All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1188: Is this the rhythm of reiki recovery?

"Dad, Mom, I'm back!" Shen Long didn't call in advance, and went straight home. When he came back, it was just time for dinner. When he opened the door, not only his parents were at home, but a lot of relatives were also there. , So I hurried forward to say hello, "Uncle cousin, second aunt, second uncle ..."

"Yo, Shen Long is back. Just today your second uncle brought some pheasants and mushrooms from the mountain. If we knew you were back, we would start again later!" The big guy happily played with Shen Long To say hello, relatives in the family now know that he opened a restaurant in Beijing, and he has great skills in cooking.

"It's okay, isn't it still there, you can continue to come tomorrow!" Shen Long's father said cheerfully. Since his retirement, his family has been deserted a lot, but as Shen Long made money outside, After bringing good tobacco species to his hometown, the family became lively again.

Shen Long is also very happy about this. He goes out on his own and often comes from home. Parents can be a little happy to do some things, which is also very helpful to their physical and mental health.

"Hey, Shen Long will come back, you still don't have a rest for you? Go to my house tomorrow, come early at noon, let's play mahjong first, and then have dinner." Uncle Couture sent an invitation, since Shen Long brought it back After seeing the tobacco, he saw the opportunity, immediately packed a large area and planted all the tobacco leaves, and it was considered a small fortune. Now that he saw the people who made him rich, he could not entertain him enthusiastically.

"Don't you have been there on August 15th? I will arrange tomorrow, and there is a farmhouse next to my house. Let's go fishing by the river tomorrow, and then let them kill it and do it now!" It was difficult to reach an agreement until we got up. We will go to Uncle tomorrow, go fishing at the farmhouse the day after tomorrow, and go to Shenlong again the day after tomorrow.

After Shen Long sat down, the big guy continued to lively and drank, but the fun returned to the lively, but no one was entangled with Shen Long ’s parents to let them drink. Everyone knows that they are a bit older. Good.

When playing games and drinking alcohol, Shen Long did not cheat, so he happily drank with them, and thanked them for their care for their parents. If they were not close relatives at home, they were not far from Shen Long ’s parents. I don't necessarily dare to stay in Beijing with confidence, so I am very grateful to them.

When drinking, Shen Long also asked them about their current situation from time to time, and gave some suggestions according to their specific conditions. However, he is a person who has mixed political and business cultures, and the opinions he gave are very reasonable and valuable. As soon as he came, the big guy was even more grateful to him, and scrambled to persuade him to drink.

Shen Long ’s visitors refused, and there was a lot of fun on the wine table, but the afterglow of Shen Long ’s eyes swept, and his aunt occasionally frowned, and at the same time, her hand pressed from time to time on her abdomen, so Shen Long asked with concern. You may have a bad stomach at noon? It will be fine later. "

This is not very similar. Shen Long swept it secretly with a fluoroscopic eye. This look was a shock, and I saw a big tumor appearing on the aunt's abdomen, and it looked like a malignant tumor.

Broken, this tumor is not the place to grow. It is not easy to perform surgery. Even if I can introduce you to the best hospital and the best doctor through the relationship of Academician Ma Lin, it is estimated that the operation will not be successful. And the cost of this kind of operation is very high. Although the uncle made a little fortune, I am afraid that it may not be able to resist it!

Hey, Uncle Cousin and Aunt Cousin have always been very kind to my family. Since I met them this time, Shen Long sighed slightly, taking advantage of the opportunity of Uncle Cousin toasting his father, and picked up a cup of tea to block his mouth. Silently recite the mantra of Zhu Youshu, and then excuse to go to the bathroom to get up. When passing by the aunt, she pretended to stagger on her back and gently patted her palm, and then moved the big tumor to the dripping Guanyin in the corner.

With a fluoroscopic look, the abdomen on the aunt's abdomen was gone, and her brow furrowed a lot. She was pressing her abdomen suspiciously. Why didn't it hurt suddenly?

The dripping Guanyin blade in the corner shook, and Shen Long quickly apologized to it quietly; after the guests dispersed after dinner, Shen Long helped their parents to clean up the house. The two were older and went back to the bedroom to lie down early. Then, Shen Long hurried to Dishui Guanyin to observe it. I saw a big nodule appearing at the root of Dishui Guanyin, and the color of the leaves was dim.

It ’s really embarrassing. I was just a little impulsive just now. I just remembered to treat my aunt, but I forgot that the dripping Guanyin is no bigger than a big pine tree. It ’s so big that it ca n’t bear it. Auntie is all right, but this dripping Guanyin is about to hang up.

Although it is worthwhile to exchange a potted plant for the safety of my aunt-in-law, Shen Long is still a little guilty. He had originally waited for another opportunity. For example, when he went to the farmhouse the day after tomorrow, he found a chance to move the tumor to a big tree. It was not impossible, but he was anxious for a while, but he gave away the life of this dripping Guanyin in vain.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I think of a way to save you." Shen Long quickly whispered some comfort, and then began to think about the way.

Hey, don't know if this thing works or not? Shen Long remembered the fairy water he brought back from the Shangri-La secret realm ~ ~ In the movie, Ziyuan can use this to save Rick O'Connor's life, so it should not be used to save this dripping Guanyin Question?

When I thought about it, Shen Long took a jade bottle filled with fairy water from his space and carefully drew a few drops at the root of Drip Guanyin. At almost an instant, the leaves of Drip Guanyin regained its luster and gave out joy The sound of the roots seems to be smaller.

Looks useful! Shen Long suddenly let go of my mind, then I would go to bed first, get up tomorrow morning and take a look, if it is determined to be effective, then give you a few drops.

As a result, Shen Long was sleeping soundly the next day, and was awakened by his parents. When he got up, he saw that the dripping Guanyin not only fully recovered its vitality, the tumor at the root had completely disappeared, and the branches and leaves even went up After a short walk, it was ten centimeters higher in just one night.

Moreover, some dewdrops appeared on the leaves. Shen Long could clearly feel that the dewdrops and the fairy water he had dripped previously should be exactly the same. These dewdrops added up more than the amount of fairy water he had fallen.

Is it possible to make fairy water in batches? And how do I feel that the aura in the room has become more intense, is this the rhythm of the aura recovery?

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