All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1191: Conflict of ideas

The luxurious Cadillac car was parked in front of a dilapidated building. The aunt didn't leave the seat, but turned her head and said to them, "Considering the economic situation of your first visit, the rent here is cheaper."

Said, she took out an envelope from the brand-name wallet, "This is five hundred dollars, and my phone number, please accept it, don't be polite!"

Guo Yan took the envelope, got out of the car, and approached the house whose walls had been painted with unsightly paintings.

"We," Guo Yan asked, as if asking Shen Long, and also asking himself, "Living here?"

"No!" Aunt leaned out of the car window and said to them, "These floors are too expensive. I booked a basement for you. The rent deposit is 400 yuan, plus 500 that I lent you today. Yuan, a total of 900 yuan. My uncle and I will be in trouble tomorrow morning. What are the difficulties? Call at 8:30 tomorrow night! "

Aunt reported the account to them and moved the car. After leaving, Guo Yan looked at Shen Long, somehow, it was completely different from what she had imagined.

"Let's go in," Shen Long suggested for a while.

"You're walking in front!" Guo Yan looked at the door of the black hole with horror. The darkness in the building was extremely dark. Not only did the dim one-star light not bring light, but also added a bit of ghost spirit, Shen Long pushed the basement away. The door groaned. An indescribable smell came across. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https: //

Guo Yan coughed twice, and Shen Long turned on the yellow light, an empty wooden box for fruits in the supermarket, two chairs without a back, a dirty double bed Mat-this is all furniture.

Guo Yan walked dementedly to the empty wooden box and sat down slowly, with his hands on his chin, and Shen Long went to check the room. There was a small suite in it, and there was a small kitchen in it. Gas stove, the fire is quite strong, a large refrigerator with a height of one person is not bad, it can be used, there is a bathroom next to the kitchen, and the faucet is turned on: hot water!

Is not bad, at least better than the starting conditions in "Scarlet Romance" and "Ordinary World", and Shen Long also believes that they can leave here for a better life in a month.

"How can auntie like this? Their house obviously has such a big house, and they still throw us here! This place looks like the United States, that looks like New York, and even our house in Beijing is not as good!" Guo Yan woke up full In a letter to her, the United States is described as a paradise. The letter also contains a photo of her mansion, a three-story detached villa with a garden and a swimming pool.

Guo Yan always dreamed of living here on the plane coming to the United States. Who knows that her aunt sent them directly to such a ghost place, and she didn't even arrange a meal, which made her full of grievances.

"Hey, be content, if there is no aunt, the visa officer will give us a pass, we can come to the United States." Shen Long sat down and patted her shoulder comfortingly, he could understand Guo Yan very well Aunt's approach.

"No, I am her niece, I came to the United States not far away, she threw me to such a place?" Guo Yan recalled those homeless people and prostitutes outside, could not help but tremble, this Is the place too dangerous?

"Perhaps this is the United States! In the end it is a capitalist country, and the relationship between people is very indifferent. Isn't it written in the book? When the children of other people in the United States reach the age of 18, the parents don't care, let alone the niece!" Of course, this is just a rumor. American parents also need to have headaches for their children, but it would only make Guo Yan feel better.

"Don't you bother when there are relatives from other places coming to our house." Shen Long continued to comfort, Wang Qiming and Guo Yan's house in Beijing was only forty square meters. They wanted to live with them and their daughter Ning Ning. It was already crowded already. Once the guests came, Ning Ning had to go to sleep with Guo Yan, and Wang Qiming went to squeeze with the guests.

For this reason, Guo Yan did not lose his temper, and several times he said that he would no longer accept relatives and friends at home, but now that he has arrived in the United States, it is his turn to enjoy this kind of treatment, but Guo Yan cannot accept it.

"That's not the same, our family has a big buttocks, can we live there? But my aunt's house is three floors, and we can free up a house for us!" Guo Yan still didn't figure it out.

"No matter how big the place is, it's someone else's home too. Suddenly they got into the two, and my aunt must have felt awkward; and we haven't landed in the United States yet. If we keep on living, my aunt will rush us away and it will be even more unpleasant. We will not be allowed to live from the beginning! "In fact, this is not just the cultural difference between China and the United States, but also the difference in economic development.

When Shen Long was a child, relatives in the countryside came to the county, and often lived in their home. Shen Long also felt very uncomfortable; but when he went back in these years, this situation has been less.

In the first place, many relatives in the country have entered the city ~ ~ has their own house in the county; secondly, now the big guys have sufficient economic conditions, there are more hotels and hotels, and they can spend whatever they want. You can live with some money, so why not go to other people's homes to find it uncomfortable? The owner of another person is uncomfortable, but the guests are even more uncomfortable.

"Moreover, I guess the letter sent to you by my aunt just chose it. If we passed, your uncle would definitely be unhappy." As for the age gap between Aunt Guo Yan and her uncle, Shen Long estimated that the aunt was at home. I am afraid the status is not high, everything has to be decided by the uncle, if they pass, they might even affect the feelings of Aunt Guo Yan and the uncle.

"Hey, I thought the United States was a paradise. As a result, as soon as I got off the plane, I came to take the lead." Depressed for a while, Guo Yan also eased down, but a new question posed before them again, Guo Yan asked, "Connect What shall we do next? It is estimated that my aunt is not willing to help in finding a job. "

"Then I have to eat first. I have been flying in the sky for so long. The thing on the plane that can only be used to feed birds is enough! I also have a pack of instant noodles in my backpack. I will give you something to eat below. Take a bath! "Shen Long was very calm. He was so familiar with this place in New York. When he arrived here, it was like returning home. How could he starve to death?

Although it was just a pack of instant noodles, Guo Yan, who was hungry for a long time, was very satisfied. After eating, the two of them lay in bed, and Guo Yan talked about the future again, "Qi Ming, you said that we can't speak a few words in English, How to find a job? "

"Don't worry, let's go to New York tomorrow, and then slowly think about finding a job!" Shen Long said, anyway, he didn't plan to go to the restaurant to work for others.

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