All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1193: Get axe

Shen Long suddenly understood the meaning of Aunt Guo Yan's abandonment of herself and Guo Yan here. If you live in Aunt Guo Yan's house, you will have to rely on them, and their urgency to find a job will be greatly reduced.

It ’s like a college student looking for a job when he graduates. If he rents a house in a strange city to find a job, even if he does n’t want to, he has to go to the talent market every day to try his luck, because he has to spend money every day; But it's not sure. If the family has arranged for it, it's better to talk about it. If there is no arrangement and you are not active, you may not know when you will rely on it. Even some exaggerated people will start eating at home.

"Make money? How are you ... It's clear that you shouldn't ... Are you going to go out for a show?" Guo Yan panicked. She has also seen street performers in New York's squares and underground passages these days. Now, when I saw Shen Long going out against the cello, I guessed it now.

"Qingming, let's not be self-willed. If you think you can go to the restaurant to wash dishes and wash dishes and lose face, wouldn't I go?" Guo Yan almost cried. They were both in the capital, but they were members of the symphony orchestra. Stay in a comfortable concert hall and perform for a group of high-quality audiences with identity and self-cultivation. You now let Guo Yan perform on the street. She feels more terrible than going to the restaurant to wash dishes and wash dishes.

Washing dishes in the restaurant and washing dishes is just staying in the kitchen, without having to accept other people ’s instructions, and go to the street to perform. What is the difference from the first-rate third-party performers under the Beijing flyover? In Guo Yan's mind, the symphony is high, and the street art is indiscriminate, which she can't accept at all.

"Guo Yan, I have been practicing piano since I was eight years old, and now it has been 27 years. I do n’t know what else in my life besides music? Since God has given me this craft, then I have to rely on this craft. Thinking about the way out, let ’s not be embarrassed by relying on craftsmanship. Was n’t a lot of those who sold art under the flyover then become a people ’s artist? ”Shen Long said solemnly, hey, Guo Yan has not experienced the beating of capitalism. Don't shit!

Wang Qiming seems to be the same. When he first came to the United States to work in the original work, a colleague heard that he was a cellist, so he invited him to perform in his own home, and everyone was obviously kind. However, Wang Qiming was furious when he heard it, and played a fight with others. After all, they are still too comfortable living in China.

Although the domestic symphony orchestra does not make too much money, there are units to manage everything. They just need to concentrate on practicing the performance. They go out and say that they are working in the symphony orchestra. No matter what other people think, on the surface Compliments a few words, oops, that's an artist.

Over time, they have developed their habit of being high and not grounded. Once they heard that they would go to the street to perform, Guo Yan would have such a big reaction.

"Qiming ..." Guo Yan still couldn't make a turn. She wanted to say something but was interrupted by Shen Long. "Let's not argue. You can't do that. The salary the restaurant opened for us was not a month. Eight hundred? On average, it is twenty-six dollars a day; let ’s use this as the standard. I ’ll try it for three days. If I can earn one hundred and twenty dollars in these three days, then I will continue to do this. I ’ll listen to you before I go and wash dishes!

"Three hundred and twenty dollars for three days?" This is just for the salary of the past year. Guo Yan felt that he would definitely not be able to do it. Then she suddenly realized that something seemed wrong, "This is not forty dollars a day?" Why is the standard you set higher than washing dishes in the restaurant? "

"It's not an indoor performance. There is a roof to protect you from the wind and rain. If you catch up with the bad weather, would you have to stay at home? Besides, I can't work every day, I still Don't prepare yourself for a holiday break, take you to go shopping, buy Ning Ning a gift or something? "Shen Longsha said in a matter of care.

"Poof!" This time made Guo Yan amused, "Virtue, thinking of taking a holiday for yourself before you earn a dime."

When she saw her tears and smiled, Shen Long knew that her heart was loose, so she patted her shoulder. I did n’t make any money! "

"No nonsense, I still don't know your skills?" Just now I didn't want to let Shen Long go out to sell arts, but Guo Yan began to blame him for looking down on himself at this moment. Someone in the United States will definitely appreciate your performance. "

"Well, then I will borrow your good fortune, and when I make money this time, I will take you to a big meal!" Shen Long almost knelt in a few days of clear soup.

"What kind of big meal to eat, I have to save money, pay the rent, and pay my aunt!" Guo Yan said, but Guo Yan couldn't help but bring up the delicious chicken wings of KFC ...

"Isn't there an underground passage there? I watched yesterday as if someone was playing the violin inside, shall we go there?" After coming out, Guo Yan kept giving Shen Long's staff a street performance venue.

They were rejected by Shen Long one by one, "The interior is not good, didn't you find it, there are some poor people around the interior, they don't enjoy classical music ~ ~ They like rock music, where do we have to perform Starvation is not suitable ... This place is also not suitable. This is the Financial Street. Those capitalists are busy like dogs to make money. They walk with the wind and there is still time to stop and listen to music ... "

Shen Long is also a person who has experience in street performances. He knows how to choose a place. Guo Yan was shocked by these words. "Okay, awakening, you are taking me around in New York these days. Just thinking about this ... I'm going to see where you can find it. "

"Wait until you know!" Shen Long smiled and said nothing. Those who can appreciate the charm of classical music are only those places, college concentration areas, churches, and places frequented by real art lovers.

After half an hour, Shen Long and Guo Yan got off the bus. In front of them was a group of huge buildings with a distribution of finished glyphs, and a large square in the middle of the glyphs.

"I'm looking at this place is good, let's just play here!" Shen Long took the cello from his back and walked to the small square next to it, where several street performers have already started performing .

"No, Qiming, this is the Lincoln Art Center! Are you planning to sell art here?" Guo Yan didn't say a word, aren't you going to be an axe!

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