Majesty the First Emperor has gone for two thousand years. For the rest of the year, you have to awaken His Majesty the Emperor Shi Huang from a long sleep for this matter, don't you feel too cowardly and too selfish? "

"After the founding of the emperor, Wei Huo Bei attacked the Huns, Zu Tizhong hit the Turks, Li Weigong swept the Turks, Zhang Yichao repeated the old soil, Yue Wumu went straight to the Huanglong, Zhu Yuanzhang expelled Mongolia ... So endless, it is with this generation of generations of heroes, they have carried the important task of protecting China in different historical periods, they have not prayed for the protection of any gods, why today, but you have to come to shock the emperor What about your majesty? "

Hearing the names of Wei Qing, Huo Qubing, Li Jing, Yue Fei, etc., General Yang was so **** and excited that he could n’t be himself. This is also the person he admired!

But for Shen Long ’s questioning, he was speechless, yes, since His Majesty the First Emperor, I have been in China for more than two thousand years. During this period, I have not encountered any crisis, but because of Wei Qing, Huo Qie, Li Jing, Yue Fei, etc. Heroes continue to emerge, only to protect the endless stream of Chinese civilization.

The Huns disappeared, the Turks disappeared, and the Golden Kingdom had already gone through the clouds ~ ~ Mongolia retreated back to the grassland, only me Huaxia, still occupying this fertile land.

"Even now, I still have no shortage of heroes in China, before the flat-shaped customs, Ban Hengzheng Slang lost more than a thousand teachers; on the Huangtuling, the flowers of famous generals withered; in Tai'erzhuang, Li Deli neighbored our country's prestige; under Wanjialing, cast the beauty of Changsha Name ... Even at such a dangerous juncture, there are still a steady stream of Chinese children standing up. "

Shen Long glanced at General Yang and wanted to ask when he was there again? But seeing him with no shame on his face, but with tears in the corners of his eyes, it seemed that he remembered the past, Shen Long understood it, maybe he had also participated in the fight with the Japanese invaders?

Then I do n’t understand. Since 1931, the little devil has invaded China. It took a total of 14 years to win the anti-Japanese war in 1945. For such a long time, you do n’t want to revive the army of Qin Shihuang to drive away the little devil. Why have you resisted for two years now, but you started to dig? Gee, the director is not so kind.

"I am never afraid of the little devil in the past, but now the powers of the major powers are far superior to the little devil, if they are ..." General Yang murmured.

"I believe that even if it is even more difficult, my China can still be revived! I can still return to where I deserve it, and I firmly believe that!" Shen Long said firmly.

"Actually I come from China after seventy years." Shen Long showed his hole card and he turned over and took out a tablet computer. "General Yang, what I want to tell you now is that even if there is no rescue from His Majesty the First Emperor; Seventy years after my Chinese nation, the mountains and rivers are still there, and Cathay Pacific is safe. "

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